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The Player
WoW convert here, shown the light of DR by a relatively-old-timer and still trying to feel my way around. Loving how open ended both the story and characters are, actually using my brain processing a game instead of zoning out following cartoons around on a screen, being part of a world where immersion is the rule rather than the exception ... pretty much everything, actually.
Three years doing a cubicle-rat data entry job apparently made me actually enjoy typing. I love writing random scripts that accomplish very little other than amusing me by working at all, and have just discovered the wonder of Wiki.
If I've made any terrible mistakes or start causing trouble, you can catch me as Maritmonkey on either AIM (when I remember to start it) or Skype. I'll be traveling from Memorial Day through August (internet access unknown), but if there's any terribly boring repetitive tasks that need doing, feel free to give me a holler!
The Char
Skizzy (a nickname bestowed upon me by the nice Skra who dragged me outta the woods) is a Prydaen Ranger. Couldn'tve picked any other guild, really. Born in the woods (not sure where, exactly ...), lived in the woods, ran through a lotta woods. Been following my ma around trails since I can remember. She taught me to hunt what I needed to eat, skin what I needed to wear and forage what I needed to heal. Then she ... left.
She showed me the rivercrossing once, and I was preeetty sure I could get there but I musta got turned around or somethin' on the way. Alright I'm not kidding anybody, I have NO sense of direction. Anywho, I was pretty well beat up when Scuz came along but he didn't mind draggin' me to somebody who didn't even need flowers to heal! The snakey was a ranger so he showed me the guild and introduced me to a funny little short man who dressed like a tincan but is REAL handy to have around if ya prop him up and let things beat on him.
I think Scuz hates bein' in town at least as much as I do, so even though I almost never get to skin stuff when he's around, he's fun to hunt with and I know he's not gonna try and stab me in the back or anythin' if I don't keep my eye on him. Also, he actually seems to enjoy draggin' my corpse around. Which is good, 'cause I never really got the hang of that whole "look before ya leap" thing.
Finally got my wolf companion, but I think he's really part zombie or somethin' 'cause now I keep getting accused of things and having angry mobs chasing after me. I wasn't a big fan of people in the first place, and havin' pointy things and burny things aimed in my general direction isn't much fun at all. At least it gives me a good reason to stop starin' at shiny things on trader tables long enough to go train.
I prefer usin' a bow and killin' things before they even know I'm there, but I'm pretty good with my claws in a pinch and my snakey friend's helpin' me learn how to use a sword. Floating around 40th circle 'cause I can't get out of the habit of pickin' up every little thing I find and trying to stash 'em somewhere I think they'll get found by somebody who can use them. Having food already sitting on a table and a guy who gets all disappointed if I use flowers is makin' me lazy ...