Weave (script)
Weave (script) | |
Category | Crafting,Outfitting |
Front-end | StormFront,Wizard,Genie |
Author | Pfanston |
You can find the Tailoring guide here Tailoring player guide.
This script will allow you to make cloth from 2 equal lengths of thread. To make cloth you need to use a loom in the society building. (STUDY LOOM gives you information on how to use it.) Making cloth requires two bundles of thread that are of the same size. Let's say you use average thread and create two thread of 70 yards, using 2 threads of 70 yards will create 7 yards of cloth using average thread on the loom. Two 100 yards threads make 10 yards of cloth.
This script will run as is in stormfront, wizard, and genie.
Other Tailor Scripts
The weave.cmd script is part of a tailoring script set as follows:
The tailoring book is not required to weave thread into cloth. But you must be in front of a LOOM in the society building.
Parameters. .weave <Thread type> <Container>
where <thread type> = burlap, wool, lenen, cotton, or silk.
<container> = bag, pack, etc, where your thread is located.
Just make sure you have two equal size (and type) thread spools at the top of your container before you start.
Example - .weave silk bag
#Weave # Parameters. .weave <Thread type> <Container> # Just make sure you have two equal size (and type) thread spools # at the top of your container put get %1 thread from my %2 pause 1 put put my thread on loom pause 1 put get %1 thread from my %2 pause 1 put put my thread on loom Weave: pause 1 match End placed on it match End need a free hand match Turn Several weft threads bunch together match Turn bunching up from excessive tension match Push needs pushing together match Push fell and need pushing together match Clean dust and debris obstructing match Weave Roundtime put weave loom matchwait Turn: pause 1 match End placed on it match End need a free hand match Turn Several weft threads bunch together match Turn bunching up from excessive tension match Push needs pushing together match Push fell and need pushing together match Clean dust and debris obstructing match Weave Roundtime put turn loom matchwait Push: pause 1 match End placed on it match End need a free hand match Turn Several weft threads bunch together match Turn bunching up from excessive tension match Push needs pushing together match Push fell and need pushing together match Clean dust and debris obstructing match Weave Roundtime put push loom matchwait Clean: pause 1 match End placed on it match End need a free hand match Turn Several weft threads bunch together match Turn bunching up from excessive tension match Push needs pushing together match Push fell and need pushing together match Clean dust and debris obstructing match Weave Roundtime put clean loom matchwait End: ECHO ECHO ALL DONE! ECHO exit