Weapon:Steel ava polished to a mirror sheen

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steel ava polished to a mirror sheen
Look: This tri-bladed traditional Rakash polearm has a large crescent-shaped blade backed by a smaller triangular blade, each flanking the spear-like tip at the end of the haft.
Type: Polearms
Range: pole
Puncture: somewhat heavy (8/28)
Slice: great (11/28)
Impact: somewhat fair (4/28)
Fire: no (0/28)
Cold: no (0/28)
Electric: no (0/28)
Force of Impact: poorly (3/17)
Balance: fairly (5/17)
Suitedness: soundly (8/17)
Construction: average construction (9/18)
Metal: Yes
Weight: 80 stones
Appraised Cost: 20,000 Kronars16,000 Lirums <br />14,432 Dokoras <br />20 LTBpoints <br />20 Tickets <br />20 Scrips <br />
  • This weapon is styled or has special functions for Rakash.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Kifa Awrocis (Siksraja)