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The Nameless

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Caution.png Note that the following article is not necessarily accurate due to this group's status as a player-run organization. Because these types of articles are maintained by players about players, there is always the risk of alteration due to malice or desire for anonymity. This page will be monitored by the staff; please do not allow it to become a battleground. -The Elanthipedia Moderators

The Nameless

"Who are the nameless?" a soft curious voice whispers.

The clever beggar adjusts his ragged hood and smirks, "A loose affiliation of like minded people, there to protect the nameless souls of Elanthia. The poor. The beggars. Those starving in the streets."


The Nameless were born out of a place of need. The realm didn't need a good guy. And it didn't need a bad guy. Both positions were filled and thriving. The nameless were brought to life for the purpose of filling the space in between. The place between good and bad. The place where they always seemed to find themselves and where they belonged.


No one knows who started the Nameless. There is talk of a dark monk who found his path to redemption. He knew the importance and the difference it could potentially make having something uncounted for when the chain of events begin.

Leadership and Membership

There is no leader. Chain of events and work dictate the assembly. It's been hinted that 'those' called received a card or note and they are assigned a code name.


White and Gold Charity Ball
Location:  Raven's Court Ballroom
Date: May 1st 2021 9PM EST

Summary: The White and Gold Charity Ball was well attended, including appearances by the pirate Srinoja and Uroi from House Odalva.  
Unexpectedly, members of the wait staff appear to have been infiltrated.  Certain wait staff members claimed to be from a group known 
as the Red Hatchet and immediately stormed the floor with other thugs and ruffians with the intent of making off with the supplies.
Thankfully, House Odalva was able to successfully remove the bin collecting donated supplies.  Unfortunately, the coin collected from 
the charitable auction was absconded with by the thugs and thieves masquerading as the wait staff.