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Waydren/Logs/20220120 Convo with Anmuva

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You go west.

[Vela'Tohr Outskirts, An Abandoned Field]

Curling away from the scorched strip of land to the south, the thorny vines form a tangled mat overwhelming the scattered clumps of withered wheat pushing up through the invasive vegetation.  Crops already engulfed slowly rot into mulch, fertilizing the vines and adding their aroma to the ashy scent hanging over the field.

Also here: Blight Druid Anmuva.

Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 14439


Grey Empath Akeiro just arrived, leading his group.

>bow anmuva

You bow to Anmuva.


>look anmuva

You see Blight Druid Anmuva, Grove Tender of the Vela'tohr Valley, a Kather Watcher.

Anmuva's face is obscured by the hollowed-out skull of a stag, with blank, cold eyes peering out from within its sockets.  A rack of enormous antlers, marked by a full seventy-two tines, stretches nearly eight hands behind from the bleached mask.  Two channels are carved beneath the eyes, painted a deep crimson.  Tufts of fur extend downward from a square maw with visibly pronounced canines, honed to wicked points from hunting large prey.  His silver mane is long and thick, with tufts of ghostly white fur providing distinction in markings.  Teeth of small animals are tied by leather into braided fur.  He has rust-colored fur with a brown belly and white marbling, a long, thick tail and a thin build, wreathed in a robe of skins accented with shards of bone.

Anmuva has a tall, wry build and is above average height for a Kather.

He appears to be a child.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a robe of hides stitched together with leather straps bearing fragments of animal bone and teeth, a long bearskin cloak with ragged gashes in perpendicular patterns that reveal wide holes in the garment and a fang-tipped flint earring.


Akeiro nods to Anmuva.


Golameth moves into the area, hunting down Selame.


[Vela'Tohr Outskirts, An Abandoned Field]

Curling away from the scorched strip of land to the south, the thorny vines form a tangled mat overwhelming the scattered clumps of withered wheat pushing up through the invasive vegetation.  Crops already engulfed slowly rot into mulch, fertilizing the vines and adding their aroma to the ashy scent hanging over the field.

Also here: Mage Slayer Golameth, Monster Selame, Grey Empath Akeiro and Blight Druid Anmuva.

Obvious paths: east, west.

Room Number: 14441


Selame nods to Anmuva.


Anmuva asks, "Ah, you must be those who follow the will of Roopardua.  He spoke very highly of you all, and suggested that I give you another opportunity.  Tell me -- what do you know about your relationship with the Wilds?"


A shriveled vela'tohr bloodvine slithers into view.


Anmuva studies each of your faces carefully.


Akeiro ponders.


Akeiro says, "I am a Child of Eu, the wilds are my kin's origin."


You say to Anmuva, "Honored be Roopardua."


Leaves whisper against thorns as a shriveled vela'tohr bloodvine coils about itself.


A shriveled vela'tohr bloodvine slithers east in search of prey.


You say, "We confess that there is much to learn about the Wilds. However, we seek Balance in the Domain we call home."


Anmuva asks, "The vines are beautiful, are they not?  Tell me, what do you know about them?"


You ponder.


Akeiro says, "They are living, they can poison you with their thorns."


Akeiro says, "They don't... feel aware, exactly."


Akeiro says, "To me anyhow."


Akeiro closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.


Anmuva asks, "Does it remind you of anything you -- may find familiar?"


Akeiro says, "They look rather like serpents after a fashion to my eye."


You say to Anmuva, "Little, personally. They are plants that are distinctly un-plantlike in many respects. They themselves Hunt. They do not simply sit idle. They do not wait to be consumed. They Struggle for their own survival, and they prevail."


Anmuva gives a slight nod.


Golameth says, "I have much to learn of the wilds."


Selame says, "Myself as well."


Golameth asks, "Have they always been native to the valley?"


Selame smiles quietly to herself.


Anmuva says, "The Vela'Tohr was cursed ages ago -- long before you or I walked this land -- with a blight.  In this blight, we find new life, even now."


Akeiro nods.


Anmuva says, "The Vela'Tohr blossom can make a connection not unlike an Empath.  But I find the bloodthorns even more endearing."


Akeiro nods.


Selame angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Anmuva.


You raise an eyebrow in Anmuva's direction.


>prep blood 100

Since you're not feeding enough power into the spell pattern to make it coherent, you quickly work your way to the minimum required.

You feel intense strain as you try to manipulate the mana streams to form this pattern, and you are not certain that you will have enough mental stamina to complete it.

However, if you utilize a ritual focus: That won't affect your current attunement very much.

With meditative movements you prepare your body for the Bloodthorns spell.


Akeiro says, "As one who crosses that bridge often I'm familiar with the vela'tohr."


You ponder.


You say, "I wonder..."

>get stat

You get a lapis lazuli tree statuette from inside your treasureweave cylinder.


>invoke stat

You make sweeping gestures through the air, carefully coaxing mana through your statuette.

Roundtime: 20 sec.


Your statuette steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!

You direct the flow of power you've conjured up into your spell pattern, taking much of the strain of empowering it off you.


Your statuette fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.


Akeiro angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at you.


Anmuva says, "In one hand, we held corruption in these lands.  In the other, new life -- life that inspired a spell that Roopardua brought to the guild, from sources far to the west."


You put your statuette in your treasureweave cylinder.


You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.

>release rits

Your body feels more weighty and inflexible than it did a moment before.



You gesture.

The mental strain of this pattern is considerably eased by your ritual focus.

Sharp pains erupt across your entire body!  You watch as slender, blood red thorns push their way out of your flesh without compromising its integrity.



You wince.


Golameth nods to you.


>You say to Anmuva, "It is a distinctly uncomfortable spell...but it brings life alongside it."


Akeiro squints at you.


Anmuva says to you, "Good.  You have not only mastered the spell, but you have learned its lesson."



You ponder.


Selame says to you, "I always thought that looked a bit painful."


You say to Selame, "Quite."


Akeiro nods at Selame, obviously agreeing with her views.


Anmuva asks, "What implication do you suspect this has regarding the Balance?"

>nod selame agree

You nod at Selame, in complete agreement with her views.


Forest Sprite Lileath just arrived.


You ponder.


Selame says, "That there are times you must endure pain to remain living."


Akeiro nods to Selame.


Anmuva asks, "Good.  What does that mean for things that grow where they should not -- that suffer and yet thrive?"


You say to Anmuva, "Balace is not simply about the casual adherence to the middle. It is about the Struggle, the fight, even when painful, to ensure right of things."


Golameth says, "Even from acts of violence healing can occur."


Selame nods at Golameth, obviously agreeing with his views.


Akeiro says, "To overcome struggle is commendable, I think, especially in cases of things being where they "should not."


Anmuva says, "Precisely.  You have learned something of the Balance."


>smile anmuva

You smile at Anmuva.


The spirit of the cheetah surges through your veins!


Anmuva says, "I was concerned that we had raised too many to live in treehouses and breweries."


You say to Anmuva, "This has been...most instructive."


Golameth nods to you.


[Offered Anmuva an ornamental weapon that the GD members carry...he declined]

Anmuva says to you, "Thank you, but I need no blades to hunt."


>nod anmuva

You nod to Anmuva.


You bow.


Golameth says, "It's a sign of out comitment to the Balance."


>say @anmuva It is a symbol for those of us who are Students of the Balance.

You say to Anmuva, "It is a symbol for those of us who are Students of the Balance."


You say, "We each carry one, so that we might the same way that the Bloodthorns mark me now."


Anmuva says, "By focusing on the Balance, we can hone our own Instinct.  Too many think Rangers track, and only gude the way.  The last time I attempted to speak of the Dragons, I was met by ones who lived in cities and were challenged to navigate the Blight."


Anmuva says, "There is quite an interesting story about Tolle.  I don't know if it is true, but it amuses me."

>nod anmuva

You nod to Anmuva.


You ask Anmuva, "Oh? I have not heard that story. Would you tell it to us?"


Akeiro says, "I've a bit of a soft spot for things that consume, all the little unpleasant things that churn civilization back into sludge."


>prep etc 100

That will disrupt less than half your current attunement.

With meditative movements you prepare your body for the Embed the Cycle spell.


Selame pats Akeiro on the back.


>release blood

The thorns in your flesh turn brittle and fall out, crumbling to reddish ash.


Anmuva says, "Tolle was once lost in the wilderness.  He came along a group of carniverous snails, at least twenty hands high."


You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.


You gesture.

You draw upon the essence of the natural cycle, embedding a sliver of its power into your frail body.  Your flesh warps painlessly and transforms into a multi-colored coat of scales that slowly shifts in hue and pattern.


>prep rits 100

That will disrupt less than half your current attunement.

With meditative movements you prepare your body for the River in the Sky spell.


Akeiro perks his ears up happily as he gazes at Anmuva.

>raise eye anmuva

You raise an eyebrow in Anmuva's direction.


Akeiro exclaims, "Those would be almost as big as the sand spiders back home!"


With one finger, Akeiro reaches toward his sand spider.  The spider raises one of its front legs and taps Akeiro's finger as if to give him a high five.


>shudder akeiro

Please rephrase that command.


You shudder.

>cast high

You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.


You gesture.

Your senses wrench terribly for a moment, the world seizing and tilting.  Yet after the second passes, you feel far more... more.  The shapeshifting magic filling you with a sense of fluidity.


Anmuva says, "The story is that he spent three nights and three days attempting to stay hidden, until one of the snails got close, and he did mercifully kill it.  But he still could not escape."


Selame gazes thoughtfully at Anmuva.


Akeiro ponders.


Anmuva says, "To survive this predicament, it is said that Tolle crawled into its shell, accompanied by its carcass, and slithered his way home, covered in the snail's slime."


Anmuva asks, "What do you think helped Tolle survive the encounter?"


Akeiro says, "Their adaptability obviously."


Anmuva nods to Akeiro.


Anmuva says, "And the lesson to take away, clearly, is that I am easily amused by tall tales."


You say to Anmuva, "His Instinct, and commitment to action. He could have waited longer and perished. He could have killed them all, upsetting the Balance. Instead, he walked the knife's edge between the two."


Anmuva nods to you.


Akeiro grins at Anmuva.


Golameth grins at Anmuva.


Anmuva says, "Precisely.  We do not merely Scout.  We do not merely Track.  To do only those things, we lose sight of the balance."


Anmuva says, "Instead, by preserving that Balance -- we hone our Instinct, and that is the aspect of a Ranger that is the most important."


You say to Anmuva, "Those skills must be accompanied by wisdom, and the will to act."


>nod anmu

You nod to Anmuva.


Anmuva says, "Without question.  Without debate.  You assess, you act, and you thrive even in adversity -- just like life here."


>nod anmuva agree

You nod at Anmuva, in complete agreement with his views.


Akeiro nods at Anmuva, obviously agreeing with his views.


Selame nods at Anmuva, obviously agreeing with his views.


Anmuva roots around the area for a moment.

Anmuva forages around the area for a while until he finds a short boar-bristle blade.


Akeiro says, "Therein it doesn't differ so much from the desert, where nature is a bit more fickle."



You laugh!


Anmuva asks, "Tell me.  Can you find a boar-bristle blade here?"


Anmuva begins to carefully examine a short boar-bristle blade.


Golameth roots around the area for a moment.


Anmuva examines a short boar-bristle blade.


Selame roots around the area for a moment.

Selame forages around the area for a while until she finds a short boar-bristle blade.


Akeiro roots around the area for a moment.

Akeiro forages around the area for a while until he finds a short boar-bristle blade.


Akeiro says, "Yes."


Selame nods.


Akeiro begins to carefully examine a short boar-bristle blade.

>forage boar-bristle blade

With incredibly nimble fingers and the knowledge of the wilds, you find the absolute best boar-bristle blade amongst the rest.

Roundtime: 4 sec.


Golameth roots around the area for a moment.

Golameth forages around the area for a while until he finds a short boar-bristle blade.


>nod anmuva

You nod to Anmuva.


Akeiro roots around the area for a moment.

Akeiro forages around the area for a while and manages to collect a pile of strawberries.


Anmuva says, "Good.  Even in the underbrush, the Wilds themselves provide something that could be used as a weapon."


Golameth says, "You would get snacks also."


Golameth shakes his head at Akeiro.

>appraise blade

Akeiro looks at Golameth and shrugs.


You are certain that the boar-bristle blade weighs exactly 1 stone.

You are certain that the boar-bristle blade is worth exactly nothing.

Roundtime: 8 seconds.


Akeiro gets a plump strawberry from a pile on the ground.


Akeiro takes a bite of a plump strawberry.


Selame holds her hand up before her mouth and begins to cough, her shoulders shaking.  Hope it's not contagious!


Akeiro quietly says to Golameth, "Nature provides."


Akeiro takes a bite of a plump strawberry.



You laugh!


Anmuva says, "Similarly, your Instinct itself is a weapon you can use."


Akeiro angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at you.


Golameth says, "You are hungry, nature provides.... that is your balance."


Akeiro nods at Golameth, obviously agreeing with his views.


Akeiro gets a plump strawberry from a pile on the ground.


Akeiro moves a short boar-bristle blade to his left hand.

Akeiro moves a plump strawberry to his right hand.


Akeiro offers Selame a plump strawberry.

>raise eye anmuva

You raise an eyebrow in Anmuva's direction.


Selame accepts Akeiro's plump strawberry.


You ask Anmuva, "In what way?"


Selame takes a bite of a plump strawberry.


Golameth begins to carefully examine a short boar-bristle blade.


Anmuva says, "Soon, I will speak to Roopardua about hunting in the wild.  Perhaps he will tell it to you.  Perhaps he will not, and you will figure it out yourself, honing your own Instinct."


Akeiro ponders.

>nod anmuva

You nod to Anmuva.


Akeiro asks, "What sort of creature is Roopardua exactly?"


Anmuva says to Akeiro, "The absolute worst kind of all."


Anmuva says to Akeiro, "A Dwarf."


Akeiro winces.


Lileath says, "One of the ranger guild leaders."


Selame holds her sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.


Selame takes a bite of a plump strawberry.


Akeiro says, "Oh, dwarves aren't so bad, it's gnomes I've found are cursed."


Akeiro nods to Anmuva.


Akeiro says, "Once you get past the beard their ladies can be quite... charming."


Akeiro nods.


You say to Akeiro, "Mentor to Paglar, current Guild Leader of the Ranger Guild in Boar Clan."


Akeiro says, "Oh."


Akeiro says, "A feral dwarf."


Akeiro nods to you.


Akeiro says, "Got it."


Selame rubs her hands together.


Anmuva says, "Perhaps Roopardua was not wrong in bringing you the magic that we showed him at Sawstwar -- showing you the River in the Sky, and the Cycle."


Anmuva says, "Perhaps I misjudged the children of the Treehouse."


Golameth pats you on the back.


Golameth says, "Told you to get a longhouse."


Selame grins at Golameth.


Anmuva says, "Tonight, you have impressed me.  Go -- hone your Instinct.  In time, you will learn to hunt as I do -- by sharpening it like a weapon to itself."

>nod anmuva

You nod to Anmuva.


Akeiro's face lights up with joy for Anmuva.


You say to Anmuva, "We appreciate the wisdom you've provided tonight."


Selame asks Anmuva, "May I ask you one question?"


Selame smiles.


Anmuva says to Selame, "You may."


Anmuva says, "I may not answer, but you may."


Selame asks Anmuva, "Why do you find the bloodthorns more endearing?"


Anmuva says to Selame, "Not only does it show that life can thrive in the most hostile environment -- but it clearly shows that there is hope despite the worst we may endure."


Selame nods to Anmuva.


Akeiro squints at Anmuva.


Selame smiles quietly to herself.


Akeiro says to Anmuva, "Hold still."


Akeiro stalks around the area, searching every nook and cranny and grasping at something.  He leans behind Anmuva and makes a quick movement, exclaiming "Got em!" while holding up a large hairy spider and grinning like a child.


Akeiro says to Anmuva, "Didn't want you to step on it."


Akeiro nods to Anmuva.


Golameth says, "That is a message i will remember."


Anmuva grins at Akeiro.


Golameth nods to Anmuva.


Selame nods in agreement.


You say to Anmuva, "Be well, honored Druid."


Akeiro bows to Anmuva.


Lileath says, "Thank you for considering Roopardua's suggestion, and chancing another meeting with us."


With that, Anmuva gestures.  The clumps of fur on his body begin lengthening into spindly feathers.  His body becomes misshapen, twisting into the form of a bird, and he takes to the sky without another word.


Anmuva suddenly fades away.


A withered vela'tohr bloodvine bursts from the ground below, thrashing with excitement!

A twisted vela'tohr bloodvine emerges from the ground below, writhing with hunger!

A twisted vela'tohr bloodvine bursts from the ground below, thrashing with excitement!

A desiccated vela'tohr bloodvine burrows up from the ground below, lashing in agitation!

A desiccated vela'tohr bloodvine bursts from the ground below, thrashing with excitement!

A desiccated vela'tohr bloodvine bursts from the ground below, thrashing with excitement!

A desiccated vela'tohr bloodvine bursts from the ground below, thrashing with excitement!


Akeiro asks you, "When can you turn into a bird?"


Golameth draws his arms together in a sinuous, flowing motion before sounding out a roar of deadly warning.

A withered vela'tohr bloodvine fled to the west in terror!

A twisted vela'tohr bloodvine fled to the west in terror!

A twisted vela'tohr bloodvine fled to the west in terror!

A desiccated vela'tohr bloodvine fled to the east in terror!

A desiccated vela'tohr bloodvine fled to the west in terror!

A desiccated vela'tohr bloodvine fled to the east in terror!

A desiccated vela'tohr bloodvine fled to the east in terror!

A twisted vela'tohr bloodvine fled to the east in terror!


Akeiro leans on you.