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Vythlak/Homilies/Holy Sorcery Party 03142025/SpiritsUrremtier
Vythlak works his way forward and smiles widely, his eyes sparkling at the sight of the gathered crowd. He pats the back or shakes hands of the people he recognizes.
You confidently say, "Hello everyone. For those who do not know me, I am Vythlak, Cleric of Phelim."
You say, "Today is a good day. Like the other days before, and those yet to come. It is a good day, because we are here and, as always, in the embrace of the Immortals."
You say, "Phelim sent me a dream. It was a place like this. A time similar to now. It had a sweet ending of souls stuck in agony being released."
You say, "As clerics we have a special affinity with the soul. Let us see if this is the spot where Phelim indicated."
Vythlak shuffles around, as he chants and a blue flame flickers then burns in his eyes. He weaves towards the back of the group. He slides past everyone without touching them despite his distraction.
You softly say, "Yes, the spirits are strong. They want to talk with me. No with us."
Vythlak stops and stares, his eyes moving as erratically as his steps from place to place. He wanders amongst the gathered people, his eyes seeing beyond sight.
You softly say, "No, they want us to intercede with Urrem'tier."
You get some flame-darkened auroch bones from inside your fur robe.
You haphazardly hurl your bones onto the ground. After several boring moments of them doing absolutely nothing you decide to gather your bones back up.
You yell, "Yes! Yes! I am trying to find the right spot. No need to yell."
You uncertainly ask Kitosaki, "Do you see them?"
You fix Kitosaki with a gruff, unwavering stare.
Kitosaki blinks.
You say, "No, no, nevermind if you see them or not. I can see them. Most folks can't see them or hear them a lot of the time."
Kitosaki says, "Yeah."
You softly say, "But Phelim and his divine guidance have guided me here."
Unaka fixes you with a heavy, ponderous stare.
You say, "Some say Urrem'tier is the lesser of the gods, but he is the one who makes and allows the spirits walk the void, or the spiral."
Kitosaki exclaims, "Yeah !!! Yeah I see um!"
(Tirost seemingly unbothered by the rain, listens intently to Vythlak.)
You cunningly exclaim, "You see, for today I bring the spirit of the claw to release the spirits of the stone!"
You remove a cluster of claws and scarlet feathers suspended from a flaxen horsehair cord from around your neck.
You hold a cluster of claws and scarlet feathers suspended from a flaxen horsehair cord high into the air for all to see.
Vythlak the blue glow flares in Vythlak's eyes as me mutters something about spirit and stone and stone and spirit.
You pace back and forth.
You softly ask, "What's that you say, no matter if she can see you either?"
The katydid's antennae twitch slightly as it looks up at you curiously.
You gaze at Zynell.
Vythlak shuffles forward and then stares intently at the ground.
You yell, "Yes! This spot exactly! I hear you and do your bidding, Phelim, to seek release for the spirits bound in the stones!"
You close your eyes and slow your breathing. Clearing your mind, you begin chanting a prayer to the god of the Void.
You sense that you are as pure of spirit as you can be, and you are ready for whatever rituals might face you.
You feel that your gods have smiled upon you for your attempts to please them.
You joyfully exclaim, "Yes, I'm sure we can all feel it. Yes, I will ask for your release!"
You do a happy little dance of joy!
You recite:
"Spirits here entrapped in stone Served your penance for abandoning the gods Failed in belief So denied any grace"
"Aldauth has left them in agony long enough. Let his tricks and schemes fall apart. Bring them now the Jackal's grace."
"Urrem'tier who blesses this place. Leave room in your embrace for me. One day, but not today!"
You dance about, motioning for those around you to dance as well.
You recite:
"Urrem'tier, the spirits of this place They call to you, sing to you! These souls seek your embrace."
"Urrem'tier, Urrem'tier For today set upon these spirits your gaze. Those who came before and no longer breathe. Stuck now in the earth and stones Of this, your holy place."
You gaze off into the distance blankly.
You softly say, "What's that you say? Yes, yes, I am getting to that part. Mouthy little spirits."
You recite:
"Urrem'tier let them pass now, Across time and space Home at last to cross the void."
You kneel down upon the ground.
Vythlak points at various places and calls out names of no one present.
You recite:
"Urrem'tier too long has it been Since your gaze cast here upon your shrine Lord of the Void release them please To the Spiral or Starfire Lake."
"Urrem'tier we beseech you With offerings of bone Release these cold spirits from the stone. They have suffered long enough. Your powers they no longer deny."
Vythlak prostates himself on the ground, his fingers digging into the earth. He then flings two handfuls of dirt into the air.
You softly say, "Thank you Urrem'tier for your grace."
You stand back up.
You shudder.
Vythlak sighs and then blinks with a start as the blue glow fades from his eyes. He gazes about as his consciousness returns fully to the Plane of Abiding.
You gently say, "Sleep sweetly spirits now cast free. Go to Urrem'tier with Phelim's blessings."
You murmur softly to yourself, "May Phelim send me sweet dreams and true visions."
You somberly say, "Yes, they have been released to the void."
Vythlak steps back into the crowd, his shoulders drooping with exhaustion.
Ectheleon says, "Thank you Vythlak for that, event."
Ectheleon chuckles.
You snort at Ectheleon.
You shudder.
You say to Ectheleon, "That hasn't happened like that before."
Gragnel says to you, "You appeared to be moved by your faith, almost as if in a trance. I've seen it a few times from other clerics."