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As recorded by Candidus, the destruction of the Diamond-Tipped_Staff:

Digmo just arrived.
Branwen says, "Be right back."
>Grae says, "okay so what are we doing"
>Grae says, "I am kinda stuck at the moment"
>Lanthander says, "Grae is harnessing mana for me to keep my gate open..
think I only need one person."
>Grae nods to Lanthander.
Grae asks, "so we going?"
>You gesture at Digmo.
The mana you were holding contributes to the spell.
A dull orange glow settles around Digmo.
>Gambour says, "spirit dancers in shard"
Lanthander asks, "Grae if ya go seems like I can keep it open with all
these harnessers eh?"
>Goshisen says, "sTill going on"
>Lanthander says, "I gotta go down real quick."
[The Crossing, Town Green Southwest]
The hedgerow to the west meets the row of tall lunat trees that separates
the Town Green from the commercial traffic on Lunat Shade Road due south.
The growth is especially dense here, with no way to slip past either of the
living fences.  The small thorns on the hedges, to keep out stray livestock
in search of prime pasture, look daunting in any case.  You also see a
black medium shield enameled with a silver clenched fist, a pool of grey
shadows, a pale red moonbeam, a rotten tomato, a street urchin and the Town
Also here: Sister Allee, Visionist Menokaito, Monk Zartun, Ethis, Digmo,
Rebahka, Maluth, Ailyssa who is seated, Goshisen, Mystic Vybrey, Brother
Blaiyke, Savage Taquila, Student Gambour, Mystic Lanthander, WoundBearer
Washi who is seated, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, east, west, northeast.
Lanthander says, "Redo beam."
>Maluth says, "Lanth, be careful."
Lanthander says, "My nerves are fried."
Lanthander says, "Can't."
>Grae asks, "ready love?"
Digmo asks, "for what?"
Branwen asks, "Are you going to Shard?"
>Lanthander says, "Beam runnin out.."
Branwen raises an eyebrow in Grae's direction.
Grae says, "going to Shard...."
>Ailyssa says, "Talineth Agin"
 * A meteor streaks across the sky as Talineth's soul departs forever to
walk the Starry Road.
Branwen blinks.
Digmo says, "no, i am not going to shard"
>Grae asks, "or you think safer here?"
Branwen says, "Oh my."
Your mind hears Trisstan thinking, "nooo Tali!"
Ailyssa exclaims, "Oh My!"
A tear runs down Branwen's face.
>Lanthander says, "get my nerves healed.. only got a few min left to gate.."
Blaiyke gasps!
Maluth says, ""
Your mind hears Vinuss thinking, "oh my ::Gasp:"
>Ailyssa exclaims, "Ohhh my!"
>Branwen sighs.
Lanthander says, "Gotta relay beam."
>You say, "Talineth."
You sense an unfeeling presence move over the gathering, searching, seeking...
>Lanthander says, "No..  I need nerves healed so I can get down there and
relay my beam heh."
You say, "Oh uh"
>Branwen says, "Uh oh."
Trisstan says, "umm"
Grae says, "okay Digmo don't need to"
You say, "Crud"
>Lanthander says, "Ahh err.."
You get a broadsword from inside your ebony sheath.
>Branwen gets a two-handed sword from inside her weapon harness.
>You sling an emblazoned tower shield off from over your shoulder, placing
it in your left hand.
>Ailyssa moves over to guard Digmo.
Grae exclaims, "it is looking for you!!"
Gambour says, "what was this You sense an unfeeling presence move over the
gathering, searching, seeking..."
think You sense an unfeeling presence move over the gathering, searching,
>You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.
Grae says, "that is what we get when the critters are looking for Digmo"
You nod to Grae.
>You say, "Where was that to?  We ain't going to Shard."
 * Fateweaver Amiss DeRhi joins the adventure.
Ailyssa exclaims, "Amiss!"
>As Lanthander touches the shimmering surface of the Moongate, both he and
the Gate disappear in an eyeblink.
>Grae says, "here comes Amiss"
Digmo says, "Amiss"
>Ailyssa shrieks!
Grae moves over to guard Digmo.
Fateweaver Amiss just arrived.
You bow to Amiss.
>Grae grins at Amiss.
>Digmo bows to Amiss.
Branwen curtsies to Amiss.
>Ailyssa curtsies to Amiss.
Vinuss curtsies to Amiss.
Amiss says, "It has started."
You see Fateweaver Amiss DeRhi, a Halfling Moon Mage
She has hazel eyes, shoulder length thick dark brown hair that is tousled,
and rosy skin.
She is elderly for a Halfling.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing thin silver spectacles, a cloak of churning mists, a pale
silver moonflower, a circlet of silver set with a luminous moonstone, some
worn leather sandals and a shimmering robe woven of prismatic strands of
Grae nods to Amiss.
Vinuss asks, "Are you ok Digmo?"
>Digmo says, "yes"
>Kraglore says, "They are after it again, arent they.."
Amiss says, "I am waiting for a missive from Tiv. He believes he may have a
Kraglore asks, "Tiv is coming?"
You say, "Some time soon hopefully Amiss."
>Amiss says, "I pray it reaches us in time."
Grae says, "we been waiting to hear from him"
Amiss says, "I'm not certain if Tiv will arrive or not. Erzebet has
informed me that he may have found a way to destroy the staff."
Vinuss says, "this is bad...very very bad"
>Grae says, "and they already did a search Amiss"
>Amiss nods to Grae.
Amiss says, "They've been searching the realms over."
>You say, "Okay....we need a place to hole up until Tiv reaches us."
You shake your head at Lanthander.
Vybrey says, "I'm seeing like 29 spirit dancers in each room"
>Your mind hears Mewnciek thinking, "death count right now is minimum 353
and rising fast and max is around 500 or more"
>Lanthander asks, "They figure out der staff was a fake eh?"
>Digmo grins.
>Amiss nods to Lanthander.
>Digmo cackles like a lunatic!
Lanthander winces.
>Lanthander says, "Well.. thats bad."
Amiss says, "I knew the deception wouldn't hold them off indefinitely."
You say, "It worked a long time Fateweaver...was a good ploy."
>Kraglore says, "Well, there is a large amount of people dead now, and many
who have lost there souls completely.."
Amiss says, "A better illusion than I'd expected."
>Amiss nods.
>Vamere asks, "Amiss.. why is the staff so improtant to them that they
would kil so many for it?"
Lanthander says, "They were going ta destroy half the realm with it."
Lanthander says, "Powerful artifact."
Amiss says, "It hold an incredible amount of power. A vast army of
>Vamere nods to Amiss.
Lanthander asks, "Amiss, could you set this against them?"
Amiss says, "It's power is beyond even my abilities. I'd be fearful that
the power would be turned against us."
>Branwen blinks.
>Lanthander says, "Hmm."
You say, "Exactly."
>You nod to Amiss.
Lanthander asks, "So the Tezirite Erzebet knows somethin?"
>[The Crossing, Town Green Southwest]
The hedgerow to the west meets the row of tall lunat trees that separates
the Town Green from the commercial traffic on Lunat Shade Road due south.
The growth is especially dense here, with no way to slip past either of the
living fences.  The small thorns on the hedges, to keep out stray livestock
in search of prime pasture, look daunting in any case.  You also see a
crossbow bolt, a yellow carving knife, a red skinning knife, an ebony short
bow, some crossbow bolts, a royal blue bolt, an olvio pipe, some nemoih
pulp, a stone mortar, some bundling rope, a piece of black flint, some
crossbow bolts, some slender tip arrows, some arrows, a pint of Northern
ale, some bundling rope, a pool of grey shadows, a misshaped oaken coffer,
a black dog who is sitting, a small clear topaz, a street urchin and the
Town Pillory.
Also here: Darkonis, Rizlock, Tale Singer Natole, Tomit who is lying down,
Attendant Gryllka, Sorrower Beckah, Marilind, Dreamheart who is seated,
Mystic Lanthander, Student Lunarnite, Marsallis, Madame Vinuss, Kraglore,
Fateweaver Amiss, Jappa, Priestess Branwen, Ailyssa, Mystic Vybrey, Brother
Obvious paths: north, east, west, northeast.
>Kraglore says, "The Adan'f even managed to kill 50 people in a room, that
combat isnt allowed in.."
Kraglore says, "They couldnt fight back"
Amiss says, "Only that Tiv's researches may have found the answer we seek."
Lanthander says, "Ahh.."
Your mind hears a cold, serpentine presence thinking, "Adan'f d'rajaga
ssskramur!  Adan'f sssk'tara Amiss!  Adan'f ssk'tara Digmo!"
Dreamheart blinks.
Amiss says, "shudder"
You say, "Uh oh..."
>Dreamheart asks, "Did someone hear that?"
Vinuss says, "first we lose Lailoni to Gwindahl, and now this"
>Your mind hears Mewnciek thinking, "it's official 500-750+ dead now"
You say, "The adan'f are looking for Digmo and Amiss.."
Your mind hears Natole thinking, "invisibilty isnt going to work, you still
get tail swiped."
>Ailyssa says, "They haveentered Shard"
Your mind hears Jesamina thinking, "They don't seem to target, you jst walk
in and *boom* your dead, you can't even run in grab a person and run out
because you still get hit"
>You say, "Okay.....if that's the way you're doing it Grae I'm coming with
ya both...."
Grae chuckles.
You say, "And you're right also...until Tiv shows we need to stay out of
You disband the group.
You join Grae's group.
 * Weaver of Fate Demosel Dez'Madielle joins the adventure.
Grae holds hands with Amiss.
Amiss says, "All I've gotten in Tiv's advance messages was something vague
about using one element against another."
>Digmo says, "Demosel is with us now"
Amiss shrugs.
Lanthander says, "I could gate to Shard.. I suggest we rally here for now
Your mind hears Vinuss thinking, "I'm hearing Paladins over 50th couldnt
hit a sleeping dancer"
>Allarsk says, "these spirit dancers are stripping items off of people"
Your mind hears Simonea thinking, "Barbarians over 50th, and Paladins over
50th cannot get hits it before they are killed. "
Pentaith says, "Well."
Pentaith says, "Amiss. A pleasure to see you again."
>Pentaith says, "Regrettable it is under such circumstances..."
>Lanthander says, "If we go down there, we will just add to a heap of
Lanthander asks, "What is the point of that?"
You say, "No...he can't go to Shard."
Vybrey says, "I have a feeling they will come here and attack as well"
>Pentaith collapses his telescope.
>You ask, "Amiss do you know where Demosel is?"
>Grae whispers to your group, "okay lets see if we can get away from the
noise to figure something out"
>A brief thought touches your mind from a vast distance, "The
staff...north...element of element..."
>Pentaith says, "The prophecy continues..."
Amiss blinks.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went east.
~~~~~~~~~Travel cut~~~~~~~~~~
Battle Empath Grae's group went through a high doorway.
[Half Pint, Main Saloon]
Skalliweg Barrelthumper, proud proprietor of The Half Pint, perches alertly
on a high stool behind the sleek, polished bar, shouting at serving
wenches, cooks and customers alike.  Patrons dine, drink, dispute and dream
on, in spite of the constant hum, draped over comfortable rush-seated
chairs or hunched over well-worn tables.  Faces flicker and eyes glimmer in
the dim light of the wrought-iron chandelier and candles stubs sputtering
in crocks on the tables.  You also see a high doorway, a menuboard and a
dimly lit arch.
Also in the room: Fateweaver Amiss, Maluth, Ailyssa, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious exits: none.
Grae says, "okay where are we standing"
Grae says, "we know they are screaming Amiss and Digmo's name"
Amiss says, "That was Tiv's voice I'm certain."
Grae says, "we know Demosal is in the lands"
Ailyssa says, "Shard town proper is clear now."
You say, "Digmo has to keep it safe until Tiv arrives."
You say, "That's our only objective as I see it."
>Grae glances at Amiss.
Amiss says, "He's still days off from the weakness of that thought."
You say, "We can all die...long as that thing he has isn't taken."
You blink at Amiss.
>You say, "Oh my."
Maluth sighs.
>Grae says, "as long as Amiss remembers she doesn't have wings and a tail
this time"
>Grae chuckles.
Amiss says, "They won't fall for the same ploy again."
Amiss chuckles at Grae.
You say, "If battle can't be won, then it must not be fought.  It's that
Grae says, "it has to be destroyed..."
Amiss nods to Grae.
Grae says, "but it has to be destroyed so they know it is"
You nod to Grae.
>A Halfling boy comes into the area, glances about, then hurries off.
>Ailyssa asks, "Destroyed can it be taken to the Fist and thrown in?"
>You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you.  It quickly passes.
Amiss asks, "You know the lay of the land better than I. What lies north
related to elements?"
You say, "The volcano"
Grae says, "water"
>Ailyssa says, "The volcano"
Ailyssa nods to you.
You say, "Very nasty area there."
A dark presence sweeps over the chamber!
>Pentaith came through a high doorway.
A pool of shadows forms on the ground, and an Adan'f spirit dancer leaps
out of them!  Turning gracefully in the air, it lands lightly on its feet
and surveys the area with a pleased hiss.
You say, "Uh oh."
>An Adan'f spirit dancer notices Maluth trying to conceal himself.
>An Adan'f spirit dancer fires a bishop head arrow at Ailyssa.  The arrow
lands a massive strike that just barely penetrates the skin to nick the
stomach ('Tis but a scratch!), severely stunning her! 

The bishop head arrow lodges itself shallowly into Ailyssa!
>Battle Empath Grae's group went through a high doorway.
[Half Pint, Grand Foyer]
The two-story foyer of Skalliweg's Half Pint always seems crowded with
jovial merrymakers coming and going.  All kinds gather here, but you notice
a predominance of Humans, Halflings and Dwarves.  An ornate wrought-iron
spiral stair dominates the room, sweeping upwards to the second floor.
From a high doorway to the east waft the sounds of good company and the
smells of even better ale and victuals, and through some stout double doors
to the south, you hear roars of encouragement and disappointment.
Also in the room: Fateweaver Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious exits: out.
Digmo raises his arms skyward, chanting.
>Amiss exclaims, "Run!"
Battle Empath Grae's group just went out.
~~~~~~~~~~More travel cut while we run North~~~~~~~~~
You say, "Aily.."
Grae says, "I can't Candi"
You nod to Grae.
>Digmo asks, "Candi should be leadingk, yes?"
>Amiss whispers to your group, "'Too the north."
Amiss whispers to your group, "Is there anywhere to the north we might find
a hiding spot?"
>Grae says, "yes"
Grae says, "in the waterfall"
>Digmo whispers to your group, "what about the little oasis?"
Grae says, "turn into fishes"
>You chuckle at Grae.
Grae whispers to your group, "anyone remember how?"
You say, "there has to be something else."
Grae asks, "do we need an element between us?"
>Digmo asks, "what about that little oaisis up north?"
You say, "Stone clan wouldn't be secure for long."
Amiss says, "Wherever you think is best."
Grae says, "dumb dog go away"
>There is a twinkle in a spotted dog's eyes.
>Mystic Lanthander's group just arrived.
>You notice a black dog sniff the ground.
>Mystic Lanthander's group just went northeast.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went northeast.

>Lanthander joins Grae's group.
>Allarsk joins Grae's group.
Grae laughs!
Lanthander leans on Grae.
>Battle Empath Grae's group went across a wood and stone bridge.
[Northern Trade Road, On the Bridge]
The deafening roar of the Journalai River below you drowns out all other
sound as you make your way across the bridge.  Droplets of water hit your
face, and every now and then the flash of silver scales in the water
catches your eye.
Also here: Fateweaver Amiss, Digmo, Mystic Lanthander, Allarsk, Battle
Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, south.
Allarsk giggles.
>You laugh!
>Lanthander coughs.
>Lanthander grins.
>Lanthander says, "Can't escape a persistent warrior mage and moon mage heh."
You say, "Okay...someplace to hide...think you hitchhikers."
>Lanthander scratches Allarsk's back.  Allarsk smiles blissfully.
>Jappa just arrived.
You ask, "Dirge?"
Lanthander says, "I am wondering if it woulda been better ta stay where
there were 50 people workin ta protect ya."
>Jappa joins Grae's group.
>Lanthander grins.
You say, "Digmo..go into RF."
Amiss says, "Stop for a moment and I will shield us from the familiars."
>Your mind hears Nynnia thinking, "My sources tell me Amiss is moving north
and a dancer is following him"
Digmo tenderly says, "ama abuer tema, Grae"
>You say, "Amiss has a spell."
Lanthander says, "Stay still Grae.."
>Lanthander says, "Amiss has a spell.."
Grae asks, "can you do it here Amis?"
A black dog turns away, looks back over its shoulder once, and then wanders
>Digmo raises his arms skyward, chanting.
>Rhavren says, "Amiss"
>Amiss says, "One moment."
Fateweaver Amiss just went south.
>Digmo gestures.
The air around Digmo begins to shimmer.
>Rhavren just went south.
You chuckle at Grae.
>You peer south and see ...
[North Road, Lava Field]
Your view north is partially blocked by a black obsidian ridge rising from
the valley floor.  Someone has laboriously chopped through the massive
glassy wall, creating a tunnel which you can pass through.  You can just
catch a glimpse of the road north through the tunnel, where it descends
into a broad grey valley, and then curves out of sight to the east.  A
field of frozen flows of lava stretches out to the south, covered with
pools of dull yellow ash.
Also here: Rhavren
Obvious paths: south.
Allarsk says, "she went soth"
Digmo shimmers out of sight.
>You say, "Dang....lost Amiss."
Pentaith says, "I will not allow it to end like this..."
Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Lava Field]
Your view north is partially blocked by a black obsidian ridge rising from
the valley floor.  Someone has laboriously chopped through the massive
glassy wall, creating a tunnel which you can pass through.  You can just
catch a glimpse of the road north through the tunnel, where it descends
into a broad grey valley, and then curves out of sight to the east.  A
field of frozen flows of lava stretches out to the south, covered with
pools of dull yellow ash.
Also here: Mystic Lanthander, Allarsk, Jappa, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: south.
Grae yells, "Amiss??"
You peer south and see ...
[North Road, Lava Field]
The route descends into the dust filled bowl of an ancient crater.  The
crater is miles across and ringed with a jagged stone edge, as if smashed
into the plain by the fist of an angry god.  You also see a path leading
towards some blackened hills to the west.
Obvious paths: north, southwest.
Grae asks, "love you with me?"
>Digmo wavers into view, kisses Grae and then fades out of sight.
>Lanthander asks, "Amiss?"
>You say, "Diggie make sure you rub Grae so she knows you here."
Grae says, "okay"
Allarsk says, "she ran"
>Lanthander says, "Bah.."
Lanthander says, "Oh well, she can take care of herself.."
You say, "Okay...someplace to hide until Tiv shows up."
Pentaith joins Grae's group.
Jappa says, "A element of wind, by element."
You say, "Amiss said somewehre with elements."
Atanamir says, "Elements"
Pentaith chuckles.
>Lanthander says, "Perhaps the fire sprite area.."
>Atanamir says, "winds"
Pentaith says, "It begins."
Lanthander asks, "The gate of souls?"
Lanthander says, "Nah.."
>Jappa says, "I thought that too Lanth, by firesprites"
>Lanthander says, "That might work.."
Grae grins.
>Lanthander asks, "Lets try dat?"
You say, "That's all we need is that to open and the lava come out on us."
>[North Road, Lava Field]
Your view north is partially blocked by a black obsidian ridge rising from
the valley floor.  Someone has laboriously chopped through the massive
glassy wall, creating a tunnel which you can pass through.  You can just
catch a glimpse of the road north through the tunnel, where it descends
into a broad grey valley, and then curves out of sight to the east.  A
field of frozen flows of lava stretches out to the south, covered with
pools of dull yellow ash.
Also here: Sympath Klaudia, Pentaith, Atanamir, Mystic Lanthander, Allarsk,
Jappa, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: south.
Grae says, "I don' know if I can make it through with Digmo rubbing me like
>Lanthander says, "Its forever sealed ..."
You chuckle at Grae.
>Lanthander grins at Grae.
>You say, "Tiv was still a few days away."
Atanamir nods.
You say, "And that it has something to do with element battling elements."
>Jappa says, "The Staff.... north.... element of wind.... by element."
Grae says, "okay I guess we are to go where we origanally thought to"
Battle Empath Grae's group went through a tunnel.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~More Travel Cut~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Pentaith clutches his head in pain.)
Jappa says, "Amiss said the the message from Tiv was vague."
>Grae asks, "where is it again?"
Grae mutters cryptically to herself.
>Pentaith says, "The Greater Fist."
Lanthander says, "I heard a message from Tiv.."
Lanthander says, "Back in the Town Green.."
Lanthander says, "Was vera feint."
Jappa says, "About using one element against another."
Lanthander says, "Thats the one."
Pentaith says, "The Greater Fist of Heaven."
>Pentaith says, "It is where Tiv resides..."
You say, "Aye...but that area is totally hazardous."
>Lanthander says, "That could work.. better then the Gate of Souls at least."
>Lanthander nods to Pentaith.
Jappa says, "Then a faint thought from far away said, staff north, element
of wind. by element"
Pentaith says, "His tower was closed, due to flooding. But it has been
Grae asks, "where is it Candi?"
>Pentaith says, "The flooding was cuased by the volcano eruptions."
>Jappa asks, "So its one element against wind?"
Lanthander says, "I suggest followin Pent's advice."
You say, "North of this bridge there is a path off the road."
>Pentaith says, "Wait."
Battle Empath Grae's group went through a trail.
[North Road, Oasis]
Within the crevice is a green oasis, hidden below the barren plains above
you.  Water trickles from a spring in the gully's face, collecting in a
series of crystal pools in the rock.  Reeds and a few small trees grow up
around the water's edge and rustle in the cool moist breeze.  An old
firepit built in the shade of the overhanging granite walls shows that you
are not the first to seek shelter in this small paradise.  You also see a
Also here: Mystic Lanthander, Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth,
Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: none.
Pentaith says, "This is not the way to the tower..."
You say, "No...this is where the tower comes out."
>You ask, "Can one of you mages try to locate Amiss or Demosel?"
You say, "We need their council."
>Lanthander asks, "Lets have Pentaith lead shall we?"
Lanthander says, "He seems to know the route to Tiv's tower."
>Pentaith says, "This is fine."
You say, "Grae is leading...she won't have it any other way."
You lean on Grae.
>You say, "The ole wolf is stubborn."
>Pentaith says, "What will be, will be. I'm just an... observer."
>Grae fidgets nervously.
Grae says, "not my idea"
Grae says, "was thought to be the safest"
You say, "Probably is...."
Grae mutters cryptically to herself.
The hunting falcon descends to the ground and lands nearby.
You say, "Aily is going to try to make it here you can fix her up."
Jappa asks, "So, are we just waiting here?"
Grae says, "yep"
You say, "Amiss said to hide."
>Grae says, "I know he mentioned it first"
>Lanthander says, "Obviously the Adan'f believe Amiss or Digmo have it,
considerin their battle crys."
Jappa says, "I believe, from what has been said so far, that it is hidden."
Pentaith asks, "What is this staff?"
>Pentaith raises an eyebrow.
Lanthander says, "Pentaith.. events that transpired while you were ... away.."
Pentaith says, "I see."
Lanthander says, "The Adan'f possesed a powerful staff, capable of
summoning elementals.. an army of them."
Ailyssa came through a trail.
Pentaith says, "I left that Spirit Dancer with a nasty headache."
Ailyssa takes a seat.
Lanthander says, "Amiss took it from them, causing them to invade many
Pentaith chuckles.
Ailyssa says, "MY right arm has an arrow still"
Grae skillfully removes a bishop head arrow from Ailyssa's arm leaving the
wound no worse than it was before.
>Ailyssa says, "Gods above that was horrid"
Jappa says, "Well, at the moment, I'd say guarding the one given the staff
for safe keeping is of utmost importance."
>Grae says, "I feel horrid for that Aily"
Pentaith ponders.
Grae says, "the adan'f know now"
Grae says, "they want him cause he carries the real one"
Ailyssa asks, "Did anyone else get shot?"
>Pentaith says, "Ah. How silly of me. Not everyone knows of his
involvement, I suppose..."
You say, "No ..just you.."
Ailyssa snickers.
>Ailyssa says, "Figures they wanna dance with me"
>Jappa asks, "Who shot you Ailyssa?"
>Grae says, "I still really horrid Aily"
Ailyssa snuggles up to Grae.
>Grae says, "but I had to run to protect Digmo and Amiss"
>Ailyssa joins Grae's group.
Grae says, "and running is what an empath does best"
You say, "We lost Amiss north of the volcanoes....she went south for some
>Lanthander says, "I pray Amiss or Tiv, or even Crowther, shows soon.."
You say, "A spirit dancer Jappa."
Grae says, "she is trying to find Tiv"
>Pentaith chuckles.
>Ailyssa nods to Jappa.
>You nod to Grae.
Pentaith says, "The Council will not help you."
>Ailyssa says, "Spirit dancer, 3 arrows"
Pentaith says, "Lord Taramaine has already held a session."
>Lanthander says, "Demosel would be a fine addition to this group."
>Lanthander chuckles.
Jappa asks, "Spirit dancers shot Bishop head arrows now?"
>Pentaith says, "They've made their decisions on the matter."
Pentaith laughs!
>Darkonis says, "aha"
>Darkonis says, "digmo   and amis"
>Pentaith asks, "The Moon Mage High Council has left Throne City. Did you
Grae says, "well I keep getting rubbed"
>Ailyssa giggles at Grae.
>Lanthander grins at Grae.
>Grae says, "and I am about to jump him"
>You chuckle at Grae.
>Grae says, "but I can't"
Ailyssa grins at Grae.
>Grae begins pouting.
>Allarsk says, "checking shard"
>Allarsk says, "my pup is there"
Grae leans on you.
Darkonis's group came through a trail.
Darkonis says, "here..."
>Amiss says, "Ah..."
>Digmo pulls Grae towards him!
>Digmo just kissed Grae.
>Darkonis smiles at Amiss.
[North Road, Oasis]
Within the crevice is a green oasis, hidden below the barren plains above
you.  Water trickles from a spring in the gully's face, collecting in a
series of crystal pools in the rock.  Reeds and a few small trees grow up
around the water's edge and rustle in the cool moist breeze.  An old
firepit built in the shade of the overhanging granite walls shows that you
are not the first to seek shelter in this small paradise.  You also see a
black cat who is sitting, a spotted dog, a purple-pawed hunting dog who is
sleeping, a white-chested hunting falcon and a trail.
Also here: Digmo, Fateweaver Amiss, Darkonis, Pentaith, Ailyssa who is
seated, Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: none.
>You say, "yeah"
Amiss says, "I'd thought to hide Digmo, but they are too close, the
enchantments will not hold."
You say, "Bah."
You say, "So much for that."
Amiss says, "I was able to get a brief message to Tiv. He may have found a
courier to speed his reply."
A red-banded hawk just arrived.
You beam at Amiss!
Jappa asks, "How close are they Amiss?"
You say, "That is good news indeed."
>look[North Road, Oasis]
Within the crevice is a green oasis, hidden below the barren plains above
you.  Water trickles from a spring in the gully's face, collecting in a
series of crystal pools in the rock.  Reeds and a few small trees grow up
around the water's edge and rustle in the cool moist breeze.  An old
firepit built in the shade of the overhanging granite walls shows that you
are not the first to seek shelter in this small paradise.  You also see a
red-banded hawk, a black cat who is sitting, a spotted dog who is sitting,
a purple-pawed hunting dog who is sleeping, a white-chested hunting falcon
and a trail.
Also here: Darkonis, Digmo, Fateweaver Amiss, Pentaith, Ailyssa, Allarsk,
Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: none.
Allarsk exclaims, "gauthus!"
A red-banded hawk exclaims, "Greetings!"
You say, "Wow."
>Amiss blinks.
>A red-banded hawk preens its wings.
>Pentaith says, "Eshrali."
>Maluth asks, "Gauthus?"
>Pentaith ponders.
You bow to the red-banded hawk.  She does her best to bow back, flaring her
wings to keep her balance on her perch.
Allarsk says, "sir"
Grae asks, "okay so where are we staning?"
>Allarsk curtsies.
A shadow swiftly oozes into the room, deposits a very shaken Lanthander,
and just as swiftly departs.
Pentaith says, "Interesting turn of events."
>Allarsk smiles.
>A red-banded hawk says, "I have a message for you..."
Pentaith says, "The High Council retreats, and the Warrior Mage Guild takes
an interest."
Atanamir says, "Greetings Lord"
A red-banded hawk says, "Gauthus asked me to find some crazy old Moon Mage..."
Allarsk says, "i am a mage pentaith"
>You laugh!
>Allarsk smiles at Pentaith.
A red-banded hawk glances at the falcon hungrily.
Amiss glances at a red-banded hawk.
Maluth says, "I think i'm going a feint."
You run your hand along Eshrali's breastbone, making her sigh in pleasure.
Gauthus gives you an approving nod, before turning back to watch the
>You blink.
Allarsk grins at you.
>A red-banded hawk says, "I'm guessing that's the Halfling."
>A red-banded hawk glances at Amiss.
>Amiss glances at the hawk.
>Allarsk says, "gauthus likes when you pet his fam"
>Lanthander says, "Intriguing."
Jappa asks, "What is the message from Gauthus?"
Jappa glances at a red-banded hawk.
>Amiss asks, "And the message?"
>A red-banded hawk drops a scroll.
A red-banded hawk says, "There..."
>Amiss picks up a gilded scroll.
Darkonis smiles at Amiss.
You see Fateweaver Amiss DeRhi, a Halfling Moon Mage
She has hazel eyes, shoulder length thick dark brown hair that is tousled,
and rosy skin.
She is elderly for a Halfling.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a gilded scroll in her right hand.
She is wearing thin silver spectacles, a cloak of churning mists, a pale
silver moonflower, a circlet of silver set with a luminous moonstone, some
worn leather sandals and a shimmering robe woven of prismatic strands of
The hawk is a prime speciment of its breed, well-formed and eyes filled
with intelligence.  Her dusky-brown feathers are banded with stripes of
fiery red, especially towards the great primaries on her wings.  Noticing
your interest, the hawk begins posing for you, making Gauthus chuckle.
"Eshrali is quite a sight, isn't she?  Good thing she's as good a fighter
as she is vain, or I never would've been able to stand her all these
years!"  The hawk lets out an indignant screech, and begins sulking on her
>Amiss says, "Fire."
Ailyssa nods to Amiss.
Ailyssa says, "The volcanoe"
You sigh.
Maluth asks, "The Volcano?"
>Jappa says, "Please tell Gauthus that I'd like to circle again sometime
this decade."
Pentaith says, "That's what I've been saying all along."
Amiss shakes her head.
Darkonis says, "ahhh"
>Allarsk pokes Jappa in the ribs.
[North Road, Oasis]
Within the crevice is a green oasis, hidden below the barren plains above
you.  Water trickles from a spring in the gully's face, collecting in a
series of crystal pools in the rock.  Reeds and a few small trees grow up
around the water's edge and rustle in the cool moist breeze.  An old
firepit built in the shade of the overhanging granite walls shows that you
are not the first to seek shelter in this small paradise.  You also see a
red-banded hawk, a black cat who is sitting, a spotted dog who is sitting,
a purple-pawed hunting dog who is sleeping, a white-chested hunting falcon
and a trail.
Also here: Student Werona, Rhavren, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Digmo,
Fateweaver Amiss, Pentaith, Ailyssa, Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth,
Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: none.
Lanthander asks, "Fire, the Gate of Souls perhaps?"
Amiss says, "It refers to a place of great suffering."
A red-banded hawk asks, "Do you need me anymore, Crazy Moon Mage?"
Lanthander says, "Ahh."
>A red-banded hawk glances at Amiss.
>Lanthander says, "The Gate of Souls.."
Ailyssa asks, "SIcle grove?"
Lanthander asks, "Where that whole town was wiped out perhaps?"
Darkonis says, "aye... the lost town  surely"
>You say, "Sicle grove."
Jappa says, "Fire sprites"
>Amiss glances at the hawk.
Darkonis says, "the gate of souls..."
Lanthander asks, "Sicle Grove or th Gate?"
You say, " could be either one."
>You babble something incoherent at Amiss.
>Pentaith asks, "Perhaps it refers to Darkstone?"
Grae says, "sicle grove lost all the inhabitants"
Lanthander says, "Both were places of terrible sufferin."
Pentaith says, "Darkstone's destruction truly is on a greater scale than
that of Sicle Grove."
You say, "Or Dirge for all that matters."
Maluth asks, "Amiss, what do ye think it is?"
Lanthander nods to Pentaith.
>Amiss says, "I thank your master if not for the title he bestows upon me,
at least the service."
Lanthander says, "Very much so."
Lanthander nods to you.
>A red-banded hawk hisses in amusement.
Pentaith says, "Dirge is Darkstone. Or rather, Darkstone was Dirge."
Lanthander says, "Well.. Dirge is still alive at least.. Darkstone..
whatever ya wish ta clal it."
>Pentaith ponders.
Pentaith says, "Oh, nevermind."
A red-banded hawk says, "The title is my own, Crazy Moon Mage."
>Amiss asks, "Is there anyplace of open fire at either?"
Allarsk ponders if moon mages and war mages will ever reconcile
Pentaith says, "Yes."
A red-banded hawk bows awkwardly, sweeping her wings out to maintain her
Pentaith says, "Well, no."
Pentaith says, "I'm not sure."
Pentaith says, "It depends on your definition of fire."
A red-banded hawk just went through a trail.
>Lanthander asks, "Lava count as fire?"
>Rhavren asks, "volcano is fire?"
>Pentaith says, "There is a pit of... something in Darkstone."
Grae says, "sicle grove sits at the bottom of the volcano"
You say, "Never went all the way up the volcano at sicle grove...that mine
>Amiss says, "Lava...that would fit."
Pentaith says, "The Greater Fist."
>Lanthander asks, "Candidus yer not thinking.. up der..?"
>Lanthander shudders.
You say, "Gods..."
>You nod to Lanthander.
>Pentaith says, "That is where Tiv resides, as well."
>Lanthander says, "Thats such a.. painful journey.."
>Ailyssa says, "Sickle Grove"
You nod to Lanthander.
>Pentaith says, "Or is that the Lesser Fist."
>Lanthander mutters cryptically to himself.
Pentaith ponders.
>Amiss says, "It refers to a place of suffering and flame, the wounded land."
>Amiss says, "Blast him, always has to shroud things in poetics."
Lanthander asks, "The Skeleton's crook?"
You say, "It's to vague Amiss.."
You say, "We can't make a mistake here."
>Pentaith asks, "Blast?"
Pentaith says, "Oh."
>Ailyssa says, "Lava Trace..."
>Lanthander says, "There are at least 3 places that fit these definations."
>Grae says, "uhm..."
Rhavren says, "Sickle Grove is wounded by fire"
Amiss says, "Well if we don't start looking we'll never find it."
>Pentaith says, "Perhaps he means the Blasted Plains."
>Lanthander asks, "Shall we go explore?"
Lanthander nods.
Grae says, "Digmo did say he wanted to throw it into the volcano...."
Jappa says, "Don't believe its Sicle grove, It has to be Sprites or the
Lanthander asks, "Well, lets get moving... pick a place, any is as good as
any other eh?"
Lanthander says, "I agree with Jappa myself.."
You say, "Sicle grove is the entrance to the volcano area."
>Lanthander says, "Lets check the Gate first."
>Lanthander says, "That'd be easier."
Darkonis says, "its close"
>Lanthander says, "Then trekkin up."
>Jappa nods to you.
Grae says, "Amiss would you be kinda enough to join me please"
Amiss joins Grae's group.
Lanthander says, "First we check the Gate of Souls."
>You say, "Fire sprites Grae."
Lanthander says, "Skeleton;s crook."
Lanthander says, "Then if that no work we climb up and up.. and up.."
>Lanthander asks, "Grae?"
>Grae says, "in conferance"
You say, "There is only the crematorium at I doubt if it is
You say, "No fire there.."
Rhavren asks, "how about the pit in Dirge?"
>Lanthander says, "I think Dirge is unlikely."
Grae says, "Lanthander you may go...but Digmo stays with me"
>Darkonis says, "I doubt Dirge"
>Digmo says, "my bet is the volcano"
Digmo shrugs.
>You say, "My bet is also."
Jappa says, "Please, if at all possible, share all the information you may
have.  Its too important to keep to yourself."
>Lanthander asks, "Can we just go to the Crook? Then up the volcano?"
Battle Empath Grae's group went through a trail.
[North Road, Plains]
A rough trail branches off from the main road, towards a small crevice
about a quarter of a mile off to the east.  Bits of green poking out over
the crevice rim look like treetops, but you can't be sure from here.
Judging from the ruts and tracks on the trail, it appears fairly well used.
Also here: Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic
Lanthander, Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: south, northwest.
>Pentaith says, "Perhaps we should not hide our words from each other."
Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
The charred remnants of a small grove of trees surround the road.  The
ground is scorched and littered with bits of charcoal and ashes.  Most of
the trees have fallen into broken piles of burnt logs, but a few blackened
skeletons still stand like shadows cast against the sky.  Fresh green
shoots struggle up through the wreckage, bringing a tinge of hope to the
Also here: Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic
Lanthander, Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, south.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
The land all about you is flat, and the plains stretch out as far as you
can see to the north and east.  Looking west, you can see foothills rising
up to the base of the Greater Fist of Heaven.  The peak itself rises far
above the surrounding landscape, it's top hidden by a thick wreath of
clouds.  You also see a bridge across a dry gully.
Also here: Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic
Lanthander, Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north.
Grae says, "yikes"
Pentaith says, "Seeing as how more lives than are present here rest upon
what we do."
>You say, "We lost Amiss."
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[North Road, Plains]
The charred remnants of a small grove of trees surround the road.  The
ground is scorched and littered with bits of charcoal and ashes.  Most of
the trees have fallen into broken piles of burnt logs, but a few blackened
skeletons still stand like shadows cast against the sky.  Fresh green
shoots struggle up through the wreckage, bringing a tinge of hope to the
Also here: Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic
Lanthander, Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, south.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[North Road, Plains]
A rough trail branches off from the main road, towards a small crevice
about a quarter of a mile off to the east.  Bits of green poking out over
the crevice rim look like treetops, but you can't be sure from here.
Judging from the ruts and tracks on the trail, it appears fairly well used.
Also here: Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic
Lanthander, Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: south, northwest.
>Jappa says, "Yes Pantaith, I agree"
>Battle Empath Grae's group went through a trail.
[North Road, Oasis]
Within the crevice is a green oasis, hidden below the barren plains above
you.  Water trickles from a spring in the gully's face, collecting in a
series of crystal pools in the rock.  Reeds and a few small trees grow up
around the water's edge and rustle in the cool moist breeze.  An old
firepit built in the shade of the overhanging granite walls shows that you
are not the first to seek shelter in this small paradise.  You also see a
black cat who is sitting, a purple-pawed hunting dog who is sleeping and a
Also here: Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic
Lanthander, Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae, Sorrower Beckah, Kjelgazier,
Dreamheart, Digmo, Fateweaver Amiss
Obvious paths: none.
>Grae holds hands with Amiss.
Grae holds hands with Digmo.
>A pool of shadows forms on the ground, and an Adan'f spirit dancer leaps
out of them!  Turning gracefully in the air, it lands lightly on its feet
and surveys the area with a pleased hiss.
>Digmo says, "go"
You say, "Go"
>Battle Empath Grae's group went through a trail.
[North Road, Plains]
A rough trail branches off from the main road, towards a small crevice
about a quarter of a mile off to the east.  Bits of green poking out over
the crevice rim look like treetops, but you can't be sure from here.
Judging from the ruts and tracks on the trail, it appears fairly well used.
 You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer and an Adan'f spirit dancer.
Also here: Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic
Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: south, northwest.
An Adan'f spirit dancer fires a bishop head arrow at Digmo.  The arrow
lands an extremely heavy hit that lightly bruises his side with an attack
which fails to pierce the skin, stunning him!  
The spirit dancer blows him a mocking kiss.
The bishop head arrow lodges itself shallowly into Digmo!
> * Misty Sabraxelle joins the adventure.
Pentaith raises his arms skyward, chanting.
Ailyssa says, "GO"
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
The charred remnants of a small grove of trees surround the road.  The
ground is scorched and littered with bits of charcoal and ashes.  Most of
the trees have fallen into broken piles of burnt logs, but a few blackened
skeletons still stand like shadows cast against the sky.  Fresh green
shoots struggle up through the wreckage, bringing a tinge of hope to the
devastation.  You also see a bishop head arrow and an Adan'f spirit dancer.
Also here: Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic
Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver Amiss, Battle Empath Grae, the body of
Rhavren who is lying down, the body of Student Werona who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, south.
>An Adan'f spirit dancer leaps in and spins into a graceful pirouette,
filling the area with hissing laughter.
>Maluth exclaims, "Go!"
Allarsk gets a broadsword from inside her silver backpack.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
The land all about you is flat, and the plains stretch out as far as you
can see to the north and east.  Looking west, you can see foothills rising
up to the base of the Greater Fist of Heaven.  The peak itself rises far
above the surrounding landscape, it's top hidden by a thick wreath of
clouds.  You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer and a bridge across a dry gully.
Also here: Allarsk, Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic
Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver Amiss, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[North Road, Plains]
The charred remnants of a small grove of trees surround the road.  The
ground is scorched and littered with bits of charcoal and ashes.  Most of
the trees have fallen into broken piles of burnt logs, but a few blackened
skeletons still stand like shadows cast against the sky.  Fresh green
shoots struggle up through the wreckage, bringing a tinge of hope to the
devastation.  You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer, a bishop head arrow and
an Adan'f spirit dancer.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic Lanthander,
Darkonis, Fateweaver Amiss, Battle Empath Grae, the body of Rhavren who is
lying down, the body of Student Werona who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, south.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[North Road, Plains]
A rough trail branches off from the main road, towards a small crevice
about a quarter of a mile off to the east.  Bits of green poking out over
the crevice rim look like treetops, but you can't be sure from here.
Judging from the ruts and tracks on the trail, it appears fairly well used.
 You also see a black cat, an Adan'f spirit dancer and an Adan'f spirit
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Pentaith, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic Lanthander,
Darkonis, Fateweaver Amiss, Battle Empath Grae, a stunned Digmo
Obvious paths: south, northwest.
>An Adan'f spirit dancer fires a bishop head arrow at Ailyssa.  The arrow
lands a very heavy hit that nicks her left forearm! 

The bishop head arrow lodges itself shallowly into Ailyssa!
You say, "Digmo"
>Pentaith gestures at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
An Adan'f spirit dancer jerks suddenly.
Grae grabs Digmo's hand.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
The charred remnants of a small grove of trees surround the road.  The
ground is scorched and littered with bits of charcoal and ashes.  Most of
the trees have fallen into broken piles of burnt logs, but a few blackened
skeletons still stand like shadows cast against the sky.  Fresh green
shoots struggle up through the wreckage, bringing a tinge of hope to the
devastation.  You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer and a bishop head arrow.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Ailyssa, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis,
Fateweaver Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae, the body of Rhavren who is
lying down, the body of Student Werona who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, south.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
The land all about you is flat, and the plains stretch out as far as you
can see to the north and east.  Looking west, you can see foothills rising
up to the base of the Greater Fist of Heaven.  The peak itself rises far
above the surrounding landscape, it's top hidden by a thick wreath of
clouds.  You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer, an Adan'f spirit dancer and
a bridge across a dry gully.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae, Ailyssa, a stunned Allarsk
Obvious paths: north.
>An Adan'f spirit dancer leaps in and spins into a graceful pirouette,
filling the area with hissing laughter.
>Battle Empath Grae's group went across a bridge across a dry gully.
[North Road, Plains]
A rickety wooden bridge spans a dry riverbed to the north.  Tall clumps of
grass and thorny bushes grow along the banks, and dried out patches of
reeds dot the bottom.  A hawk circles slowly overhead, on the lookout for
prey.  You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: south.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
A bright splash of purple just off the road catches your attention for a
moment.  A small patch of wildflowers is growing atop a crumbling slab of
reddish stone, their brilliant hue standing out sharply against the greyish
backdrop.  You pause for a moment, and wonder what generous god it was that
created this tiny miracle.  You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer, a large
red cloud and a silver-hued staff with an attached weapon strap on it.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae, the body of Seer Marcul who is lying
down, the body of Traveler Donnast who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, west, southeast.
You raise your shield above your head, protecting yourself from the deadly
Digmo raises his arms skyward, chanting.
>You hear the ghostly voice of Marcul say, "RUN"
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went southeast.
[North Road, Plains]
Small weeds and tufts of grass grow right up to the road's edge, almost
obscuring the faint traces of a trail heading westward.  The trail appears
to head towards the volcanoes, but you can see no signs that anyone has
used it for quite a while.  You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: south, northwest.
An Adan'f spirit dancer finishes its dance, looking much more balanced.
Jappa moves over to guard Digmo.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
The sound of running water seems strangely out of place here, and draws
your attention to a small stream flowing beside you.  Nothing grows along
the rocky banks, not even moss, which seems a bit odd on the only open
water for miles.  You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, southwest.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went southwest.
[North Road, Plains]
The bleached skeleton of some large animal lies partially buried in the
dust just off the roadway.  Its presence serves as a grim reminder of the
fate awaiting any who tarry too long in this harsh, devastated land.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went southwest.
[North Road, Plains]
A gnarled scrub oak stands lonely guard off to the side of the road.
Looking south, the ground slopes slowly up to a sharp ridge of smooth black
stone.  Northward, the road bends towards your left, skirting the bottom of
the eastern volcano.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae, Ailyssa
Obvious paths: south, northeast.
Ailyssa skillfully removes a bishop head arrow from her arm leaving the
wound no worse than it was before.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
You pause here for a moment to examine the two monstrous volcanoes
dominating the northern horizon.  The easternmost, known as the Greater
Fist of Heaven, stretches from the valley floor up into the sky, its snow
covered summit dissapearing from sight into the clouds.  A faint red glow
emanates from the Lesser Fist to the west, lighting up the clouds of smoke
pouring from its gaping fiery mouth.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, south.
Atanamir says, "Good Meraud.."
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[North Road, Plains]
Turning your back to the massive obsidian wall to the south, you look out
over a broad valley stretching below you to the north.  For miles around,
the bare sterile earth is a dull rusty red, scattered with grey and black
boulders of pumice and basalt.  Far off in the distance, you can just make
out the silvery reflection of water, and even a hint of green.  You also
see a tunnel cut into the obsidian ridge.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north.
>Darkonis exclaims, "just keep movin!"
Digmo says, "i need to tend"
Lanthander says, "Stay still a moment and we can kill it..."
>Ailyssa just arrived.
>Battle Empath Grae's group went through a tunnel cut into the obsidian ridge.
[North Road, Tunnel]
Your footsteps echo off the glassy black tunnel walls, and light from the
openings to the north and south glitters off sharp facets in the carved
stone.  You carefully pick your way past piles of jagged obsidian shards
stacked haphazardly along the floor.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, south.
Lanthander's face twists in agony and he cries out, as acid burns away at
his head.
Lanthander's face twists in agony and he cries out, as acid burns away at
his right arm.
Amiss's face twists in agony and she cries out, as acid burns away at her
Amiss's face twists in agony and she cries out, as acid burns away at her
right arm.
Amiss's face twists in agony and she cries out, as acid burns away at her
left arm.
You see Digmo McDog, an Elothean Moon Mage
He has milky blue eyes, very long wavy grey hair that is braided, and
copper skin.
He is in his prime for an Elothean.
He has minor swelling and bruising in the abdomen compounded by deep cuts
across the abdomen.
He has a bishop head arrow lodged shallowly into his abdomen.
He is bleeding lightly from the abdomen.
He is holding a dark rose star in his right hand.
He is wearing a sturdy black backpack, a dainty gold satin rosette, a
creamy white daffodil, some purple galoshes, a lemon yellow jonquil, a
moonstone wedding ring, a delicate brushed silver armband trimmed with a
row of jade glaysker flowers, a white carnation boutonniere, a crude
leather vest stitched with tiny bones, a black leather sheath, a brushed
silver torque inlaid with an onyx coyote silhouetted against a cambrinth
moon, a green and naivy-blue plaid kilt, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a full
plate armor, a black cambric pouch, a pair of mesh burnished handguards and
a burnished great helm.
Grae just touched Digmo.
>Lanthander says, "Gah."
You ask, "What was htat?"
Digmo looks healthier and Grae appears to weaken.
>Maluth says, "Acid rain."
Digmo skillfully removes a bishop head arrow from his abdomen leaving the
wound no worse than it was before.
>Ailyssa just arrived.
>Ailyssa joins Grae's group.
Ailyssa exclaims, "They love to shot me!"
>Digmo says, "i'm fine love"
Grae asks, "we okay?"
>You gesture.
The mana you were holding contributes to the spell.
You feel your courage bolstered slightly by your faith and determination.
>Lanthander says, "They will catch up I bet."
Lanthander says, "Or we can wait.."
>Ailyssa says, "Goooo"
Darkonis says, "move"
You see Ailyssa Golden-Hair, a Human
You cannot make out her features with the clothing she is wearing.
She has deep cuts across the neck, faint scuffing to the right arm, minor
swelling and bruising around the left arm compounded by deep cuts across
the left arm, some faint scars along the right hand, deep cuts across the
chest area, deep cuts across the abdomen.
She has a bishop head arrow lodged shallowly into her left arm.
She is bleeding lightly from the left arm.
She is wearing a golden tower shield engraved with the words, "Music may be
the last thing you hear!", a gold cloak pin engraved with the crest of the
Paladin Guild, a small golden signet ring inset with ruby flecks, a ruby
signet ring, a delicate gold rose ring, a peridot green small silk case, a
smokey black satin ribbon, a bright multi-colored cape stitched with the
image of a honey-haired Elven Bard playing upon a set of musical bones
followed by a group of Elanthian women, a blue brocade backpack embroidered
along the straps with a wren-in-flight pattern, a wren feather pick, a
cerulean hip belt embroidered with intricate golden wrens, some dark green
side-laced suede boots with copper trim, a thigh quiver, an azure hip pouch
with the image of cresting waves picked out in crystal beading, some
gleaming chain, a willow short bow, a greatsword sheath, a gleaming chain
balaclava and some mail gloves.
>Jappa says, "Don't wait"
Darkonis says, "move"
Maluth exclaims, "We need to move, now!"
Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[North Road, Plains]
Turning your back to the massive obsidian wall to the south, you look out
over a broad valley stretching below you to the north.  For miles around,
the bare sterile earth is a dull rusty red, scattered with grey and black
boulders of pumice and basalt.  Far off in the distance, you can just make
out the silvery reflection of water, and even a hint of green.  You also
see a tunnel cut into the obsidian ridge.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Ailyssa, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north.
>Ailyssa skillfully removes a bishop head arrow from her arm leaving the
wound no worse than it was before.
>Jappa says, "Found us to soon"
Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[North Road, Plains]
You pause here for a moment to examine the two monstrous volcanoes
dominating the northern horizon.  The easternmost, known as the Greater
Fist of Heaven, stretches from the valley floor up into the sky, its snow
covered summit dissapearing from sight into the clouds.  A faint red glow
emanates from the Lesser Fist to the west, lighting up the clouds of smoke
pouring from its gaping fiery mouth.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, south.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[North Road, Plains]
A gnarled scrub oak stands lonely guard off to the side of the road.
Looking south, the ground slopes slowly up to a sharp ridge of smooth black
stone.  Northward, the road bends towards your left, skirting the bottom of
the eastern volcano.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: south, northeast.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went northeast.
[North Road, Plains]
The bleached skeleton of some large animal lies partially buried in the
dust just off the roadway.  Its presence serves as a grim reminder of the
fate awaiting any who tarry too long in this harsh, devastated land.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went northeast.
[North Road, Plains]
The sound of running water seems strangely out of place here, and draws
your attention to a small stream flowing beside you.  Nothing grows along
the rocky banks, not even moss, which seems a bit odd on the only open
water for miles.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, southwest.
>Grae says, "can't go north"
Battle Empath Grae's group just went southwest.
[North Road, Plains]
The bleached skeleton of some large animal lies partially buried in the
dust just off the roadway.  Its presence serves as a grim reminder of the
fate awaiting any who tarry too long in this harsh, devastated land.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest.
Lanthander says, "Find the Crook.."
Maluth asks, "What!?"
Lanthander says, "should be a trail I believe.."
Grae says, "there are 3 dancers "
Lanthander says, "Ahh."
>Ailyssa joins Grae's group.
>Lanthander says, "The Grove it is."
>Darkonis says, "yeah..."
Lanthander says, "I can blast one dancer.."
Grae says, "than go"
Digmo says, "refract Amiss/"
You mumble something unprintable.
Lanthander says, "Say when."
Lanthander chuckles.
>Amiss seems to be concentrating intently on something.
>Lanthander says, "I am not leaving this group.."
>Lanthander grins.
>Amiss raises her arms skyward, chanting.
>An Adan'f spirit dancer leaps in and spins into a graceful pirouette,
filling the area with hissing laughter.
Jappa moves over to guard Amiss.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went northeast.
[North Road, Plains]
The sound of running water seems strangely out of place here, and draws
your attention to a small stream flowing beside you.  Nothing grows along
the rocky banks, not even moss, which seems a bit odd on the only open
water for miles.  You also see an Adan'f spirit dancer.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Ailyssa, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, southwest.
Jappa says, "Run"
>Amiss gestures.
The air around Amiss begins to shimmer.
Digmo gestures.
The air around Digmo begins to shimmer.
Lanthander gestures at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
An Adan'f spirit dancer collapses as if dead.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[North Road, Plains]
Small weeds and tufts of grass grow right up to the road's edge, almost
obscuring the faint traces of a trail heading westward.  The trail appears
to head towards the volcanoes, but you can see no signs that anyone has
used it for quite a while.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Ailyssa, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: south, northwest.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went northwest.
[North Road, Plains]
A bright splash of purple just off the road catches your attention for a
moment.  A small patch of wildflowers is growing atop a crumbling slab of
reddish stone, their brilliant hue standing out sharply against the greyish
backdrop.  You pause for a moment, and wonder what generous god it was that
created this tiny miracle.  You also see a broadsword and a silver-hued
staff with an attached weapon strap on it.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Digmo, Ailyssa, Battle Empath Grae, the body of Allarsk who is lying
down, the body of Seer Marcul who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, west, southeast.
Digmo shimmers out of sight.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went west.
[Sicle Grove, Gateway]
Tall untrimmed hedges of bramble and myrtle grow on either side of an
oak-bough gateway.  A neatly carved sign is mounted near the top of the
gate's arch.  Tufts of dried brownish grasses poke out in random clumps
along the otherwise barren ground.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Fateweaver
Amiss, Ailyssa, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: east.
Amiss shimmers out of sight.
>Grae asks, "you here??"
You hear the voice of Digmo say, "yes"
You hear the voice of Amiss say, "Still with you."
climb the gate> * Defender Slorkin Sopans joins the adventure.
 * Jedro has disconnected.
Your broadsword and tower shield make the climb more difficult.
[Sicle Grove, Atop Gateway]
From atop this arched portal, a dry field of ash and smoke, where verdant
lands once lay, is all that is visible.  Except for signs in the dusty
ground that someone has climbed down the gateway recently, a search for
traces of life yields nothing.  Nearby, a pillar of thick, ash-filled smoke
from a fumarole climbs into the air.  Waves of intense heat radiate from
the active vent.
Obvious paths: north.
>You belt out, "climb the gate"
You join Grae's group.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[Sicle Grove, West from Fumarole]
Thick layers of ash paint the surrounding landscape in a palette of shades
of gray.  Each footstep sends a cloud of dust into the air and obscures the
already limited view of the lifeless terrain.  From the east, waves of
intense heat radiate from the smoking vent as it belches forth black,
noxious gases.  Towards the north and northeast, rectangular earthen mounds
stand out on the otherwise featureless plain.  You also see a pair of black
boots, a pair of black boots and a blackened bush.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Ailyssa,
Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, south, northeast.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went northeast.
[Sicle Grove, North of Fumarole]
A slight breeze from the south carries the black exhaust of the fumarole
through this area, making the air hot and heavily tainted with sulphurous
fumes.  This stifling mixture makes breathing difficult and all but
eliminates visibility.  Ash from the vent's plume settles to the ground in
deep layers and forces one to take careful steps to keep from falling in
the loose material.  You also see some burnt branches.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Ailyssa,
Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
You say, "'East"
>Grae says, "what are we looking for/"
>You hear the voice of Digmo say, "still here"
Battle Empath Grae's group just went east.
[Sicle Grove, Northeast of Fumarole]
While the air is warm by its proximity to the smoking fumarole, it is made
warmer still by the the heat coming a glowing fissure that cuts through the
area.  The ground gives slightly as you explore, but is otherwise stable.
A low mound with a small shack standing on it lies towards the east.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Ailyssa,
Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
>Lanthander says, "This is a deadly place.."
Maluth asks, "Amiss?"
>You say, "The top"
Lanthander sighs.
>Jappa collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
Ailyssa collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
A wave of sulphurous fumes sweeps over you momentarily.
>Grae says, "stand"
>You hear the voice of Amiss say, "I suspect we know when we find it must
be near the tragedy."
>You say, "East then foot path"
Lanthander asks, "Which way?"
>Grae says, "Digmo you or amiss go down yell"
>You hear the voice of Digmo say, "ok Grae"
Battle Empath Grae's group just went north.
[Sicle Grove, Dusty Mound]
Dust and ash hang heavily in the air and limit the distance one can see.  A
solitary brickwork chimney rises above the level of the loose ash and is
the only notable feature on this mound.  Its size indicates that that
whatever lies below is more than a than a simple dwelling.  You also see a
fire sprite.
Also in the room: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis,
Ailyssa, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious exits: south.
>Jappa collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
A wave of sulphurous fumes sweeps over you momentarily.
Grae collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
You hear the voice of Amiss say, "That fissure."
Grae stands up.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[Sicle Grove, Northeast of Fumarole]
While the air is warm by its proximity to the smoking fumarole, it is made
warmer still by the the heat coming a glowing fissure that cuts through the
area.  The ground gives slightly as you explore, but is otherwise stable.
A low mound with a small shack standing on it lies towards the east.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Ailyssa,
Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went east.
[Sicle Grove, Low Mound]
Smoke drifts in on hot gusts of air smelling of sulphur and burnt wood.
Steadily-falling ash blankets the area in a constant attempt to bury the
landscape and a small shack in its grey embrace.  A faint footpath leads
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Ailyssa,
Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: west.
>Grae says, "path"
>Grae points at a faint footpath.
>You say, "Yes"
Battle Empath Grae's group went up a faint footpath.
[Greater Fist Footpath, Large Boulder]
Cinders, ash, and mud mixed with rocky debris have collected at the base of
the footpath.  Once past the mounds littering the trail, the path continues
towards the summit of the volcano, twisting amid the cooling flows and
ruined vegetation.  You also see a bone shard, a small footpath and a
granite boulder.
Also here: Jappa, Atanamir, Maluth, Mystic Lanthander, Darkonis, Ailyssa,
Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: east.
>Jappa says, "Carefully"
>You hear the voice of Amiss say, "There was an open fissure in the ground."
You say, "eASt now"
You say, "Oh.."
>Ailyssa came up a small footpath.
Grae says, "that is back in the spirits"
Ailyssa joins Grae's group.
You hear the voice of Digmo ask, "did we pass it Amiss?"
You say, "ACtive vent...aye.."
You hear the voice of Amiss say, "It was back near where we entered."
Darkonis collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
Atanamir collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
Digmo joins Grae's group.
>You hear the voice of Digmo say, "i'm here love"
>Grae says, "thank you love"
Amiss joins Grae's group.
Grae says, "okay"
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went west.
[Sicle Grove, Northeast of Fumarole]
While the air is warm by its proximity to the smoking fumarole, it is made
warmer still by the the heat coming a glowing fissure that cuts through the
area.  The ground gives slightly as you explore, but is otherwise stable.
A low mound with a small shack standing on it lies towards the east.  You
also see a fire sprite and a fire sprite.
Also here: Atanamir, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Jappa, Ailyssa, Battle
Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went west.
[Sicle Grove, North of Fumarole]
A slight breeze from the south carries the black exhaust of the fumarole
through this area, making the air hot and heavily tainted with sulphurous
fumes.  This stifling mixture makes breathing difficult and all but
eliminates visibility.  Ash from the vent's plume settles to the ground in
deep layers and forces one to take careful steps to keep from falling in
the loose material.  You also see some burnt branches.
Also here: Atanamir, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Jappa, Ailyssa, Battle
Empath Grae
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
>Atanamir collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
A wave of sulphurous fumes sweeps over you momentarily.
Maluth collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
Jappa collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
Ailyssa collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
Grae collapses in a terrible coughing fit.
Jappa says, "Back"
>Grae rises to a kneeling position.
>Jappa rises to a kneeling position.
Grae stands up.
>Jappa stands up.
You say, "Back east"
Atanamir says, "gah"
Grae asks, "love?"
Lanthander says, "Everyone up."
You hear the voice of Digmo say, "here and up"
Battle Empath Grae's group just went east.
[Sicle Grove, Northeast of Fumarole]
While the air is warm by its proximity to the smoking fumarole, it is made
warmer still by the the heat coming a glowing fissure that cuts through the
area.  The ground gives slightly as you explore, but is otherwise stable.
A low mound with a small shack standing on it lies towards the east.
Also here: Atanamir, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Battle Empath Grae,
Darkonis, Jappa
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
peer nYou peer north and see ...
[Sicle Grove, Dusty Mound]
Dust and ash hang heavily in the air and limit the distance one can see.  A
solitary brickwork chimney rises above the level of the loose ash and is
the only notable feature on this mound.  Its size indicates that that
whatever lies below is more than a than a simple dwelling.
Obvious exits: south.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went east.
[Sicle Grove, Low Mound]
Smoke drifts in on hot gusts of air smelling of sulphur and burnt wood.
Steadily-falling ash blankets the area in a constant attempt to bury the
landscape and a small shack in its grey embrace.  A faint footpath leads
Also here: Atanamir, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: west.
>Lanthander says, "If ya see a dancer.. cast a disablin spell.."
Battle Empath Grae's group just went west.
[Sicle Grove, Northeast of Fumarole]
While the air is warm by its proximity to the smoking fumarole, it is made
warmer still by the the heat coming a glowing fissure that cuts through the
area.  The ground gives slightly as you explore, but is otherwise stable.
A low mound with a small shack standing on it lies towards the east.  You
also see a spotted dog.
Also here: Atanamir, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Battle Empath Grae,
Darkonis, Jappa
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
>You mumble something unprintable.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went west.
[Sicle Grove, North of Fumarole]
A slight breeze from the south carries the black exhaust of the fumarole
through this area, making the air hot and heavily tainted with sulphurous
fumes.  This stifling mixture makes breathing difficult and all but
eliminates visibility.  Ash from the vent's plume settles to the ground in
deep layers and forces one to take careful steps to keep from falling in
the loose material.  You also see a fire sprite, a fire sprite and some
burnt branches.
Also here: Atanamir, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Battle Empath Grae, Ailyssa
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
>Lanthander says, "I got a blast preped.."
You hear the voice of Amiss say, "You went by it again."
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went east.
[Sicle Grove, Northeast of Fumarole]
While the air is warm by its proximity to the smoking fumarole, it is made
warmer still by the the heat coming a glowing fissure that cuts through the
area.  The ground gives slightly as you explore, but is otherwise stable.
A low mound with a small shack standing on it lies towards the east.  You
also see a spotted dog.
Also here: Atanamir, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Battle Empath Grae,
Ailyssa, Darkonis, Jappa
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
Ailyssa says, "Great balls of flame on a grove is seen in Shard..."
>You hear the voice of Digmo say, "here"
>Jappa points at a glowing fissure.
Grae says, "it is here"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cut out are battles with Fire sprites~~~~~~~~
>[Sicle Grove, Northeast of Fumarole]
While the air is warm by its proximity to the smoking fumarole, it is made
warmer still by the the heat coming a glowing fissure that cuts through the
area.  The ground gives slightly as you explore, but is otherwise stable.
A low mound with a small shack standing on it lies towards the east.  You
also see a fire sprite, a white-chested hunting falcon that is flying
around and a spotted dog.
Also here: Atanamir, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Battle Empath Grae,
Ailyssa, Darkonis, Jappa
Obvious paths: north, east, west.
Ailyssa says, "In Shard"
Grae asks, "now what?"
Jappa says, "Pool of magma in the fissure"
Grae asks, "love?"
>You hear the voice of Digmo say, "pool of magma in the fissure"
You hear the voice of Amiss say, "It must be destroyed by the fire."
>Lanthander asks, "Where now?"
>The air shimmers for a moment as Amiss's spell ends and she becomes
visible once more.
Digmo fades into view.
Amiss peers into the fissure.
Lanthander says, "Stick it in der.."
Digmo asks, "shall i throw it into the fissure Amiss?"
>Waves of intense heat rise from the fissure in the loose soil.  Deep
inside, a pool of magma glows menacingily.  You realize the ashen terrain
is only a thin crust floating upon this pool.  Luckily, the ground is
stable for the moment.
>Amiss says, "I think that's our best bet."
>Grae drops her jadice flower in a glowing fissure.
A brief flame flares out from the fissure and is gone.
You point at a glowing fissure.
You say, "Got for it diggie"
>Grae says, "got rid of the flower I dropped in there"
>Grae says, "but don't we need a witness"
>Grae asks, "one of theirs?"
Amiss says, "True Grae..."
You say, "Do it man.."
>Darkonis says, "yeah"
>Grae says, "love go ahead and get it out they know you have it"
Maluth exclaims, "Do it!"
>Lanthander says, "Wait.."
Digmo glances at Amiss.
Lanthander asks, "Should we not let them see?"
Grae says, "and we need them here to witness it"
>Digmo asks, "Amiss, you are in agreement?"
Lanthander asks, "So they cease this pursuit?"
Jappa says, "They will know"
You say, "No...they'll feel it."
Amiss says, "I think they'll sense that amount of power."
Lanthander says, "Yer likely right.."
>Lanthander says, "Toss it."
>Amiss nods to you.
Atanamir nods.
>Amiss says, "Drop it in."
>Atanamir says, "Do it, my friend"
>Atanamir pats Digmo on the back.
Maluth exclaims, "We need to do it before the dancers find us again!"
Ailyssa sings in a soprano voice:
    "Get ready all defenses...Guard digmo"
You say, "Hurry bro.."
>Lanthander says, "I can gate us away if they swarm us.."
Digmo says, "ok, heheh,"
Lanthander says, "The dancers that is."
Digmo babbles incoherently.
Digmo gets a long diamond-tipped staff from inside his black backpack.
>Maluth exclaims, "We need to hurry!"
>Grae just kissed Digmo.
You say, "Drop in fissure.."
>Digmo asks, "now?"
Atanamir says, "Now"
You say, "Do it."
>Grae giggles.
>Maluth exclaims, "Now!"
Darkonis exclaims, "fast!"
>Jappa says, "Drop in pool of magma"
Ailyssa exclaims, "Scream of rage in south!"
Ailyssa says, "NOOOWWW"
Digmo drops the diamond-tipped staff and it disappears into the fissure
with a flicker of flames.
You throw your head back and howl!
There's a deafening crack of thunder, and a blinding flash of light bursts
from the fissure.
>You say, "Yes"
Maluth throws his head back and howls, sounding remarkably like a real wolf!
>Darkonis throws his head back and howls!
Lanthander exclaims, "Gah!"
>Lanthander says, "Wow."
>The thin crust of earth covering the fissure heaves and convulses,
throwing everyone to the ground.
>Lanthander says, "That was some show."
>Lanthander gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty
Lanthander blinks.

Amiss stands up.
Darkonis lets out a hearty cheer for Digmo!
A wail slowly fills the air, rising in intensity, as the fire sprites begin
to scream in terror.
Lanthander asks, "Perhaps I should gaet us now?"
>Grae just kissed Digmo.
>A fire sprite suddenly flares with a brilliant light and vanishes, leaving
only a smoking pile of ash behind.
>Tortured screams burst from the ground as the murdered victims of Mibgluc
cry out in anguish, their fitful rest disturbed.
You say, "Wait..."
Your mind hears Aithan thinking, "What's the Sicle Grove??"
>Grae shrieks!
>You say, "Whoa"
A huge plume of burning gas shoots into the sky as the world shudders once
more with a deafening explosion.
>Lanthander says, "This was a wondrous quest.."
>Grae asks, "what was that???"
>Amiss screams!
>Grae just touched Amiss.
>Vague faces and forms writhe within the cloud of ash and smoke above you
before dispersing on the winds.  The deathly silence of the grave survives.
>A pool of shadows forms on the ground, and an Adan'f spirit dancer leaps
out of them!  Turning gracefully in the air, it lands lightly on its feet
and surveys the area with a pleased hiss.
Atanamir exclaims, "Dancers!"
Lanthander says, "Gah.. incredible."
>An Adan'f spirit dancer fires a bishop head arrow at Atanamir.  The arrow
lands an extremely heavy hit that stabs the fleshy portion of the right
arm, lightly stunning him! 

The bishop head arrow lodges itself shallowly into Atanamir!
>Lanthander raises his arms skyward, chanting.
Lanthander gestures at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
An Adan'f spirit dancer collapses as if dead.
>Lanthander begins to advance towards the spirit dancer.
You begin chanting a prayer to invoke the Smite Foe spell.
>An Adan'f spirit dancer whimpers and thrashes about on the ground as it is
overwhelmed by bad dreams.
>Lanthander raises his arms skyward, chanting.
>Amiss raises her arms skyward, chanting.
>Lanthander gestures at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
A brilliant moonbeam descends from the sky and shrinks into a tiny point
centered on an Adan'f spirit dancer's left arm.  The beam completely
incinerates the left arm!
>Darkonis gestures at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
A sheet of slippery ice forms under an Adan'f spirit dancer!
Nothing much happens since the spirit dancer is already on the ground.
>Amiss seems to be concentrating intently on something.
>The spirit dancer is unable to retreat from Lanthander!
Lanthander closes to pole weapon range on the spirit dancer.
An Adan'f spirit dancer whimpers and thrashes about on the ground as it is
overwhelmed by bad dreams.
>Lanthander exclaims, "Die dancer!"
>Amiss seems to be concentrating intently on something.
You harness 5 more mana and add it to the 10 you were holding.
Roundtime: 3 seconds
An Adan'f spirit dancer whimpers and thrashes about on the ground as it is
overwhelmed by bad dreams.
>Darkonis traces an arcane sigil in the air.
>The spirit dancer is unable to retreat from Lanthander!
Lanthander closes to melee range on the spirit dancer.
>Lanthander raises his arms skyward, chanting.
Amiss seems to be concentrating intently on something.
Jappa appears to be aiming at an Adan'f spirit dancer with his foresters bow.
Darkonis pauses in his spell preparations and turns his attentions to an
Adan'f spirit dancer!
Lanthander gestures at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
A brilliant moonbeam descends from the sky and shrinks into a tiny point
centered on an Adan'f spirit dancer's left hand.  The beam burns through
the flesh clear to the bone!
You gesture at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
The mana you were holding contributes to the spell.
An Adan'f spirit dancer grunts in pain and clutches her abdomen!
Roundtime: 2 seconds
>An Adan'f spirit dancer whimpers and thrashes about on the ground as it is
overwhelmed by bad dreams.
>Lanthander slices at an Adan'f spirit dancer.  The cutlass lands a solid
hit to its back! 
>Lanthander slices at an Adan'f spirit dancer.  The cutlass lands a hard
hit to its abdomen! 
The spirit dancer weaves its neck in a pouting gesture, looking at him with
sad eyes.
Jappa fires a Black Shar head arrow at an Adan'f spirit dancer.  The arrow
lands a hard hit to its abdomen! 

The Black Shar head arrow lodges itself shallowly into the spirit dancer!
>Lanthander slices at an Adan'f spirit dancer.  The cutlass lands a solid
hit to its left leg! 
>Darkonis gestures at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
A bolt of lightning blazes out of the sky toward the spirit dancer!
The spirit dancer jerks her right hand back as the bolt narrowly misses it!
An Adan'f spirit dancer gasps out a final breath, and the madness clears
from its eyes before it lets out a scream of pure terror.
Lanthander claws at the spirit dancer in a futile attempt to skin it with
his fingernails.
>Amiss gestures at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
A moonbeam of white hot flame descends upon the limp spirit dancer.
Jappa gestures at an Adan'f spirit dancer.
A bolt of lightning blazes out of the sky toward the spirit dancer!
The corpse jerks involuntarily as the lightning strikes it.
You kick the dead body of the dancer!
Darkonis searches the spirit dancer.
>Lanthander gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty
Lanthander asks, "Hath we won then Amiss?"
>Lanthander smiles at Amiss.
>Amiss says, "I'm uncertain...."
Grae says, "you need to stand Amiss"
Lanthander asks, "The Staff is destroyed.. but whati f they choose to fight
a battle of revenge then?"
Lanthander pulls Amiss to her feet.
Amiss says, "I sensed the power of the staff broken, but another was
You say, "Oh my."
>Lanthander says, "Oh.."
>Lanthander says, "I have a bad feelin then."
>Darkonis says, "I got one too"
>Ailyssa begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.
Lanthander says, "Elementals eh? Nah.."
>You say, "I sensed the spirits of Mibgluc's victums."
>Lanthander nods to you.
Jappa says, "Something else we must do it seems"
>Lanthander says, "Aye.."
>Grae says, "'I got what Cand got"
Lanthander asks, "Mibgluc?"
>Lanthander asks, "Thats not possible is it?"
>Lanthander ponders.
>Amiss asks, "Warrior Mages what do you sense?"
>Amiss says, "It's power of your realm."
>Darkonis says, "overwhelmin power"
You begin chanting a prayer to invoke the Banner of Truce spell.
You say, "Lets have some peace"
>You gesture.
A ghostly white banner fades into view overhead as a sense of peace settles
over the area.
Atanamir says, "I felt an immense power surge just after he dropped the
staff in"
>Grae says, "Tortured screams burst from the ground as the murdered victims
of Mibgluc cry out in anguish, their fitful rest disturbed."
>Lanthander says, "Hmm.."
Atanamir says, "like a wave of energy flowing throughout Sicle Grove"
>Lanthander asks, "I am wondering, if it could be Mibgluc somehow?"
You say, "Okay....war mages the Fateweaver asked ya to."
Jappa says, "Overwhelming"
>Amiss says, "I only pray we've not relased something more fearful than the
Ailyssa says, "Amiss mine tis massive"
You glance at Amiss.
Porteo says, "incredible"
>Bapvun asks, "is this the path to the volcano?"
Darkonis says, "overwhelming power"
>You ask, "Nothing we can do about it now is there Fateweaver?"
>You glance at Amiss.
Lanthander asks, "We must wait and see I suppose. Eh?"
>In the glowing fissure you see a pool of magma.
>Amiss shakes her head at you.
>Darkonis gulps.
Amiss says, "What is broken can not be remade."
You see a faint shimmer in the air.
Lanthander says, "I really hope good ole Mibgluc has not returned"
Lanthander says, "He'd be an Elemental power of great force."
Amiss says, "At least the Adna'f will not control such power."
>A large cloud of white smoke rises from the glowing fissure.
You say, "whoa."
Digmo nods to Amiss.
Atanamir says, "Of that, at least, we are certain"
You exclaim, "This isn't over yet...look at that smoke!"
>Lanthander asks, "Shall I gate us out?"
A warm, soothing sensation washes over your soul.
You gaze about yourself for a moment, struck by a momentary passing thought
that seems to bring to light some of what you have learned in the past.
You laugh inwardly in delight at this scrap of personal philosophy, the joy
of the realization filling you warmly.
>Digmo smiles.
A red-banded hawk appears, circling overhead.  Looking down, Eshrali cries,
"Get out of there, you Gods-forsaken fools!"  She then turns south and
flies off.
>You say, "let's make sure this is over..."
You say, "Out GRae"
Digmo babbles incoherently.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went west.
[Sicle Grove, North of Fumarole]
A slight breeze from the south carries the black exhaust of the fumarole
through this area, making the air hot and heavily tainted with sulphurous
fumes.  This stifling mixture makes breathing difficult and all but
eliminates visibility.  Ash from the vent's plume settles to the ground in
deep layers and forces one to take careful steps to keep from falling in
the loose material.  You also see a pair of black boots, a bishop head
arrow and some burnt branches.
Also here: Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Digmo, Fateweaver Amiss, Ailyssa,
Jappa, Atanamir, Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: east, southwest.
>Atanamir exclaims, "Gate!"
Ailyssa exclaims, "Go!"
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went southwest.
[Sicle Grove, West from Fumarole]
Thick layers of ash paint the surrounding landscape in a palette of shades
of gray.  Each footstep sends a cloud of dust into the air and obscures the
already limited view of the lifeless terrain.  From the east, waves of
intense heat radiate from the smoking vent as it belches forth black,
noxious gases.  Towards the north and northeast, rectangular earthen mounds
stand out on the otherwise featureless plain.  You also see a pair of black
boots, a pair of black boots and a blackened bush.
Also here: Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Digmo, Fateweaver Amiss, Ailyssa,
Jappa, Atanamir, Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae, Palewolf, Tourokk, Whispe,
Footpad Maegwinne
Obvious paths: north, south, northeast.
Lanthander asks, "Shall I or not?"
>Atanamir exclaims, "Now!"
>Digmo says, "ok, is good enough for me"
>Amiss says, "Nothing more may be done here."
Maluth exclaims, "GATE!"
Battle Empath Grae's group just went south.
[Sicle Grove, Atop Gateway]
From atop this arched portal, a dry field of ash and smoke, where verdant
lands once lay, is all that is visible.  Except for signs in the dusty
ground that someone has climbed down the gateway recently, a search for
traces of life yields nothing.  Nearby, a pillar of thick, ash-filled smoke
from a fumarole climbs into the air.  Waves of intense heat radiate from
the active vent.  You also see a silver chain.
Also here: Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Fateweaver Amiss, Ailyssa, Jappa,
Atanamir, Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north.
>You say, "Climb the gate"
A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment.  When
it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.
>Battle Empath Grae's group climbed down a bent oak-bough gateway.
[Sicle Grove, Gateway]
Tall untrimmed hedges of bramble and myrtle grow on either side of an
oak-bough gateway.  A neatly carved sign is mounted near the top of the
gate's arch.  Tufts of dried brownish grasses poke out in random clumps
along the otherwise barren ground.  You also see a blue moonbeam, a red
moonbeam and a blue moonbeam.
Also here: Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Fateweaver Amiss, Ailyssa, Jappa,
Darkonis, Battle Empath Grae, Atanamir, Cerrigol, Loneangel, Loria
Obvious paths: east.
Lanthander chuckles.
Battle Empath Grae's group just went east.
[North Road, Plains]
A bright splash of purple just off the road catches your attention for a
moment.  A small patch of wildflowers is growing atop a crumbling slab of
reddish stone, their brilliant hue standing out sharply against the greyish
backdrop.  You pause for a moment, and wonder what generous god it was that
created this tiny miracle.  You also see a red moonbeam, a rusty chain
hauberk, some oak bishop head arrows, a broadsword, a bishop head arrow, an
oval shield, a black herb pouch, some boots, a dagger sheath, a leather
sheath, some black trousers, a full leather helm, some full leather armor,
a bishop head arrow and a heart-shaped pin.
Also here: Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Fateweaver Amiss, Ailyssa, Jappa,
Darkonis, Atanamir, Battle Empath Grae
Obvious paths: north, west, southeast.
>Grae asks, "Digmo??"
>Ailyssa asks, "Diggie???"
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went west.
[Sicle Grove, Gateway]
Tall untrimmed hedges of bramble and myrtle grow on either side of an
oak-bough gateway.  A neatly carved sign is mounted near the top of the
gate's arch.  Tufts of dried brownish grasses poke out in random clumps
along the otherwise barren ground.  You also see a blue moonbeam, a red
moonbeam and a blue moonbeam.
Also here: Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Fateweaver Amiss, Ailyssa, Jappa,
Darkonis, Atanamir, Battle Empath Grae, Loneangel, Loria
Obvious paths: east.
>Grae yells, "Digmo"
Your mind hears Aithan thinking, "I wonder what that surge was"
Lanthander says, "Someone must have lost this.."
>You say, "He was kneeling...I'll get him."
>Your broadsword and tower shield make the climb more difficult.
[Sicle Grove, Atop Gateway]
From atop this arched portal, a dry field of ash and smoke, where verdant
lands once lay, is all that is visible.  Except for signs in the dusty
ground that someone has climbed down the gateway recently, a search for
traces of life yields nothing.  Nearby, a pillar of thick, ash-filled smoke
from a fumarole climbs into the air.  Waves of intense heat radiate from
the active vent.  You also see a silver chain.
Also here: Jasonmv, Sabashtin, Sapphyr
Obvious paths: north.
[Sicle Grove, West from Fumarole]
Thick layers of ash paint the surrounding landscape in a palette of shades
of gray.  Each footstep sends a cloud of dust into the air and obscures the
already limited view of the lifeless terrain.  From the east, waves of
intense heat radiate from the smoking vent as it belches forth black,
noxious gases.  Towards the north and northeast, rectangular earthen mounds
stand out on the otherwise featureless plain.  You also see a fire sprite,
a black cat, a pair of black boots, a pair of black boots and a blackened
Also here: Seer Bapvun, Nurrune, Palewolf, Cerrigol, Digmo, Tourokk,
Footpad Maegwinne
Obvious paths: north, south, northeast.
>You hold Digmo's hand.

[Sicle Grove, Atop Gateway]
From atop this arched portal, a dry field of ash and smoke, where verdant
lands once lay, is all that is visible.  Except for signs in the dusty
ground that someone has climbed down the gateway recently, a search for
traces of life yields nothing.  Nearby, a pillar of thick, ash-filled smoke
from a fumarole climbs into the air.  Waves of intense heat radiate from
the active vent.  You also see a silver chain.
Also here: Strinth
Obvious paths: north.
Digmo followed.
>climb gateYour broadsword and tower shield make the climb more difficult.
[Sicle Grove, Gateway]
Tall untrimmed hedges of bramble and myrtle grow on either side of an
oak-bough gateway.  A neatly carved sign is mounted near the top of the
gate's arch.  Tufts of dried brownish grasses poke out in random clumps
along the otherwise barren ground.  You also see a black dog, a
white-chested hunting falcon that is flying around, a spotted dog who is
sitting, a blue moonbeam, a red moonbeam and a blue moonbeam.
Also here: Porteo, Sapphyr, Jasonmv, Sabashtin, Soothsayer Moonwink,
Mireldyn, Sibille, Whispe, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Fateweaver Amiss,
Ailyssa, Jappa, Darkonis, Atanamir, Battle Empath Grae, Loria
Obvious paths: east.
Digmo followed.
>Battle Empath Grae's group climbed up a bent oak-bough gateway.
>You belt out, "Grae"
>Battle Empath Grae's group climbed down a bent oak-bough gateway.
>Battle Empath Grae's group climbed up a bent oak-bough gateway.
Pelagius thinking, "hmmm A surge of power, far greater than the last,
washes over you!  You sense something dangerous growing in the area around
Sicle Grove!"
You belt out, "Grae I have him"
You lean on Digmo.
>Digmo chuckles.
You say, "Gods"
>You disband the group.
Battle Empath Grae's group climbed down a bent oak-bough gateway.
>Your broadsword and tower shield make the climb more difficult.
[Sicle Grove, Atop Gateway]
From atop this arched portal, a dry field of ash and smoke, where verdant
lands once lay, is all that is visible.  Except for signs in the dusty
ground that someone has climbed down the gateway recently, a search for
traces of life yields nothing.  Nearby, a pillar of thick, ash-filled smoke
from a fumarole climbs into the air.  Waves of intense heat radiate from
the active vent.  You also see a silver chain.
Also here: Zolrac, Strinth
Obvious paths: north.
>Your broadsword and tower shield make the climb more difficult.
[Sicle Grove, Gateway]
Tall untrimmed hedges of bramble and myrtle grow on either side of an
oak-bough gateway.  A neatly carved sign is mounted near the top of the
gate's arch.  Tufts of dried brownish grasses poke out in random clumps
along the otherwise barren ground.  You also see a white-chested hunting
falcon that is flying around, a spotted dog, a black cat, a blue moonbeam,
a red moonbeam and a blue moonbeam.
Also here: Zolrac, Strinth, Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Fateweaver Amiss,
Ailyssa, Jappa, Darkonis, Atanamir, Battle Empath Grae, Serengil, Jipamc,
Apprentice Zualdjin, Sadar, Hedgewizard Galastarr, Loneangel, Digmo,
Soothsayer Moonwink, Whispe, Loria
Obvious paths: east.
>Grae pulls Digmo towards her!
>Grae just kissed Digmo.
Grae holds hands with Digmo.
>You join Grae's group.
>Digmo says, "the staff is no more"
>You let out a loud "Huzzah!"
>Atanamir says, "Digmo...we need to go"
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went east.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Travel Cut~~~~~~~~~~~
>Jasonmv asks, "You feel another surge?"
Lanthander says, "But a greater power was unleashed it seems."
Atanamir says, "Yes"
Jappa says, "Yep"
>Atanamir says, "There has been another surge"
Grae asks, "where to?"
>Jappa says, "Far greater than the first"
>Atanamir says, "something incredible is going to happen"
>Digmo says, "it's gonna blow up again, far away"
Jappa says, "Someplace safe"
Ailyssa says, "Go to Kaerna"
>Lanthander says, "I'll gate then."
Grae says, "gate"
Grae nods to Lanthander.
>Atanamir says, "An immense energy surge. We released something"
Lanthander says, "Alright then."
>You say, "Oh boy."
Lanthander says, "Finally."
>Lanthander gestures.
A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment.  When
it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.
Battle Empath Grae's group went through a blue Moongate.
[The Crossing, Town Green Southwest]
The hedgerow to the west meets the row of tall lunat trees that separates
the Town Green from the commercial traffic on Lunat Shade Road due south.
The growth is especially dense here, with no way to slip past either of the
living fences.  The small thorns on the hedges, to keep out stray livestock
in search of prime pasture, look daunting in any case.  You also see a blue
Moongate, a bishop head arrow, a plain wooden coffer, a pool of black
shadows, a pale red moonbeam, a pale blue moonbeam, a street urchin and the
Town Pillory.
Also here: Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Fateweaver Amiss, Ailyssa, Jappa,
Atanamir, Digmo, Battle Empath Grae, Shamano, Itron who is seated, Mage
Jalav who is seated, Trillana, Mystic Cresintmoon, Charlend, WoundBearer
Obvious paths: north, east, west, northeast.
A blue Moongate collapses in on itself.
>Lanthander asks, "This safe enough, or Shard now?"
>Amiss says, "You did well Digmo."
>Amiss bows to Digmo.
Digmo just gave Amiss a fond glance.
Digmo just hugged Amiss.
>Amiss just hugged Digmo.
>Grae smiles at Amiss.
>Amiss just hugged Grae.
>Grae grins at Amiss.
>Amiss says, "Thank you all."
>Digmo just kissed Grae.
>Jappa says, "Thank the gods that is over."
>Lanthander says, "Welcome Amiss.."
>Atanamir asks, "What now Amiss?"
>Amiss says, "Please do be wary of that area. I did not like what I saw."
Grae nods to Amiss.
>Atanamir says, "I did not like what I felt"
>Jappa nods to Amiss.
>Digmo says, "thank you all, for standing by me, my gratitude will be
eternal, whatever comes next be damned"
Jappa says, "I agree Amiss"
>Your mind hears Mewnciek thinking, "quoting someone "A surge of power, far
greater than the last, washes over you! You sense something dangerous
growing in the area around Sicle Grove!" and recent predict "You see a
death shadow walking over your grave. You see snow turning into fire. You
see a castle crumble." something is going on"
>Grae snuggles up to Digmo.
>Jappa says, "And I, for one, am glad I was able to give you some help in
your quest Digmo"
>A red-banded hawk appears overhead, circling.  Eshrali looks down and
says, "Crazy Moon Mage!  Gauthus sends me to tell you the powers of Air
were released tonight.  He expects a full explanation as soon as you are
able."  The hawk turns and flies towards the Warrior Mage Guild.
You say, "That was something...heh"
Maluth says, "Ummm...people? Maybe we should go talk to Gauth..."
>Grae shrieks!
>Atanamir says, "wow"
You say, "Uh oh."
>You ask, "Powers of air??"
>Cresintmoon exclaims, "Yikes!"
>Lanthander winces.
Grae exclaims, "dumb bird you told us there!!"
Digmo says, "ah, it was air elementals enchanted into the staff then"
Lanthander says, "Shall we go visit Gauthus,..."
>Atanamir says, "Air has been released"
You say, "Grae...we better go there."
Grae says, "maybe wasn't your note but you told us"
Amiss frowns.
>Atanamir says, "one thing study as an air wizard didn't prepare me for..."
>Jappa says, "Hmmm"
>Atanamir gulps.
>Grae says, "he said it was quiet for now"
You ask, "What evil will that bring us?"
>Lanthander asks, "Think Gauthus has anythin vital ta say?"
>Lanthander says, "I don't feel like havin that grouch bark at me."
Grae says, "can we be reckless and young again now love now that you got
that monkey off your back"
>Lanthander says, "Kssarh bad nuff."
Grae snuggles up to Digmo.
Digmo just kissed Grae.
>Lanthander says, "Amiss,"
>Amiss says, "Perhaps we should go speak with him."
You say, "Grae..let's go see Gauthus."
Jappa nods to Amiss.
Lanthander winces.
>Grae says, "okay"
>Lanthander says, "I really am not in a mood to get yelled at ..."
Lanthander grins.
>Battle Empath Grae's group just went northeast.
~~~~~~~~~~~Travel cut to War mage Guild~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>Ailyssa moves over to guard Amiss.
>Battle Empath Grae's group went through some gleaming ebonwood doors.
[Warrior Mage Guild, Foyer]
Slate grey walls span the tower interior, faint reflections fading in and
out of its glassy sheen.  A long steep staircase has been cut into the
walls, spiraling its way up the tapering interior.  A set of gleaming
ebonwood doors lead out, flanked by two gruesome and fierce-countenanced
dvarapalas.  Resting beside the Guildmaster is a small stand the same
blue-grey marble as the perch of his red-banded hawk familiar.  You also
see an air elemental, Guildmaster Gauthus, a guild proclamation and a small
plaque set above the staircase.
Also in the room: Mystic Lanthander, Maluth, Ailyssa, Jappa, Docent Lemicu,
Atanamir, Digmo, Fateweaver Amiss, Battle Empath Grae, Danatheil, Moon Mage
Phel, Enforcer Natu, Soothsayer Moonwink
Obvious exits: none.
Natu joins Grae's group.
>You say, "I have alot of respect for Gauthus after seeing him right a
>Grae smiles at Guildmaster Gauthus.
You bow to Guildmaster Gauthus.
Guildmaster Gauthus grumbles at Amiss.
>Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "What in Meraud's name was that?"
>Atanamir bows to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Amiss bows to Guildmaster Gauthus.
Jappa nods to Guildmaster Gauthus.
Ailyssa curtsies to Guildmaster Gauthus.
Maluth bows to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Lemicu bows to Guildmaster Gauthus.
Phel bows to Guildmaster Gauthus.
Lanthander bows to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Moonwink bows to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Phel bows to Amiss.
>Grae moves over to guard Digmo.
Amiss says, "It was the destruction of the Adan'f staff."
Guildmaster Gauthus nods to everyone.
Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "Oh, the one you stole?"
Guildmaster Gauthus raises his eyebrow at Amiss.
Lanthander moves over to guard Amiss.
>Lanthander flinches.
>You clear your throat.
Maluth moves over to guard Amiss.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Oh, stop boy."
>Guildmaster Gauthus pokes Lanthander.
Amiss asks, "Would you rather they held to it to use fully against us?"
>Phel grins at Lanthander.
>Lanthander flinches.
>Jappa says, "Like that will help you dolts"
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "The staff had to be removed from them."
Jappa grins at Lanthander.
Guildmaster Gauthus looks over at Amiss and snorts.
>Vrulle glances at Amiss.
You elbow Jappa in the ribs in a playful sort of way.
>Lanthander says, "Aye.. it was neccessary for her to 'steal' it."
>You say, "Be nice."
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "I've been called many things, Amiss, but never a
Moonwink says, "Gauthus why did you feel the need to warn us about Sicle
Amiss asks, "So what was it your Warriors sensed?"
>Atanamir says, "Because something was released when the staff was
destroyed. Something dangerous."
>Jappa says, "Yes, it was your clue that lead us to the spot to destroy the
staff Gauthus"
>Digmo asks, "any further word from Tiv?"
Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "Did anyone assess the staff's magic before
destroying it?"
Digmo says, "i did"
>Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "Did any Warrior Mages?"
>Guildmaster Gauthus frowns.
Jappa asks, "And what did it tell you Digmo?"
Atanamir looks at Guildmaster Gauthus and shakes his head.
>Amiss says, "I knew only that it contained the power to summon and army of
air elementals."
>Atanamir sighs.
>Guildmaster Gauthus sighs.
>Grae says, "the scroll your familiar carried Gauthus is what told us to
put the staff where we did"
Jappa sighs.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Dragon Priest work."
>You say, "Guildmaster that couldn't be done without summoning the ADan'f."
Ailyssa cowers away from Guildmaster Gauthus.
Guildmaster Gauthus frowns.
Maluth exclaims, "Dragon Priest!"
Ailyssa begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

>Amiss says, "The scroll was from Tiv."
Jappa says, "I'm sorry Gauthus, Darkonis and I were the only War Mages
left, we have failed you."
>Jappa sighs.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "They always did meddle from things they should
leave alone..."
>Grae says, "but Gauthus critter carried it"
Atanamir says, "Or perhaps a competent forgery"
Guildmaster Gauthus pokes Jappa.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Don't snivel, youngling.  Nobody made any
mistakes today."
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "I just wish you had come to the Warrior Mage
Guild for help."
>You grin at Jappa.
>Guildmaster Gauthus glances at Amiss.
Amiss says, "You will admit our relations have been a bit strained."
Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "Or have you forgotten that Saekhi knows more
about elementals than you?"
>Guildmaster Gauthus looks over towards Amiss and nods.
>Lanthander says, "Perhaps a new era of open dialouge between the two mage
guild would help in the future."
Lanthander smirks.
>Atanamir furrows his brow.
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "The two Guilds have always been rivals, Amiss..."
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "I did not think that went so far as to prevent
you from asking for our aid."
>Amiss asks, "Perhaps it is time for that to change?"
You grin at Amiss.
Jappa says, "If we can get past this I'm better than you stuff we can work
better together."
Lanthander grins at Amiss.
>Moonwink says, "Aye a change would be good"
Lanthander gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Guildmaster Gauthus looks over towards Amiss and nods.
Vrulle says, "Mages.."
>Vrulle mutters cryptically to himself.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "All of you be silent."
Ailyssa beams!
>Amiss says, "Mayhaps our guilds can set an example for the others."
>Guildmaster Gauthus frowns.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Listen well..."
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Whatever was released today is powerful..."
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "The Warrior mages among us felt the wave of
power that was released..."
Atanamir nods.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Whatever is growing in Sicle Grove, will need
the strength of both Guilds to fight."
Guildmaster Gauthus looks over towards Amiss and nods.
Amiss nods to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Vrulle says, "Growing ..."
>Vrulle glances at Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "It is time for the rivalry between Moon Mages
and Warrior Mages to end."
>Grae says, "I like that Idea"
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "I think it is time for all of us to grow up a
>Guildmaster Gauthus grins.
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Sorry for the pun, Amiss."
>Marstof says, "Kssarh too."
Guildmaster Gauthus ducks his head.
>Phel cackles at Guildmaster Gauthus!
>Ogredd says, "aye you and Kssarh should shake on this"
Ogredd smiles.
Amiss says, "Perhaps our combined researches can avert further threats."
Jeubi is teasing Guildmaster Gauthus, who looks rather annoyed by the whole
>Guildmaster Gauthus looks over towards Amiss and nods.
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "I will summon Saekhi."
Kranon asks, "who is saekhi?"
>Khurdan says, "Archmage"
>Tymek says, "Saekhi is an Archmage."
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Perhaps he can determine what is happening in
the Sicle Grove."
>Coldwolf says, "one of  gauthus's best pupils"
Amiss nods.
>Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "Amiss, will you make yourself available for his
Guildmaster Gauthus smiles at Amiss.
Amiss says, "Most certainly."
>Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "And you, Digmo?"
Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "Grae?"
Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "Atanamir?"
>Grae asks, "yes?"
Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "All of you who witnessed the staff's destruction?"
>Atanamir says, "Quite so"
Jappa nods to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Atanamir nods.
>Lanthander says, "I witnsessed it."
You say, "Gladly guildmaster."
Lanthander smiles at Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Grae nods.
Jappa says, "Certainly"
>Pentaith inhales a great swallow of air.
Maluth says, "Aye, of course Master Gauthus."
Ailyssa curtsies to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Amiss says, "I will carry this news back to our council. I'm am certain I
can twist Taramaine's arm."
Amiss winks.
>Digmo says, "I am always available Gauthus"
>Guildmaster Gauthus chuckles.
>Grae says, "I will be awaiting the call Gauthus"
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Perhaps you should first have an Empath remove
the large branch he has wedged..."
Ailyssa giggles at Amiss.
>Guildmaster Gauthus coughs.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Well, enough said there."
>Amiss says, "And if that fails, I'll put him over my knee."
>Krayken laughs!
>Grae glances at Guildmaster Gauthus.
>You laugh!
Grae says, "watch yourself there"
Ailyssa grins at Amiss.
>Grae says, "empaths can't work miracles"
>Jeubi says, "hey, someone challenge gauthus"
>Pentaith says, "Amiss..."
>Jeubi smirks.
Krayken says, "Best way to find out whats happening, is to be quiet and
listen. :)"
Pentaith says, "I believe Taramaine has found the box."
Guildmaster Gauthus glances at Jeubi
Guildmaster Gauthus glances at an air elemental
>Jeubi grins.
Jeubi rubs his hands together.
A elemental just escorted Jeubi out.
>Guildmaster Gauthus smiles.
>Ogredd grins.
>Amiss says, "Gauthus, I'll carry the news back now."
>Guildmaster Gauthus looks over towards Amiss and nods.
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "I thank you, Amiss."
>Amiss says, "Be well..."
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Tell the old snake that I'll send Eshrali to
him soon."
>Pentaith says, "I believe Taramaine has Penelope's music box."
Digmo smiles at Amiss.
>Pentaith shrugs.
Loria glances at Pentaith.
>Amiss hugs Gauthus who looks a bit dicomfitted by the gesture.
Sabashtin grins at Amiss.
>Amiss smiles.
>Guildmaster Gauthus grumbles at Amiss.
>Jappa chuckles at Amiss.
Amiss says, "Be well all..."
Sholana waves to Amiss.
>Jipamc says, "there are visions of balls of fire falling through the air"
>Lanthander says, "Take care Amiss.."
>Arzfilt says, "and thee Amiss"
>Digmo says, "thank you for your help and guidance Amiss"
>You bow to Amiss.
>Zualdjin says, "I saw visions of raining fire in the grove"
>Lanthander says, "Hope to see ya again."
>Digmo smiles at Amiss.
Guildmaster Gauthus bows to Amiss.
Amiss just climbed up a long steep staircase.
> * Amiss returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
>Guildmaster Gauthus asks, "I suppose you all want some answers?"
>Arkiey says, "Thank you guildmaster"
>Guildmaster Gauthus raises his eyebrow.
>Tymek nods to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Sabashtin nods to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Ask Digmo and Grae."
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "They were there, not me."
>Marcul laughs!
You laugh!
Ailyssa laughs!
Loneangel pats Grae on the back.
>Loneangel pats Digmo on the back.
Ailyssa says, "Goood relay M'Lord Gauthus"
>Grae asks, "do I look like a bard?"
You ask, "Guildmaster when will we be needed for questioning?"
>Lanthander quietly says, "He only mentioned Digmo and Grae.. time ta go
before question and answer starts.."
>Lanthander whistles a merry tune.
>Grae says, "here is the bard preent"
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Saekhi isn't here yet."
Shoadiir leans on Ailyssa.
>You laugh at Grae!
Grae says, "err present"
>Natu asks, "when is saekhi coming?"
Grae shoves futiley at Ailyssa.
>You nod to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Digmo says, "ok, I will tell you what has happened"
>Grae says, "shall we retire to TGSW..."
>Ailyssa nods to Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Jipamc exclaims, "Master Gauthus Zualdjin and I have come from the sickle
grove, there are visions of balls of fire falling from the sky, and talk
that the volcano is going to erupt!"
Gauthus bellows, "QUIET, All of you!"
>Guildmaster Gauthus frowns.
>Grae says, "that way we leave Gauthus to his job"
Guildmaster Gauthus exclaims, "Or I'll send your impertinent carcases to
Grae grins.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "Then you can dance with the Adan'f tonight."
Sphveen looks at Guildmaster Gauthus and shakes his head.
>Natole cowers away from Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Moonwink shudders.
>Krayken says, "Theres a curse."
>Grae smiles at Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Grae says, "thank you for you words this night we shall be
out of your hair and your guild"
>Guildmaster Gauthus bows to Grae.
>Digmo smiles.
Guildmaster Gauthus says, "I thank you, Grae."
Grae waves.
>Ailyssa whispers to your group, "Jebui showed up as south as the lands lay "
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "And my apologies for siccing this mob on you."
>You say, "Be well GAuthus."
>Guildmaster Gauthus says, "But better you than me."
>Sabashtin chuckles.
>Grae says, "TGSW"
>Atanamir says, "Ever at your command, my Lord"
Ailyssa giggles at Guildmaster Gauthus.
>Atanamir bows to Guildmaster Gauthus.
Krayken says, "The elements favor ye, Gauthus. "
>Krayken asks, "Grae, Digmo, TGSW?"
>Grae says, "sure join me I am headed that way"
>Pentaith's group went through some gleaming ebonwood doors.
Digmo says, "I will be glad to explain to any who want to listen"
Grae bows to Guildmaster Gauthus.
Battle Empath Grae's group went through some gleaming ebonwood doors.
