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About myself

Returned to Elanthia as of June 5, 2009.

In the very, very early days of DragonRealms I played a Ranger. This was shortly after (if not as soon as) the game launched on AOL. I returned briefly in the early aughts (2000 or 2001) while in college and played a both Warrior Mage and Ranger to some extent, the pinnacle of which was obtaining a baby raccoon on my Ranger. Don't ask me what their names were, as I have no idea. The email address that account was linked to was a university address which has long since been deleted, and apologies, but the Simu restoration fees are nothing short of extortion (I'm sure there's a great reason such as accessing tape backups, but $250?!).

Ultimately I needed to find a reason to return to the game. I know myself well enough that if I don't have some kind of tangible goal to shoot for, I won't last past the first ten circles. What finally pushed me over the edge was The Dragon's Egg (at the time of this writing, there were no metal armor forgers). I'm sure there are plenty of people who do metal forging out there, and I won't be looking to actually make a ton of money, but it seemed like a niche I could fit myself into. I also enjoy filling the roll of defender/protector/tank, so Paladin wasn't a tough choice.


Race Dwarf
Gender Male
Guild Paladin
Instance Prime

  • 8th Circle
  • You are Stonewall Ruroh of Elanthia, a Dwarven Paladin.
You have hazel eyes. You have cropped ginger hair, with fair skin.
You have a thick bushy mustache that droops heavily on your upper lip and a thick beard twisted into three long braids.
You are holding a battle axe in your right hand.
You are wearing a canvas miner's backpack, a leather sheath, some grey goatskin pants, a beaten iron ring, a bronze dragon pin, a green gem pouch, some hammered bronze greaves, some half plate, a plumed great helm, some hammered bronze gauntlets, an enameled tower shield painted with the Therengian royal crest and a lumpy bundle.
  • Currently keeping Appraisal and Mechanical Lore in line with my armor skill in hopes of future forging.

My Thoughts

I had probably been toying with the idea of playing DragonRealms on and off for well over a year. I know this has been thrashed around to great length in other places, but the monthly fee for DragonRealms is a bit hard for me to digest. Don't get me wrong; I'm sure there are people out there that get their money's worth out of $55/mo (assuming that is the correct cost of Platinum+TF), but when I compare it to other services or games it's hard for me to rationalize. I've played Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft to a great extent, my account for the latter still being active for raiding twice a week. Part of what has kept me in both of those has been real-life friends playing, and trying to sell them on a MUD for the same monthly price has only been met with utter failure (the friend I played FFXI with even played DR during the AOL days).

But I'm here now, and hopefully for some time to stay. I'd hate to see the shield Kraggur donated to me go to waste.  ;)

My Projects

Ruroh's Beginner's Guide

  • As I've been away from Elanthia for an eternity, I plan to collect my thoughts into a "guide". At first it will probably be a fairly disorganized mess, collecting pages I constantly find myself referring to. Hopefully I'll have the good sense down the road to mold it into something more cohesive.