Thoughts on Prophecy - A Defense of Teleologic Sorcery

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Thoughts on Prophecy - A Defense of Teleologic Sorcery
by The Moonbender Family, posted on 7/18/2020 at 2156

The lay observer likely believes prophecy is the ability to merely divine the future—this oversimplifies a complex concept.

Prophecy comes first from understanding the interconnectedness of all things. Indeed, prophecy would not be possible without knowledge of the Web of Fate, which connects us all through its many threads. An individual cannot be understood as merely a being unto himself—for with each action we influence those around us, their reactions influence others around them, and so on through links of interrelatedness crossing time and space.

The other side of prophecy, much more familiar to the lay observer, is foretelling. This is achieved through application of intuition, an unconscious surrendering of our mind to the planar link to determine a probable result. When a prophet observes fated things, beings, or actions that interact with each other, he determines the probable outcome of their interplay by accessing the Plane of Probability. Prophecy exists where these two concepts meet—understanding and foretelling.

It should not surprise any that prophecy changes the Web of Fate. Indeed, conscious manipulation of the Plane of Probability in this way to expose what will be allows the prophet to change his path according to whatever goal he has in mind. But the average prophet is unaware that in his mind there lurks a hidden danger—the ~unconscious~ mind. As the researcher in Throne City tells us, the unconscious mind can alter probability and reality.

This Dream Theory, as we have called it, identifies the danger this poses. The actions we intend and that we carry out do not necessarily mirror the unconscious mind that lies beneath, with its unspoken desires and its faults within the soul. Intention is a present thought, a decisive choice knowingly made. The unconscious mind is much deeper, and inaccessible, but its natural, raw emotion can nevertheless control our choices.

Thus, our unconscious minds can manipulate probability without us even knowing how, thereby causing erratic ripples in the fabric of reality. There are those who would demand we cease prophecy immediately, demand that we hold static the strands of the Web of Fate. We need not do so.

Through teleologic sorcery, the hidden and unspoken desires deep within the soul are laid bare, allowing us to see what was before unseen. It leads one beyond what is rational and logical into a world enriched with intuition and emotion. It is here we begin to understand the darker parts of us that lie beneath the conscious mind. It is here where we grow. True understanding requires one to face darkness – within and without - to not only see, but to feel in ways that we normally do not. But equally important, when one faces dark emotions, the good ones become more vivid. Teleologic sorcery has shown me this much.

The Saesordian Compass spell is one method of opening our eyes and widening our perception to reality that is painted by a myriad of thoughts, expressions, and feelings that were once inaccessible to us. It does this by surrendering a part of the caster’s Targeted Magic faculties to a living concept—an entity that attaches itself to the caster’s consciousness. In casting this spell, I have identified ten distinct concepts as they bound themselves to me, including Disgust, Hunger, Hatred, Hubris, Envy, Contempt, Rage, Spite, Alchemy, and Justice.

Yes, most would look at this list and recoil before they seek to understand how such unions are beneficial. We cannot understand the interconnectedness of all things without accepting that negative emotions can connect two beings within the Web of Fate, just as easily as love can bring people together. But we must also examine how these unions affect our own perception.

When in union with different concepts, I felt at once envious of all, but also more tolerant of everything; disgusted with everything, but also with a newfound respect for those around me; like a sanctimonious paladin, but also filled with love. With each union, it was not that I was overwhelmed with one emotion, but rather that my mind simultaneously appreciated and felt opposing viewpoints. My perspective was not made narrow as some would claim, but much wider.

Indeed, the other teleologic spells also widened my perspective. The Tezirah’s Veil spell – which, as an aside, was not created by Tezirah – filled my inner being with foresight. With this knowledge, my connection to the Plane of Probability was augmented and I could seek a greater understanding and obtain a greater influence on the paths that myself or others would walk. Tangled Fate loosened the shackles of fate to allow me to undo manipulations of prophecy. With this one spell, a caster can avoid fated negative consequences and prevent disasters from continuing, or even from occurring in the first place. Both the Sever Thread and Sovereign Destiny spells liberated recipients from the forces of destiny. Sever Thread does this by using a force of improbability to loosen the shackles of fate while Sovereign Destiny indirectly affects the Plane of Probability by separating an individual’s shadow from the Web of Fate, thereby liberating one from the forces of destiny. Research along these lines may one day provide us a vehicle for our own liberation as we learn to remove ourselves from unsought influences.

Instead of continuing to allow the unconscious mind to alter probability in unpredictable ways, teleologic sorcery brings those deep emotions to the surface. With this awareness, we can correct our imperfections, or we can use that inner darkness for some good. Indeed, through the widened perspective offered by teleologic sorcery, the caster can reshape the contours of his sense of self or reshape the world around the caster for the benefit of all.

Detractors say that these spells damage the Web of Fate and a seer’s connection to the Plane of Probability, but in reality, a Teleologic caster’s manipulation of Fate is more tempered than the harsh pulling of prophetic threads routinely performed by seers who primarily embrace one modality of viewing the world—one that fails to fully appreciate the powerful non-rational forces that pull on the strings of the Web of Fate. As the perspective of a Teleologic caster widens, the potency of their predictions decrease. Thus, the Teleologic caster is prevented from pulling the individual strands of the Web of Fate too hard. However, the non-teleologic caster is not so restrained. Moreover, certain spells actually ~enhance~ a caster’s probabilistic connection. I encourage detractors to seek out this knowledge for themselves.

Reason has its place in our world—without some rules, some order, the world we know would descend into random chaos. But we should not allow ourselves to become restrained by reason. To limit our sight to only the rational is to blind ourselves to secrets and truths in the name of safety. This blind devotion to only doing what is comfortable limits the individual, stagnates growth, and prevents the individual from achieving their true potential.

Teleologic sorcery leads one beyond what is rational and logical into a world of intuition and emotion. Once we understand our true selves, the combination of the conscious and unconscious mind, we can better decide what step to take, or not take, to achieve what is good. Indeed, teleologic sorcery can be used as a tool to reshape the contours of one's sense of self or reshape the world around the caster for the benefit of all.

In summary, prophecy does indeed come from an understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. But the complexities of existence and interaction can not be understood by reason alone. Men are moved by the irrational, by wants that reason could never explain. To truly understand the Web of Fate, we must open our minds and embrace the totality of existence – the rational, the irrational, and the emotional.