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Weapon:Silversteel partisan with an adderwood handle

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silversteel partisan with an adderwood handle
Look: Sticking out from the base of the highly polished and sharpened blade are two protrusions designed to allow for parrying sword thrusts. The scaly grain of the wood handle has been highlighted by a clear lacquer coat.
Type: Polearms
Range: pole
Puncture: low (3/28)
Slice: very severe (14/28)
Impact: heavy (9/28)
Fire: no (0/28)
Cold: no (0/28)
Electric: no (0/28)
Force of Impact: decently (6/17)
Balance: poorly (3/17)
Suitedness: well (9/17)
Construction: rather reinforced (11/18)
Metal: Yes
Weight: 65 stones
Appraised Cost: 5,625,000 Kronars4,500,000 Lirums <br />4,059,000 Dokoras <br />5,625 LTBpoints <br />5,625 Tickets <br />5,625 Scrips <br />
  • This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.
Dimensions: 22 length x 2 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Halberdashery

Verb Actions
BOW First Person: Leaning on your silversteel partisan, you bow deeply from the waist.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> leans on <his/her> silversteel partisan and bows deeply from the waist.
CLEAN First Person: You wipe at the adderwood haft of your partisan, eventually cleaning all the dirt away.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> wipes at the adderwood haft of <his/her> silversteel partisan, eventually cleaning all the dirt away.
CLUTCH First Person: You wrap your hands around the adderwood haft of your partisan and clutch it tightly.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> wraps <his/her> hands around the adderwood haft of <his/her> partisan and clutches it tightly, <his/her> knuckles turning white with the effort.
FIDGET First Person: You fidget with your partisan, drumming your fingers on the adderwood of the haft.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> fidgets with <his/her> partisan, drumming <his/her> fingers on the adderwood of the haft.
FLIP First Person: You casually flip your silversteel partisan upside down and then back right side up.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> casually flips <his/her> silversteel partisan upside down and then back right side up.
PAT First Person: You pat the adderwood haft of your partisan, checking for damage.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> pats the adderwood haft of <his/her> partisan, checking for damage.
PET First Person: You run your hands along the adderwood haft of your partisan, staring into the distance as you think.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> runs your hands along the adderwood haft of <his/her> partisan, silversteel <color> eyes lost in thought.
PINCH First Person: You hold your silversteel partisan outstretched between your fingers.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> holds <his/her> silversteel partisan outstretched between your fingers.
SLAP First Person: You slap your silversteel partisan with the palms of your hands.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> slaps <his/her> silversteel partisan with the palms of <his/her> hands.
WAVE First Person: Lifting your silversteel partisan, you wave it idly through the air.
No messaging for second person.
Third Person: <Player> lifts <his/her> silversteel partisan and waves it idly through the air.