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These are super basic scripts made for StromFront by me. Emphasis, basic. They are very easy to modify for folks new to scripting and they shouldn't do anything odd to your character.

The best ones are the very simple GO scripts which just take you from one location to another, and some of my super simple transfer/healing scripts.

Tendall & Unwrapall

Description: Tendall attempts to tend all wounds on a player. Can be very spamy for you, but other players see nothing if you try to tend something that is not wounded or already tended. Contains no checks to see if something is wounded, already tended, or for round time. As a result, may need to be run more than once, paused, or some wounds fixed manually due to RT.

Best for tending many small bleeders or for once you have 0 RT for tending wounds. Does not tend tails, since the majority of players do not have tails and tail bleeders are uncommon.

Unwrapall is companion to tendall, and attempts to unwrap stuff. Pretty self explanatory.

Tendall Use: .tendall <target>

put tend %1 Head 
put tend %1 neck
put tend %1 Chest
put tend %1 abdomen
put tend %1 Back
put tend %1 Right hand
put tend %1 right arm
put tend %1 right leg
put tend %1 right eye
put tend %1 left hand
put tend %1 left arm
put tend %1 left leg
put tend %1 left eye 

Unwrapall Use: .tendall <target>

put unwrap %1 Head 
wait 1
put unwrap %1 neck
wait 1
put unwrap %1 Chest
wait 1
put unwrap %1 abdomen
wait 1
put unwrap %1 Back
wait 1
put unwrap %1 Right hand
wait 1
put unwrap %1 right arm
wait 1
put unwrap %1 right leg
wait 1
put unwrap %1 right eye
wait 1
put unwrap %1 left hand
wait 1
put unwrap %1 left arm
wait 1
put unwrap %1 left leg
wait 1
put unwrap %1 left eye