The Necessity of Group Predictions: A Moral Argument

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The Necessity of Group Predictions: A Moral Argument

"The Obelisks. The Plane of Probability. And The Web of Fate. These are what we shall consider at this time. We shall discuss these because without a basic understanding of them, we can make little progress as diviners of the future and of the present and past.”

"And yes, I did say past. We tend to think of ourselves as diviners of the future, but we are also keepers of the past. The Web of Fate extends in both directions of Time, allowing us to gain insight into the past, present, and future.”

"But I wanted to discuss the Plane of Probability and the Web of Fate for another reason. These are two concepts that are commonly confused as the same thing. But they are not the same thing.”

"So first. The Obelisks.”

"Whatever may be argued, we know that the obelisks are not only tied to the moons, but also to the Plane of Probability and the Web of Fate. When the Therengian obelisk was activated so many years ago, four beams were sent into the sky, one for each moon. This created a problem for the moon we now call Grazhir was no more. And as Grazhir no longer crossed our skies, this caused the obelisk to melt after a dramatic outburst of celestial energy, killing those around it, and seemingly altering our perceptions of time itself and possibly our memories of what was.”

"So with that in mind, let us pause briefly to discuss the Plane of Probability and the Web of Fate.”

"What is known is that the Plane of Probability is a place, separate and distinct from the Plane of Abiding. It appears as a pale sunset with little to distinguish above the horizon from below it, with strange winds and clouds. It is a seemingly colorless and silent landscape. It is place filled with shadows turned solid -- a place where shadow takes the role that the elements do in the Plane of Abiding. But it is this plane of existence which we, as Moon Magi, tap into to sense and seek visions, or weave the Web of Fate.”

"The Web of Fate, however, is not so much a place or a plane, but rather a linking of events across all of Time. It is like strands penetrating and linking different times, places, and planes throughout the Infinite Planes of Existence.”

"And when we open a window into the Plane of Probability, it allows us to see a possible reality. It is my belief that when moments in time have more intersecting lines, that future or past is more certain or more probable than others.”

"In the past, a group of several magi came together to make a group prediction. What they discovered was that when several magi came together, they were able to open a larger hole into the Plane of Probability, and through that, tap into the Web of Fate and see more of the future.”

"Of course, such a window or door into the Plane of Probability is not a one way opening. When the magi opened a larger opening into the Plane of Probability during the time of the Mirror Wraith Prophecies, creatures made of shadow crossed the portal. While they were rewarded with knowledge of the future, they had difficulty interpreting what they saw.”

"So I know I spoke of these complex topics in extreme brevity. It would be possible to discuss each of these topics for an entire lifetime, but I think I have said enough to bring us to a question to consider, though it would be foolish to answer it with but one passing of the moons.”

"In the past, we have typically studied the Plane of Probability and the Web of Fate to gain insight into the future so that we might wisely guide our actions in the present. But if a larger window into the Plane of Probability lets us see a larger picture of what may be, there are so many events in time that could guide our steps today if we only understood them more clearly.”

"Should we not use our abilities to gaze backwards into time and see with more clarity what did happen? How much could we change in the future by understanding the past?”

"What if we understood more about the obelisk builders, the Luethra, the Mirror Wraith Prophecy, or what if we could peer into the recent of events of Tiv? Or what if we could learn more of the planetary gates today?”

"None of this is without risk and none of this should be done lightly. I hope none of us will think it is something we should consider this night, but it is something we must consider. But I do ask you, no I beg you, to take the time to consider the heavy burden that rests on our shoulders as the guardians of past and future time.”

("For those that wish to study these things on their own, I recommend you study "Denizens of the Plane of Probability" found in the exclusive library in Theren and "Prophetic Reflections" found in the Taisgath Guildhouse Library.)