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Vythlak/Homilies/Holy Sorcery Party 03072025/Prayer Hodierna

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You confidently say, "Hello everyone. For those who do not know me, I am Vythlak, Cleric of Phelim."

You say, "Today is a good day. Like the other days before, and those yet to come. It is a good day, because we are here and, as always, in the embrace of the Immortals."

Mazilyn beams at you! What a warm feeling!

You say, "We are here, however, on this particular day to worship Hodierna. The lady of light, renewal, and healing."

Gragnel nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

With a nod of acknowledgment of your present skills, Relay shows you several ways to improve your Theurgy techniques.

The glimmers of light above Unaka's head flicker and connect briefly.

You say, "As I was napping, asking Phelim for guidance and thoughts for my words today...."

You mutter something into the air about sorry Leilanie for drooling on your shoulder so much.

You say, "... it got me thinking about Asildu. That poor being abused by the Heralds."

You say, "There is, as I understand it, some division amongst the Temple about what to do with him."

You grumble.

You say, "To me, in many ways, Hodierna is a goddess of forgiveness and extra chances."

You ask, "For what else is the spring time, than a period of renewal and regrowth?"

You ask, "What is sunlight, but the return of the sun after giving way to the stars?"

You ask, "What is the sunlight, but giving grace to the stars at night?"

You murmur softly to yourself, "May Phelim send me sweet dreams and true visions."

You say, "I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but at times we all make mistakes and have to live with them."

You ask, "But do not the gods gift us with the chance to redeem our failures and bring us back from death so we may try again?"

Gragnel nods.

Mazilyn mutters something into the air about nuh uh.

Unaka nods.

You powerfully ask, "Does it not do more for justice and the right cause to not just slay a foe, but instead to turn them from enemy to ally?"

You take in a great breath of air.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

You adjust your lambswool stole into place.

You say, "My apologies for letting my emotions get the better of me."

You chant in a baritone voice:

   "Blessings to the Goddess of the Crops
    Blessings upon the wheat that grows
    To brew the beer."
   "Blessings to the winter harvest
    May those vittles tide us until the spring."
   "Blessings to the morning
    And the light
    For those make the stars shine brighter in the night."
   "Blessings to Truffenyi
    For giving us forgiveness
    And the chance to make amends."
   "Blessings to Phelim
    The dreambringer
    Bringer of the stars
    For blessing our dreams."

You say, "Thank you for listening to my words."

You step back, a faint frown upon your face. You then gather yourself, smile at everyone, and then nod after whistling the chirps of a nightingale.