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The Grey Dragons/Logs/20240814 Beseech Elanthia To Find
It has been 450 years, 21 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 1st month of Akroeg the Ram in the year of the Golden Panther.
It is currently winter and it is early morning.
You're positive it's 10 roisaen before the Anlas of Peri'el's Watch.
You see Dragon's Shadow Waydren Amlir, a Human.
Waydren has a square-jawed face, silver-flecked steely grey eyes and a straight nose. His dark brown hair is short and wavy. He has tanned skin and a deeply cowled cloak of dark jadeleaf cloth partially obscuring an athletic build.
He is a bit over average height for a Human.
He appears to be in his prime.
He has a thick mustache on his upper lip and a well groomed beard.
He has a tattoo of a vibrant portrait of Lanival the Redeemer on his forearm.
He is wearing an azurelle battle longbow sporting seventeen forged ka'hurst raven feathers, a deeply cowled cloak of dark jadeleaf cloth inked with a shadowy gloomwood tree, a densely forged ka'hurst mail hauberk richly padded with electroweave, an eddy of muted sylvan light trapped in a cage of barbed dragonwood arrows, a rugged yeehar-hide herb pouch, a waterproof oilcloth gamebag fastened with riftstone arrows, an elaborate scorpion-shaped quiver bound in void-black shadowleaf and a pair of black spidersilk pants.
You see Maunderer Aislynn Ranloa, Zoluren's Shadow of the Zoluren Navy, a S'Kra Mur.
Aislynn has a sculpted diamond-shaped face with a set of frost-dappled faesoul blossoms bedecked with intricate icesteel webs highlighting a bilateral crest of delicate spines joined by icy-blue membranes which follows the shape of her skull, some rounded icesteel-framed spectacles with blue tinted lenses that accents a smattering of wrinkles emphasizing thoughtful slitted icy blue eyes and an elegant snout, icy blue-whorled translucent scales accented by some white opal gems, a webbed icesteel pel'hhsmur with a brilliant sungold spiral covering the length of a ridge of delicate spines upon a resplendent tail and a pair of pale leathery wings with nearly translucent icy-blue membranes accenting the figure.
She is itty-bitty for a S'Kra Mur.
A square-cut glacier emerald is positioned between her eyes, glowing with a lustrous sheen against her scales.
She is archaic.
She has a bioluminescent array of serrated asarenjan horns jutting prominently from her forehead.
She has a tattoo of a pair of wings with iridescent feathers on her back.
She is wearing an icesteel circlet of briar interspersed with tiny frost opals, an icesteel-visored great helm with a pure white thealstone unicorn horn, a diaphanous glacial blue spidersilk cloak webbed in scintillating hoarfrost, a sleek blued moonsilver pivuh with luminous feathered wings, a golden badge molded into a miniature shield with an inlaid ebony dragon, a jagged icesteel pauldron inlaid with spirals of frost opals, an arctic rivertear icesilk gown swathed in ethereal frost-white wildlace, some icesteel-inlaid full plate embellished with unicorn pauldrons, a glacial blue gladiola with frost-tipped petals, an icesteel wedding band depicting a moonsilver dragon piercing sungold clouds, a slender mistglass hip-chain draped in cascading tiers of rivertear and a pair of bluefire velvet high-heeled slippers accented with shimmering rivertears.
You say, "Madigan. Saragos. We begin now."
Saragos nods to you.
You say, "Friends and family have been taken."
Aislynn nods to Pyppa.
Pyppa nods.
Vaerek moves a blue iris to his right hand.
You say, "We have turned to logic, might, and magic in an effort to find them."
Madigan bows to you.
Aislynn stands near Rileos.
Pyppa touches Lileath with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
Madigan quietly says, "Good luck."
You say, "The brightest minds we know have bent their collective will to this challenge."
Aislynn nods to Ezathiel.
Karthor nods at Szarevar, obviously agreeing with his views.
You say, "And thus far we have failed."
Aislynn gazes at you.
You glance about the area while pacing back and forth, like a large, stalking mountain cat. (extremely wilderness)
Valynn gazes at you.
Pyppa touches Lileath with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
Jundara joins your group.
An almost visible connection between Pyppa and Lileath seems to thrum through the air.
Lileath shivers briefly as wounds and traces of battle abruptly vanish from her body.
Pyppa exhales slowly as corresponding wounds bloom on her flesh.
You say, "Rangers have been known to seek a different source of help in times of trouble. We call, and Elanthia itself answers."
You say, "I confess that this is not my strength. I am as a novice hunter in untracked lands following the memory of a trail that might have been."
Malorna rests her hand on Sceth's arm with a soft smile.
You blush and babble a few incoherent words, looking foolish but sincere.
Malorna rests her hand on Sceth's arm with a soft smile.
Allye gazes at you.
Zersha grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.
Illiya smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
You say, "But we will try."
You grin.
Ezerak nods politely.
You say, "That is what we attempt here today. We shall Beseech Elanthia to Find those that we've lost."
You say, "We will do so in three movements."
You say, "In the first movement we will conduct one last search of the Workshop, and then commit it to our memory."
Valynn nods to you.
You say, "In the second movement we will move back outside, make ourselves ready, and Beseech Elanthia."
Rileos casually observes the area.
You say, "In the third movement we will listen. We do not know how Elanthia will respond. We will wait in silence."
Allye nods to you.
Aaiyaah gestures.
You feel the strange aliveness in your limbs renew itself.
The shimmering globe of blue fire surrounding Vaerek flares brightly!
Zersha nods to you.
You say, "Rangers and Empaths, fix your mind here."
Sarugar casually observes the area.
Allye closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
Rhainn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Valynn inhales a great swallow of air.
You say, "Center your thoughts. There is only this room. You begin and end here."
Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.
Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.
Melindrha inhales a great swallow of air.
Valynn slowly empties her lungs.
You say, "See it. Smell it. Hear it. Feel it. Perceive it. Know this room in your innermost being."
Illiya casually observes the area.
Golameth says, "No zill smacking, go almanac slapping.....silence."
You sniff the air around you.
Hanryu inhales a great swallow of air.
Karthor presses his palm against the bole of a towering dragonwood tree with aurulent leaves, fingers splayed.
Aislynn closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
You reach out with your senses and see glaring streams of deep green and blue Life mana flowing through the area.
Letting your senses extend further, you feel there is glaring mana below you.
Eurynomile nods to Golameth.
(Zersha breathes slowly, trying to focus on the space around her.)
Pyppa touches Lileath with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
Melindrha slowly empties her lungs.
Kayena bows her head and grows still for a moment.
Pyppa touches Hanryu with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
You say, "You and this place are one."
Melindrha closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
Kamisama's claws slowly retract as his hands return to normal.
Allye blinks.
Hanryu searches around for a moment.
(Ezathiel gets a look of intense focus on his face.)
Pyppa touches Hanryu with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
An almost visible connection between Pyppa and Hanryu seems to thrum through the air.
Hanryu shivers briefly as wounds and traces of battle abruptly vanish from his body.
Pyppa exhales slowly as corresponding wounds bloom on her flesh.
Hanryu studies the area, intently looking for signs.
(Valynn slowly closes her eyes and concentrates on the room.)
Rejind closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.
Sukidesu inhales a great swallow of air.
Rileos inhales a great swallow of air.
Rhainn takes a deep breath.
Valynn inhales a great swallow of air.
Rileos slowly empties his lungs.
Sukidesu slowly empties his lungs.
Zersha breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Pyppa touches Hanryu with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
You say, "In a moment, we will move outside. I will direct our movements. But not yet."
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
You say, "As we return outside, take this room with you. Carry its essence."
Valynn slowly empties her lungs.
You say, "Nod to me when you know this room to your core."
Lileath slowly empties her lungs.
Ezathiel casually observes the area.
Aislynn nods to you.
The thorns adorning Lexxa fall out and crumble into reddish ash.
Valynn casually observes the area.
Rhainn casually observes the area.
Allye closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
Sarugar nods to you.
Rileos casually observes the area.
Karthor adjusts the fit of his spectacles.
Sliyder casually observes the area.
Rejind nods to you.
Illiya closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
Hanryu nods to you.
Valynn nods to you.
(Zersha stares about her, trying to take in all the details then nods to Waydren.)
Lexxa nods to you.
Hanryu joins your group.
Rhainn nods.
Arcsicsin nods to you.
Karthor nods to you.
Allye slowly empties her lungs.
[Arhat's Tower, Workshop]
Very little is recognizable from the workshop's original contents. The walls are broken off at half their intended height and the area lies open to the elements. The only obvious sign of the room's prior function, odd glowing stains marking the floor, are most likely the result of past experiments gone awry. You also see a cloud of black mist, a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes (sitting), a horned phantom thrall, a grey cat (sitting), a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail (sitting), a violet grotto monkey, a towering dragonwood tree with aurulent leaves, a large fiery fissure, a svelte alfar warrior, a pink-eared white piglet and a blue polka-dot cloth.
Also here: Hauns, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Fire Witch Merilwen, Shadowmancer Szarevar, Physician Jundara, Intern Rhainn, Knight Penitent Briaen, Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne, Forest Sprite Lileath, Brother Harsh, Mathematician Avrenka, Lord of the Drink Medir, Alshabi Kamisama, Khozh Elizzibiana, Stellar Statistician Urbaj, Hunter Hanryu, Lexxa, Sarugar, Desert Fury Grenhart, Pack Sister Kayena, Court Advisor Aaiyaah, Knight of Meraud Tirost, Danger Wizard Dasheek, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Peace Keeper Vaddon, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu, Courtier Aerhys, Kaedan, Esotericist Eyst, Shadow Tracker Sliyder, Wind Listener Sceth, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna, Glitterbug Kalinandra, Deepwood Sniper Arcsicsin, Fury's Touch Rejind, Cateress Allye, Miecha, Ice Cold Natarian, Pyppa, Sammee, Bastion of Life Karthor, Mooring Thread Aislynn, Mageling Aerilia, Tree Singer Vendelt, Knight Templar Marwen, Sir Madigan, Dzive Asini Leayne, Fearless Crobin, Mage Slayer Golameth, Primal Lady Zalinyar (sitting), Warlord Thanator, Shadow's Touch Melindrha, Vaerek, Snarky Cythra, Nurse Eurynomile, Keinruf, Valynn, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Roughneck Rileos, Desert Dancer Zersha, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Ezathiel and Tempest Knight Saragos.
Obvious paths: down.
Room Number: 14104
Grenhart roots around the area for a moment.
Grenhart forages around the area for a while until he finds some dirt.
Rhainn joins your group.
Ezerak joins your group.
Illiya nods to you.
Allye nods to you.
Shaylynne joins your group.
Rileos appears calmer than he did a moment ago.
Sammee studies the area, intently looking for signs.
Grenhart taps some dirt that he is holding.
Kamisama joins your group.
Grenhart grins.
Sammee nods to you.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
You say, "I lead us down, now. To the outside of the tower. Observers, you are welcome to attend us there as we move into the second part of our ritual."
Sayase just arrived.
You go down, leading your group.
[Arhat's Tower, Foyer]
Scorched walls span the tower, and faint reflections of emerald green onyx are visible beneath the ash. A long steep staircase has been cut into the walls, spiraling its way up the tapering interior. A soot-blackened door, hanging precariously from one hinge, leads out. You also see a white dog (sitting).
Also here: Niliaevat Raesh Isen Ezathiel, Desert Dancer Zersha, Roughneck Rileos, Valynn, Keinruf, Shadow's Touch Melindrha, Dzive Asini Leayne, Mooring Thread Aislynn, Bastion of Life Karthor, Sammee, Pyppa, Cateress Allye, Fury's Touch Rejind, Deepwood Sniper Arcsicsin, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna, Wind Listener Sceth, Courtier Aerhys, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Desert Fury Grenhart, Sarugar, Lexxa, Hunter Hanryu, Alshabi Kamisama, Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne, Intern Rhainn, Physician Jundara and Mountain Lord Ezerak.
Obvious exits: up.
Room Number: 14103
Room Exits: go door
>go door
[Northeast Wilds, Grimsage Way]
The once pristine tower of the Warrior Mages is now no more than a memorial. The stresses of the great fire have shattered the crystalline spire. The building stands broken and raw against the sky. One onyx door tilts wildly to the side, its hinges melted to slag, while the other has been reduced to rubble. You also see a landing area cordoned off by Musparan silk stanchion ropes and a tall fir tree.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, west.
Kamisama, Shaylynne, Ezerak, Rhainn, Hanryu, Jundara, Sarugar, Lexxa, Grenhart, Illiya, Sceth, Malorna, Aerhys, Sammee, Arcsicsin, Pyppa, Rejind, Allye, Ezathiel, Leayne, Keinruf, Rileos, Aislynn, Zersha, Karthor, Valynn and Melindrha followed.
Room Number: 989
Room Exits: go door
Esotericist Eyst came through a fire-etched onyx door.
The dark stripes upon Rileos's skin fade away.
You whisper to Melindrha, Valynn, Karthor, Zersha, Aislynn, Rileos, Keinruf, Leayne, Ezathiel, Allye, Rejind, Pyppa, Arcsicsin, Sammee, Aerhys, Malorna, Sceth, Illiya, Grenhart, Lexxa, Sarugar, Jundara, Hanryu, Rhainn, Ezerak, Shaylynne, and Kamisama, "We'll wait for stragglers."
Mage Slayer Golameth's group came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu's group came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Hauns came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Ezathiel casually observes the area.
Allye nods to you.
You feel a moment of confusion with odd memories of Perception flitting in your mind, then you sense that Illiya has extended additional tendrils of life energy towards you.
Ezathiel searches around for a moment.
Forestal Mage Kivian just arrived.
Kaedan came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Khozh Elizzibiana came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Snarky Cythra came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Fearless Crobin's group came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Kivian squints.
Shifting winds gently blow from behind Tirost.
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Vaerek came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Aislynn gets a round icesteel-paned box supported by a web of sungold branches from inside her pivuh skull.
Aislynn carefully removes a milk-white flower spider patterned with silvery white markings from her shoulder.
Harsh gets some burnt incense from inside his heretic's cloak.
Harsh gets a small red salamander meticulously crafted from red gold from inside his heretic's cloak.
Harsh points his red salamander at some burnt incense and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the incense quickly catch fire.
Harsh waves some burnt incense over himself.
A wisp of smoke settles around Harsh, surrounding him with the scent of smoke.
Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.
Harsh puts his salamander in his heretic's cloak.
Harsh gets a cloudy glass bottle tied with a string of scraggly vulture feathers from inside his heretic's cloak.
Harsh roots around the area for a moment.
Harsh forages around the area for a while until he finds some dirt.
Forest Watcher Damoone just arrived.
Forest Watcher Damoone went through a fire-etched onyx door.
Rileos's claws slowly retract as his hands return to normal.
Vaddon smiles at Zalinyar.
Harsh sprinkles some holy water on himself.
Harsh grinds his fist, allowing little specks of dirt to drop down over a glass bottle. The grains seem to melt into water, which pours into his bottle. Some of the dirt bypasses the bottle, trickling down in a circle on the ground, a small pool of crytal clear water forming in the center.
Harsh puts his bottle in his heretic's cloak.
Forest Watcher Damoone came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Kivian joins your group.
Lexxa's claws slowly retract as her hands return to normal.
Aislynn puts a milk-white flower spider patterned with silvery white markings in a round icesteel-paned box supported by a web of sungold branches.
Harsh takes a deep breath and then raises his hands, murmuring prayers under his breath. A strong white light fills him, exploding outward and blinding you momentarily. When the light fades Harsh seems to be floating a few inches above the ground while descending slowly to a standing position, looking exhausted but happy.
Damoone paces back and forth, smiling slightly to himself.
You say, "Rangers. Make yourselves ready. Should you know the Dragon Magics, use them now. Embed the Cycle upon yourself. Embrace the River in the Sky."
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Aislynn closes her icesteel-paned box.
Damoone joins your group.
Aislynn puts her box in her leather backpack.
Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
Eurynomile asks, "Can we dos tremorings here?"
Sublime Mender Kerennya came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Grenhart gathers some dirt in his palm. Whispering arcane words, he gently blows on the dirt, which disperses into swirling motes of glittering light that shroud his hands in a pale aura.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
Rileos nods to you.
You notice Zersha attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
You notice Eurynomile attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
With a few arcane words, Eurynomile's eyes darken unnaturally to a shade as black as a starless night!
You notice Rileos attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Rileos produces a coin and begins rapidly rolling it across his knuckles.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
Kerennya joins your group.
You notice Valynn attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
Allye smiles.
The clear pool of water soaks into the ground, leaving no trace of its presence.
Sceth assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Kamisama assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
Damoone paces back and forth, smiling slightly to himself.
Sarugar gestures.
Sarugar's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.
You notice Damoone attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Damoone assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Memory of Nature spell. [signature Ranger (Wilderness Survival): advanced utility]
You say, "Empaths. Attend Aislynn now."
The air around Hanryu shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses.
You nod to Aislynn.
Hanryu traces a gossamer pattern in the air.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
Damoone gets a wizened Life Dragon carved from verdant lirisan from inside his scout's cloak.
Grenhart gestures.
Grenhart's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.
Damoone sweeps his Dragon through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
You notice Lileath attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Lileath assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
Eurynomile gestures.
The earth beneath your feet begins to shake violently!
A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.
Zersha gestures.
Zersha's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.
Allye gazes at Aislynn.
Shaylynne gestures.
Shaylynne's cambrinth cub emits a loud *snap*.
Shaylynne's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.
Sarugar gestures.
Sarugar's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Illiya's request to form a deep link with you fades away.
Grenhart gathers some dirt in his palm. Whispering arcane words, he gently blows on the dirt, which disperses into swirling motes of glittering light that shroud his hands in a pale aura.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
You notice Kivian attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Kivian begins a solemn intonation. A bright blue glow fills the air as a soft blue nimbus forms around her!
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
Aislynn quietly asks, "I recommend each of us cast Mental Focus, Refresh, and Gift of Life. If you know Heart Link, link yourself with a ranger. I will bring up a tree. Karthor, can you Raise Power?"
Sammee assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
Hanryu gestures.
Hanryu's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.
Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
The sudden oscillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
Valynn gestures.
Valynn's leather belt emits a loud *snap*.
Valynn's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.
Lord of the Drink Medir came through a fire-etched onyx door.
You notice Zersha attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Zersha assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
Arcsicsin paces back and forth, smiling slightly to himself.
The sudden oscillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
Damoone's Dragon steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Allye nods to Aislynn.
Damoone's Dragon fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Rileos gestures.
Rileos's cambrinth sapling emits a loud *snap*.
Rileos's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.
Jundara assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Hanryu traces a gossamer pattern in the air.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
Rejind assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
You notice Valynn attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
The sudden oscillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
Karthor nods.
Sceth gestures.
Sceth's cambrinth kitten emits a loud *snap*.
The color of Sceth's scales swirl in a new pattern.
Kerennya touches Rileos with a confident grace and familiar smile.
Miecha came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Leayne places her hands on her temples.
Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.
Leayne's countenance takes on a sublimely tranquil air.
Rhainn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
Sceth assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
The sudden oscillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
Melindrha exhales softly, her breath flowing into a shimmering cloud of iridescent air.
Allye assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Sukidesu lays his hand on Lileath's arm.
Kamisama gestures.
Kamisama's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Hanryu gestures.
Hanryu's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Melindrha reaches out and touches Grenhart, who gasps and gives her a startled look.
Lileath gestures.
Lileath's faesilk satchel emits a loud *snap*.
Lileath's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.
The sudden oscillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
Illiya gestures.
Grenhart gestures.
Grenhart's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Sammee gestures.
Sammee's flesh momentarily swirls, though he seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, his body is covered with scales of shifting color.
You notice Pyppa attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Pyppa assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
Aislynn weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.
Aislynn gets a stout Siksrajan applewood pipe with a bowl shaped to resemble a beer stein from inside her leather backpack.
Karthor says, "Sure, comin' right up."
Aislynn sweeps her pipe through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Damoone puts his Dragon in his scout's cloak.
The sudden oscillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
Kivian gestures.
Kivian's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.
Damoone gestures.
Damoone's cambrinth belt emits a loud *snap*.
Melindrha exhales softly, her breath flowing into a shimmering cloud of iridescent air.
Shaylynne gestures.
Shaylynne's cambrinth cub emits a loud *snap*.
Shaylynne's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Sammee assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.
Jundara reaches out and touches Kivian, who gasps and gives her a startled look.
Aislynn's pipe steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Zersha gestures.
Zersha's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Cythra giggles at Karthor.
Rhainn gestures.
The sudden oscillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
Valynn gestures.
Valynn's leather belt emits a loud *snap*.
A soft crackle briefly comes from Valynn's direction.
Aislynn's pipe fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Healer Leilanie just arrived.
Rejind gestures.
Rejind's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*.
Healer Leilanie walks northeast.
Aislynn puts her pipe in her leather backpack.
You notice Lileath attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Lileath assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
Illiya gestures.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Illiya.
The sudden oscillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
Hanryu pats Valynn on the back.
Aerhys beams at Allye!
Pyppa gestures.
Zersha blinks.
The sudden oscillation in the ground beneath you leaves your teeth chattering.
Sceth gestures.
Sceth's cambrinth kitten emits a loud *snap*.
Sceth's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Karthor gestures.
Karthor's cambrinth raven emits a loud *snap*.
Karthor's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*.
Sukidesu reaches out and touches Lileath, who gasps and gives him a startled look.
Valynn gives Hanryu a wry grin.
Allye's watersilk bag emits a loud *snap*.
Allye reaches out and touches Shaylynne, who gasps and gives her a startled look.
You notice Kivian attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Kivian begins a solemn intonation. A bright blue glow fills the air as a soft blue nimbus forms around her!
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
The violent heaving of the earth finally subsides.
Rejind assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
You notice Arcsicsin attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Arcsicsin inhales sharply as transparent waves of building energy distort the color of his surroundings for a moment.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Embed the Cycle spell.
Healer Leilanie just arrived.
Jundara assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Rhainn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
You notice Valynn attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Valynn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
Illiya gestures.
You notice Pyppa attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Pyppa assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
Aislynn quietly says, "When our spells are cast, we will re-anchor ourselves. It can be extremely disorienting to commune with vast entities, and we want everyone to be able to return to a singular existence when we're done."
Malorna assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.
Allye touches Aerhys with a confident grace and familiar smile.
Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.
Aislynn gestures.
A lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms rises up from the ground, its golden leaves stretching out into the air.
Sammee gestures.
Sammee's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
You whisper to Leilanie, "Join me please."
Melindrha gestures.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Melindrha.
Lileath gestures.
Lileath's faesilk satchel emits a loud *snap*.
Lileath's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Leilanie joins your group.
Deathbeing just arrived.
Rejind gestures.
Rejind's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Rejind.
Melindrha exhales softly, her breath flowing into a shimmering cloud of iridescent air.
Arcsicsin gestures.
Arcsicsin's watersilk bag emits a loud *snap*.
The color of Arcsicsin's scales swirl in a new pattern.
Sukidesu gestures.
Jundara gestures.
Pyppa gestures.
Rejind assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
Aaiyaah moves over to guard Valynn.
You notice Arcsicsin attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Arcsicsin inhales sharply as transparent waves of building energy distort the color of his surroundings for a moment.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the River in the Sky spell.
You notice Pyppa attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Pyppa assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
Aerhys nods to Allye.
Shaylynne beams at Allye!
Kivian gestures.
Eurynomile mutters to herself.
Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.
An uplifting lilt colors Natarian's voice as he continues to sing his enchante.
Malorna gestures.
Malorna's cambrinth calf emits a loud *snap*.
Eurynomile assesses her combat situation.
Jundara assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Zalinyar grins at Leayne, her dimples flashing into view.
Rhainn reaches out and touches Sceth, who gasps and gives her a startled look.
Sliyder searches around for a moment.
You say, "Onlookers, I ask for silence as the ritual is conducted. Elanthia's reply may be a still soft whisper."
Allye assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Valynn gestures.
Valynn's leather belt emits a loud *snap*.
Valynn's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Aislynn quietly says, "Begin by focusing on Self. Feel your Self, that which is just you. Exclude everything else, just for a moment, and be entirely sure that you can return to simply being you at any time."
You notice Vaerek attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Vaerek raises his arm skyward, chanting.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Lay Ward spell. [Analogous Patterns: basic warding]
Harsh quietly says, "Oh shinin red."
Malorna assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.
Aerhys rests his hand on Zersha's arm with a soft smile.
Sukidesu gestures.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Sukidesu.
Rejind gestures.
Rejind's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*.
Melindrha gestures.
Zersha rests her hand on Aerhys's arm with a soft smile.
Aislynn weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.
Deathbeing joins your group.
Kerennya touches Rileos with a confident grace and familiar smile.
Sliyder seems to be concentrating intently on something.
Pyppa reaches out and touches Hanryu, who gasps and gives her a startled look.
Leayne presses her palm against the bole of a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, fingers splayed.
Melindrha exhales softly, her breath flowing into a shimmering cloud of iridescent air.
Jundara gestures.
Karthor adjusts the fit of his spectacles.
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Jundara exhales softly on her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.
You notice Pyppa attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Pyppa assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
Aerhys gasps!
Zersha grins at Aerhys, her dimples flashing into view.
Aislynn quietly says, "Now, focus on Elanthia itself. Like any other patient, she has rhythms and cycles, and that is how we connect to her."
Forestal Mage Kivian dances northeast.
Arcsicsin gestures.
Arcsicsin's watersilk bag emits a loud *snap*.
Arcsicsin's body ripples, their flesh and bone swirling, in flux like water for the briefest moment.
Hanryu pops his knuckles and breathes deep, trying to look calm.
Forestal Mage Kivian just arrived.
Ezathiel inhales a great swallow of air.
Aislynn gestures.
Aislynn's cambrinth chain emits a loud *snap*.
Aerhys beams at Allye!
Kivian joins your group.
Freezing water drips from Arcsicsin's thin-edged zills.
Karthor lays his hand on Valynn's arm.
Ezathiel slowly empties his lungs.
Malorna gestures.
Malorna's cambrinth calf emits a loud *snap*.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Malorna.
>whisper leil Follow Aislynn's lead.
You whisper to Leilanie, "Follow Aislynn's lead."
>grin leil
You grin at Leilanie.
Aislynn quietly says, "Breathe in, and then out, listen to those around you, and know that somewhere, the ocean sighs upon a beach in time with you."
You notice Harsh attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
The pained wailing of incorporeal voices accompanies Harsh's spell preparations!
Pyppa gestures.
Melindrha gestures at Grenhart.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Grenhart.
Ezathiel appears to be listening intently for something.
Jundara assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Leilanie takes a deep breath.
Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.
You notice Pyppa attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Pyppa assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
Eurynomile inhales a great swallow of air.
Zalinyar exhales softly on her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.
Grenhart inhales a great swallow of air.
Eurynomile slowly empties her lungs.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Rejind takes a deep breath.
Aislynn quietly says, "Hear your own heartbeat, feel the heartbeats of those around you, and know that somewhere, lava pumps through the world's veins with the steady lub-dub of her ancient heart."
Merilwen leans on Shaylynne.
Grenhart slowly empties his lungs.
Malorna assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.
Hanryu slowly empties his lungs.
Lexxa inhales a great swallow of air.
Lexxa slowly empties her lungs.
You notice Sliyder slip into a hiding place.
The phantom thrall discovers Sliyder, ruining his hiding place!
You feel a moment of confusion with odd memories of Perception flitting in your mind, then you sense that Illiya has extended additional tendrils of life energy towards you.
Ezathiel appears to be listening intently for something.
Deathbeing closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.
Karthor closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.
Rhainn presses her palm against the bole of a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, fingers splayed.
Melindrha exhales softly, her breath flowing into a shimmering cloud of iridescent air.
Eurynomile smiles at Hanryu.
Aerilia smiles.
Lexxa inhales a great swallow of air.
Grenhart coughs.
Leilanie slowly empties her lungs.
Ezathiel casually observes the area.
Sukidesu gestures.
Sliyder chortles softly at some secret joke.
Eurynomile grins at Cythra.
(Allye closes her eyes and breathes deeply, allowing Aislynn's words to wash over her.)
Jundara gestures.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Jundara.
Aislynn quietly says, "Feel the sun upon your skin, and know that all around, every green thing stretches eagerly to feel the same."
Lexxa slowly empties her lungs.
Leilanie inhales a great swallow of air.
You notice Pyppa attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Pyppa assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
Leayne gestures.
Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.
You nod to Illiya.
Aislynn quietly says, "We are one, the patient and healer."
Malorna's cambrinth calf emits a loud *snap*.
>link ill accept
Melindrha gestures at Grenhart.
Melindrha's diamond fireflies emit a loud *snap*.
A faint sound of cracking glass echoes through the area. You feel protected.
You feel a deepening of the link between you and Illiya.
Roundtime: 11 sec.
Allye gestures.
Allye's watersilk bag emits a loud *snap*.
Kerennya closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
Leilanie slowly empties her lungs.
Pyppa gestures at Hanryu.
Aislynn quietly says, "We are one, the world, the workshop and the empath. We are one."
Melindrha exhales softly, her breath flowing into a shimmering cloud of iridescent air.
Deathbeing glances up at the sky.
Aislynn nods to you.
Ezathiel assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
Sliyder scans the area briefly.
Aislynn whispers, "We are ready."
Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.
Aerhys grins at Zersha, his dimples flashing into view.
You nod to Aislynn.
You notice Pyppa attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Pyppa assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Melindrha gestures at Grenhart.
Grenhart closes his eyes and settles into a graceful stance.
Lileath lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Allye assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Melindrha exhales softly, her breath flowing into a shimmering cloud of iridescent air.
Pyppa gestures at Lileath.
You say to Aislynn, "My thanks. We continue."
Ezathiel gestures at Lexxa.
Aislynn weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.
Rejind presses his palm against the bole of a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, fingers splayed.
You notice Pyppa attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Pyppa assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
You say, "Elanthia."
You say, "You are always here. You provide safety and succor, yet we rarely give thanks."
Malorna gestures.
Malorna's cambrinth calf emits a loud *snap*.
Leayne gestures.
Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.
You frown.
You say, "We take. We burn. We steal. Without consideration."
Melindrha gestures.
Melindrha closes her eyes and settles into a graceful stance.
Malorna presses her palm against the bole of a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, fingers splayed.
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Aislynn gestures.
Aislynn's cambrinth chain emits a loud *snap*.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Aislynn.
Zersha gazes at you.
Allye gestures.
Allye's watersilk bag emits a loud *snap*.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Allye.
Ezathiel inhales a great swallow of air.
Pyppa gestures at Harsh.
You notice Kerennya attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Droplets of water coalesce around Kerennya's fingertips as her arms undulate like gracefully flowing river currents.
You say, "Yet you give life. Let us give thanks, and give life in return."
Ezathiel slowly empties his lungs.
Lileath's image wavers momentarily as if she will fade from sight, but after just a few seconds, she stabilizes.
Aerhys assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Deathbeing rests his hand on Damoone's arm with a soft smile.
Shadow Tracker Sliyder goes west.
You nod to Aislynn.
Allye smiles.
Merilwen joins your group.
Leilanie smiles.
Aislynn nods.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Aerhys gestures.
Rutilant sparks of light encircle Aerhys, seeping into his skin and bathing him in a warm glow.
Kerennya gestures.
Kerennya's sturdy belt emits a loud *snap*.
You notice Kivian attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Kivian begins a solemn intonation. A bright blue glow fills the air as a soft blue nimbus forms around her!
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Cheetah Swiftness spell. [signature Ranger (Animal Abilities): advanced augmentation]
Aislynn quietly says, "Empaths, awaken your vela'tohr."
Kerennya nods.
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Melindrha places her hands on her temples.
Melindrha's countenance takes on a sublimely tranquil air.
Aislynn quietly says, "Let us create a thicket."
Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
Kerennya takes off an acenite sea unicorn with a glittering tail of coralite.
Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.
Kivian gestures.
Melindrha exhales softly, her breath flowing into a shimmering cloud of iridescent air.
Karthor gets a lapis lazuli tree statuette from inside his cloak.
You notice as a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes waves its tail slowly in the air.
Leayne gestures.
Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.
Allye assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Illiya gets a clear glass charm etched with a floral motif from inside her encompassing shadows.
Melindrha takes off a glimmering blued moonsilver open-ring brooch set with gems.
Karthor sweeps his statuette through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Sukidesu gets a lapis lazuli kitten statuette with peridot eyes from inside his riding cloak.
>nod ais
You nod to Aislynn.
Pyppa slides a pallid ouroboros ring carved from dreamstone off her finger.
A hazy mist swirls up Leilanie's arms like undulating waves as she utters a few magical words.
Allye takes off a tiny lavender rose charm limned in sungold.
Illiya sweeps her charm through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
You notice Kerennya attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Droplets of water coalesce around Kerennya's fingertips as her arms undulate like gracefully flowing river currents.
Rejind assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
You notice Pyppa attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Pyppa assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.
Leilanie takes off a fragile crystal butterfly charm with brightly colored wings.
Ezathiel assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
Allye sweeps her charm through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Ezathiel slides a pallid ouroboros ring carved from mother of pearl off his finger.
Ezathiel sweeps his ring through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Sukidesu sweeps his statuette through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Rejind gets a balsa heron figurine from inside his canvas backpack.
Leilanie sweeps her charm through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Kerennya sweeps her unicorn through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Pyppa sweeps her ring through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Malorna assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.
Jundara assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Rejind raises his figurine up, and a cold white glow surrounds it.
Rejind sweeps his figurine through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Melindrha puts her bar in her moonsilk carryall.
Karthor's statuette steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Illiya's charm steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Malorna takes off a wizened Life Dragon carved from verdant e'erdream.
Aislynn quietly says, "When we are done, we speak. "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Melindrha sweeps her brooch through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Allye's charm steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Karthor's statuette fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Aerhys assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Illiya's charm fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Jundara gets a lapis lazuli tree statuette from inside her thigh bag.
Aerhys takes off a lifelike anatomical heart carved from bloodmist garnet.
Allye's charm fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Illiya puts her charm in her encompassing shadows.
Aerhys sweeps his heart through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Melindrha's brooch steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Ezathiel's ring steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Leilanie's charm steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Sukidesu's statuette steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Aislynn weaves delicate lines of light into a spiraling web, which resonate with the sound of her invocations.
Pyppa's ring steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Kerennya's unicorn steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Aislynn gets a stout Siksrajan applewood pipe with a bowl shaped to resemble a beer stein from inside her leather backpack.
Jundara sweeps her statuette through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Aislynn sweeps her pipe through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Melindrha's brooch fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Malorna sweeps her Dragon through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Life Weaver Ysilda just arrived.
Life Weaver Ysilda went through a fire-etched onyx door.
Ezathiel's ring fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Leilanie's charm fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Sukidesu's statuette fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Kerennya's unicorn fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Pyppa's ring fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Allye puts on a tiny lavender rose charm limned in sungold.
Aislynn's pipe steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Aerhys's heart steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Rejind's figurine steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Kaedan gets a hefty omnibus almanac with a sturdy indurium cover from inside his traveler's pack.
Kaedan studies his omnibus almanac closely.
Ezathiel slides a pallid ouroboros ring carved from mother of pearl onto his finger.
Aislynn's pipe fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Valynn gazes at Aislynn in awe.
Jundara's statuette steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
Aerhys's heart fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Rejind's figurine fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Karthor puts his statuette in his cloak.
Aislynn puts her pipe in her leather backpack.
Malorna's Dragon steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
As Leilanie gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
As Sukidesu gestures a long-leafed vela'tohr bush surrounded by diminutive blue butterflies forms and grows before them.
Sensing another nearby the newly formed plant quickly entwines with the existing one to form a vela'tohr thicket.
Jundara's statuette fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Malorna's Dragon fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
As Illiya gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
As Melindrha gestures a vela'tohr bush surrounded by ephemeral flickering fireflies forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
Leilanie puts on a fragile crystal butterfly charm with brightly colored wings.
You notice as a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail begins to pant.
As Karthor gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
As Ezathiel gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
Aerhys puts on a lifelike anatomical heart carved from bloodmist garnet.
Melindrha puts on a glimmering blued moonsilver open-ring brooch set with gems.
Valynn praises Leilanie.
As Allye gestures a slender vela'tohr plant with leaves that shimmer and undulate like liquid emerald forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
As Kerennya gestures a swaying plant dancing to a melody only heard by the vela'tohr forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
As Jundara gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
As Malorna gestures a slender vela'tohr plant with leaves that shimmer and undulate like liquid emerald forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
As Rejind gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
As Aerhys gestures a vela'tohr plant with leaves like polished obsidian bearing softly glowing star-like inclusions forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
Malorna puts on a wizened Life Dragon carved from verdant e'erdream.
Valynn praises Allye.
As Aislynn gestures a twisted vela'tohr briar emanating a viridescent hazy mist forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
Kerennya exhales involuntarily and shifts her stance, as if now under a heavy burden.
The thorns adorning Kivian fall out and crumble into reddish ash.
Jundara puts her statuette in her thigh bag.
Rejind puts his figurine in his canvas backpack.
Kerennya puts on an acenite sea unicorn with a glittering tail of coralite.
Aislynn quietly says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Rhainn assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
As Pyppa gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
Leilanie says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Allye quietly says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Sukidesu says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Illiya says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Pyppa slides a pallid ouroboros ring carved from dreamstone onto her finger.
Aislynn bows to you.
Cythra reaches out to touch the thicket and an ethereal vela'tohr thicket from within extends a green branch, soft leaves curling against her flesh as she sighs softly.
Leayne gestures.
Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.
Rhainn sweeps her charm through the air with slow, contemplative gestures.
Rejind says, "Life stiumlates life. We participate in part."
Melindrha says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Grenhart drops some dirt.
Karthor says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Damoone gets a knife shaped from a serrated aglyphous tooth from inside his canvas backpack.
Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Life stimulates life, we participate in part."
Malorna says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Rhainn's charm steadily brightens, until it burns like a glowing green torch!
You notice Harsh attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
The pained wailing of incorporeal voices accompanies Harsh's spell preparations!
Zalinyar exhales softly on her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.
Rhainn's charm fades over the course of a few seconds, returning to normal.
Pyppa says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Valynn gazes up at the sky.
Sarugar removes a steel knife with a braided twine tether from his belt.
Rhainn puts on a spring emerald charm inscribed with an ivy tendril.
Kerennya says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Hanryu removes a matte black survival knife with a leather wrapped handle from his upper arm.
As Rhainn gestures an ethereal vela'tohr plant forms and grows before them.
The newly created plant quickly entwines with the existing thicket.
Aislynn rests her hand on your arm with a soft smile.
You feel a warmth radiate from Aislynn's touch.
You have a brief sensation that leaves your wounds tingling.
Sceth says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Lexxa gets a haralun cutlass from inside her hip pouch.
Jundara says, "Life simulates life. We participate in part."
Hanryu begins to carefully examine a matte black survival knife with a leather wrapped handle.
Kivian takes off an incurvate skinning knife with an opalized darkspine handle.
You sense a deepening closeness between you and Aislynn.
Leilanie wipes one of her eyes.
You sense a sudden closeness with Aislynn, accompanied by a bouyant feeling of lightness that leaves your wounds tingling.
Lileath says, "Life stimulates life. We participate in part."
Melindrha closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
Aislynn presses her palm against the bole of a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, fingers splayed.
You say, "Rangers, attend me now. See and repeat after me."
Aislynn presses her palm against the bole of a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, fingers splayed.
(Lexxa draws the cutlass across her hand.)
Jundara just touched Kivian.
You get a sharpened steel drawknife with a tempered finish from inside your cow-shaped handbag.
Kayena gazes at you.
Lileath appears calmer than she did a moment ago.
Shaylynne takes off an incurvate skinning knife with an opalized darkspine handle.
Arcsicsin removes a sharpened vardite skinning knife stamped with a unicorn from his belt.
Lexxa says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
A faint sound of cracking glass echoes through the area. You feel protected.
Zalinyar folds her arms across her chest.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Jundara just touched Kivian.
(Shaylynne draws her knife across her forearm.)
Shaylynne puts on an incurvate skinning knife with an opalized darkspine handle.
(Zersha takes a tiny seed from her pocket.)
(Waydren draws the drawknife across his forarm, letting the blood drip upon the ground.)
Hanryu clenches his survival knife tightly until his knuckles go white.
Eurynomile blinks at Shaylynne.
Tirost gazes at Shaylynne.
Zalinyar frowns.
Valynn draws forth a slim white gold bodice dagger with an engraved ironwood hilt.
You say, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
Sammee kneels down.
Keinruf gets a polished gold-handled tail knife from inside his trapper's duffel.
Shaylynne says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
Zalinyar asks, "Blood sacrifice?"
Grenhart removes a demonbone wrist knife with a blackened edge from his wrist.
Sammee bows his head.
Valynn nods to you.
Leilanie manages a sad-eyed grin.
Briaen raises an eyebrow.
You put your drawknife in your cow-shaped handbag.
(Zersha tucks the seed into the bed of the earth, patting the dirt gently over it.)
Leayne places her hands on her temples.
Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.
Leayne's countenance takes on a sublimely tranquil air.
Arcsicsin smiles draws the drawknife across his forarm, letting the blood drip upon the ground.
Zersha says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
(Hanryu draws the drawknife across his forarm, letting the blood drip upon the ground.)
Kayena says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
(Lexxa sqeezes her hand closed, drops of blood find their way to the soil.)
(Valynn grips the dagger firmly in her right hand and makes a swift shallow incision in the palm of the opposite hand. She clenches her fist as sanguine droplets splatter the turf.)
(Rileos rolls up a sleeve to expose a forearm that he quickly draws his damite knife across to leave a small, but bleeding, cut)
Hanryu slowly says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
Lileath says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
Merilwen nods to Zalinyar.
Valynn quietly says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
(Damoone draws his knife across his arm)
Standing tall, Sukidesu raises his voice in a lofty chant.
Rhainn says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
(Sammee plants a small seed)
Aislynn closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
Hanryu attaches a matte black survival knife with a leather wrapped handle to his upper arm.
Sammee says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
Rileos quietly says to himself, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
Kerennya closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
Aaiyaah rests his hand on Valynn's arm with a soft smile.
Arcsicsin says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
(Sarugar slowly draws a blade across his forearm, then sharply slings a spatter onto the dirt.)
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Zalinyar shakes her head.
Kamisama says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
(Sceth draws forth a knife across her forearm.)
Damoone says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
(Keinruf draws his tail knife across his forearm and bleeds all over the ground.)
Tree Singer Vendelt came through a fire-etched onyx door.
Tree Singer Vendelt wanders west.
Zalinyar says, "Newp."
Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.
Rileos slowly empties his lungs.
Kamisama joins your group.
Keinruf says, "Life is returned. Ve t'ank you for your proffision."
Arcsicsin attaches a sharpened vardite skinning knife stamped with a unicorn to his belt.
Sukidesu reaches out and touches Lileath, who gasps and gives him a startled look.
Sarugar mutters to himself.
Sarugar attaches a steel knife with a braided twine tether to his belt.
You notice Harsh attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
The pained wailing of incorporeal voices accompanies Harsh's spell preparations!
Sceth says, "Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Crobin sniffles.
Keinruf attaches a polished gold-handled tail knife onto his tail.
Ezathiel casually observes the area.
Crobin sniffs the air around him.
You nod.
Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.
Sliyder just arrived.
You point at a broken tower.
Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.
Leayne gestures.
Leayne's skin flushes slightly.
(Kivian draws the knife across her forearm, letting the blood drizzle upon the ground.)
You say, "Our friends were taken from our reach. Brought to places unknown."
Ezathiel assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.
Rileos rubs his left arm.
Kerennya breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
(Valynn wipes the blood from her dagger.)
Grenhart attaches a demonbone wrist knife with a blackened edge to his wrist.
Kamisama lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Valynn sheathes her bodice dagger.
Jundara assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Zersha cocks her head at you.
Kerennya breathes almost without making a sound.
You say, "Elanthia, you hear every whisper upon the wind. Your wisdom runs deeper than the roots of mountains."
Kivian chants in a soprano voice:
"Life is returned. We thank you for your provision."
You say, "Your knowledge fills the seas."
Kivian puts on an incurvate skinning knife with an opalized darkspine handle.
Ezathiel gestures at Lexxa.
Soft waves of a gentle, warm peach color flicker around Lexxa.
A nervous tic starts up around Aislynn's eye.
You say, "We ask of you. Ally. Partner. Friend. Help us now in this hour of need."
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Zersha shivers.
Damoone puts his knife in his canvas backpack.
Jundara reaches out and touches Kivian, who gasps and gives her a startled look.
You say, "We give ourselves into your embrace."
Malorna assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.
Aerhys casually observes the area.
Zalinyar asks, "Nuh huh. Necromancers drizzle their blood on the ground to raise constructs. what are you people doing right now?"
Allye closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
You notice Kivian attempting to conceal her spell preparations from a hidden location.
You hear someone completing a solemn intonation nearby.
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Memory of Nature spell. [signature Ranger (Wilderness Survival): advanced utility]
Kamisama's image wavers momentarily as if he will fade from sight, but after just a few seconds, he stabilizes.
You say, "Let there be no boundaries between us. Replace the room we hold in our minds with your sight."
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Leayne gestures.
Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.
Leayne's skin flushes slightly.
Natarian glares at Zalinyar.
Vaerek looks at Zalinyar and shrugs.
You say, "Rangers! Accept Elanthia's embrace. Beseech Elanthia to Cradle you."
Lexxa puts her cutlass in her hip pouch.
Shaylynne lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.
You sense a sudden closeness with Illiya, accompanied by a bouyant feeling of lightness that leaves your wounds tingling.
Sarugar lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
You lower your head, close your eyes and begin breathing slowly as you channel a very small amount of your existing spirit health into reserve to be used as needed by nature itself.
Malorna's cambrinth calf emits a loud *snap*.
Malorna reaches out and touches Sceth, who gasps and gives her a startled look.
Sarugar begins to chant under his breath.
Sarugar suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Shaylynne begins to chant under her breath.
Shaylynne suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Damoone lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
You feel your spirit weaken.
You begin to chant as you connect with the soil of Elanthia.
You sense a loss of your inner-self and feel yourself go into shock as you crumple to the ground!
(Roundtime: 30 seconds)
Sammee lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
(Pyppa lifts praise to the winds and earth.)
Rileos lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Rileos begins to chant under his breath.
Rileos suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Kivian lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Sammee stands up.
Sammee begins to chant under his breath.
Sammee suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Aislynn blinks.
Kivian gestures at Sceth.
Kamisama lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Sarugar springs effortlessly to his feet!
Aislynn rests her hand on your arm with a soft smile.
You feel a warmth radiate from Aislynn's touch.
You have a brief sensation that leaves your wounds tingling.
Kamisama begins to chant under his breath.
Kamisama suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Sensing a lack of cooperation, the ground retreats and closes its wounds.
Aerhys winces.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Grenhart lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Lileath lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Grenhart begins to chant under his breath.
Grenhart suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Zersha lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Kerennya touches Rileos with a confident grace and familiar smile.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Kivian begins to chant under her breath.
Kivian suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Arcsicsin lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.
Sceth lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Shaylynne out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.
Harsh gestures at Eurynomile.
A lucent sphere glistens around Eurynomile.
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Sceth begins to chant under her breath.
Sceth suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search you out and begin encasing you in a cocoon.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Hanryu lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Pyppa touches Hanryu with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
Aislynn quietly says, "Oh dear.."
Valynn lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Rileos out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Having finished their work encasing Shaylynne, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Hanryu begins to chant under his breath.
Hanryu suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Merilwen casually observes the area.
Pyppa touches Lileath with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Zersha begins to chant under her breath.
Zersha suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Having finished their work encasing you, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Sammee out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.
Lileath begins to chant under her breath.
Lileath suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Phierre raises an eyebrow.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Hanryu springs effortlessly to his feet!
Having finished their work encasing Rileos, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Kamisama out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.
Sensing a lack of cooperation, the ground retreats and closes its wounds.
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Grenhart out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.
You have a brief sensation that leaves your wounds tingling.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Having finished their work encasing Sammee, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Kivian springs effortlessly to her feet!
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Sensing a lack of cooperation, the ground retreats and closes its wounds.
Damoone begins to chant under his breath.
Damoone suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Having finished their work encasing Kamisama, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Zalinyar stands near Vaddon.
Having finished their work encasing Grenhart, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Valynn begins to chant under her breath.
Valynn suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Sceth out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Harsh blinks.
Sukidesu lays his hand on Lileath's arm.
Aislynn rests her hand on Rileos's arm with a soft smile.
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Arcsicsin begins to chant under his breath.
Arcsicsin suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Um."
Jundara reaches out to touch the thicket and an ethereal vela'tohr plant from within extends a green branch, soft leaves curling against her flesh as she sighs softly.
Pyppa touches Hanryu with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
Having finished their work encasing Sceth, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Lileath out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Zersha out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
An almost visible connection between Aislynn and Rileos seems to thrum through the air.
The ground of Elanthia moans and shudders as cracks and small holes begin to open on the surface!
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Melindrha says, "Uh."
Eurynomile says, "Umm holes."
Having finished their work encasing Lileath, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Having finished their work encasing Zersha, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Pyppa touches Lileath with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
The svelte alfar warrior searches around for a moment.
Aislynn quietly says, "Stay focused."
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Damoone out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.
Aerhys rests his hand on Zersha's arm with a soft smile.
Sliyder just left.
You notice Kivian attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Kivian begins a solemn intonation. A bright blue glow fills the air as a soft blue nimbus forms around her!
You recognize the familiar mnemonics of the Wisdom of the Pack spell. [Ranger (Animal Abilities): intermediate augmentation]
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Valynn out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.
Zalinyar asks, "See what happens?"
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Arcsicsin out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.
Having finished their work encasing Damoone, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
You say, "Elanthia we Beseech you."
Jundara assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Having finished their work encasing Valynn, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Aislynn rests her hand on Harsh's arm with a soft smile.
Having finished their work encasing Arcsicsin, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Leayne gestures.
Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.
Leayne's skin flushes slightly.
You say, "Reveal Dantia."
You say, "Reveal Miskton."
Damoone holds a finger up to his lips and then points at Zalinyar.
You say, "Reveal Navesi."
You say, "Reveal Mazrian."
You say, "Reveal Ayrell."
Allye trills softly to herself.
Hanryu lowers his head, closes his eyes and begins breathing slowly.
You say, "Show us the way to bring them home."
Kayena lowers her head, closes her eyes and begins breathing slowly.
Golameth says to Zalinyar, "You need to mind yourself and hush."
Zalinyar rolls her eyes.
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Hanryu begins to chant under his breath.
Hanryu suddenly loses color and crumples to the ground!
From the familiar grasp within Elanthia's soil, you find something different -- something deeper. As the vines encase your body, you can feel the presence of Elanthia as one large collection of living things.
Aerhys blinks.
Zersha gasps!
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Vines begin to grow rapidly from the cracks and holes in the ground as the earth continues to moan and howl with a bone-chilling effect!
Sceth raises an eyebrow.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Allye gasps!
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Hanryu out and begin encasing him in a cocoon.
Grenhart rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Leilanie gasps!
With the aid of the Empathic link, you feel as though you have connected with Elanthia itself. Your heartbeat slows, matching the pulse of life covering the planet. Though searching for information on a specific moment in time, you become distinctly aware that Elanthia perceives time on a scale unfamiliar to you, as layers of sediment each sing their own song of epochs and days from before the rise of humanity on this world.
Like thousands of fingers seeking in the dark, the vines search Kayena out and begin encasing her in a cocoon.
Medir furrows his brow.
Having finished their work encasing Hanryu, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Having finished their work encasing Kayena, the vines begin to restrict, strategically stopping the flow of blood.
Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.
Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.
Melindrha shivers.
Phierre slowly empties his lungs.
Deathbeing blinks.
Ezathiel pleasantly says, "I ... sense something."
Your senses reach back to a time when the planet was teeming with wildness. Vibrant, uncontrolled, untamed life was once present here, in this very location. You sense the rise and fall of countless civilizations here, in this very soil. Under the careful watch of a cultivating eye pruning and fertilizing the natural life on the planet, you feel the influence of guardians maintaining the balance between wildness and civilization. Existence, self-contained and free of outside influence, remained in balance such that life could thrive.
Pyppa says, "Lifts praise the waters and life."
Allye quietly says, "Oh..."
Zersha slowly empties her lungs.
Rileos slowly empties his lungs.
Rhainn gasps!
Leayne softly says, "Yes."
Aerhys breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Malorna closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.
Grenhart fixes Brisknite with a serene, lofty stare.
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Saragos gestures.
Saragos's storm-grey mantle emits a loud *snap*.
A veil of ice forms around Saragos.
Kayena stands up.
You notice as a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes looks around cautiously.
Wild Card Elore just arrived.
Wild Card Elore went through a fire-etched onyx door.
However, you also sense that this time was short-lived. You feel a distinct time when these gardeners sustaining the balance could no longer entirely fight off outside influence. As each civilization learned to harness the flowing streams of mana, it crumbled beneath a localized extinction, leaving a bleeding wound where no life could bloom. What was an embrace of wholeness now twists into a litany of trauma, as unnatural blights spread from festering eruptions long forgotten. You feel the overwhelming loss of Life within each wound, as disease propagates alien, twisted life from outside of the plane in each laceration. As portions of Elanthia have died, outsiders have planted their seed and begun cultivating to expand their own presence through new pathways into existence from elsewhere.
Ezathiel softly says, "Praise the waters and the life."
You notice as a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail looks upward negligently.
Aislynn whispers to your group, "Stay focused. Listen, and feel. Don't get lost."
Lexxa appears to be listening intently for something.
Allye nods emphatically at Aislynn.
Eurynomile nods to Madigan.
Thanator nods to Madigan.
Aerhys chews on his lip, looking deep in concentration.
Aislynn winces.
Allye frowns.
As new pathways came to take what was here, lesser guardians attempted to assist the caretakers. They attempted to contain the wounds, and to cultivate life, but their impact was severely limited, as it was dependent on a connection to the outside, as if drawing from a well some distance away to put out a raging fire. The wounds continued to fester and bleed. The primary guardians, who were reliant on the balance of life to continue cultivating, focused on what good they could do, leaving the outsiders to attempt to contain the blights.
Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.
Leayne softly says, "This is very strange."
Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.
Crobin nods to Leayne.
Crobin says, "Focus love, you are doing great."
Jundara just touched Kivian.
Within each of these wounds, Elanthia has never recovered. Only unnatural life, blighted and cursed, can thrive in these conditions. They are no longer part of the balance within Elanthia -- and they take more from Elanthia with every iteration.
A pained expression crosses Aislynn's face.
Zersha shivers.
Kerennya breathes almost without making a sound.
Aerhys tilts his head inquisitively.
Tirost glances at Aislynn.
Karthor furrows his brow.
Allye slowly empties her lungs.
A tear runs down Valynn's face.
Ezathiel furrows his brow.
Lexxa inhales a great swallow of air.
Leilanie breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Lexxa slowly empties her lungs.
A tear runs down Zersha's face.
Aerhys nods to Zersha.
Aerhys stands near Zersha.
The pain now grows, welling to an unsustainable level, and you find yourself feeling the weight of Arhat's crumbling tower above you. Your senses focus on this location, and your connection with Elanthia helps guide the memory of the nature surrounding this tower to the specific point in which your compatriots disappeared.
Aaiyaah frowns at Valynn.
Zersha leans on Aerhys.
Crobin stands near Leayne.
Aislynn shudders.
Allye glances at a broken tower.
Leilanie breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Aerhys gazes off into the distance.
Aislynn inhales a great swallow of air.
Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.
Deathbeing closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.
Pushing out the influence of everything outside of this focal point, your senses sharpen. You witness the flash that rent many into the Null Prison, and the return of all but five. Curiously, you still feel the influence of their life in this very moment in time and in this very space. All five beings strangely appear to be here within the vicinity of the Tower -- but entirely out of reach, as if in a space that is not tangible in any meaningful way.
Ezathiel inhales a great swallow of air.
Sceth glances at a broken tower.
Ezathiel slowly empties his lungs.
Hanryu squints.
Your spatial awareness slowly returns to normal as the link with Elanthia fades.
Melindrha shivers.
Zalinyar mutters something into the air about Meraud save us all.
Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.
Karthor wobbles, looking a bit faint.
Sceth glances at a broken tower.
Ezathiel slowly empties his lungs.
You notice a grey cat rub against Sliyder for a moment.
Hanryu squints.
Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.
Aislynn pants.
Illiya blinks.
You nod.
You struggle against the enshrouding vines and, finally, pull free.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Rejind joins your group.
Sammee frowns.
A tear runs down Aerhys's face.
Damoone's jaw drops.
Karthor wipes his forehead.
(Zersha reaches over and takes Aerhys' hand, squeezing it tightly as she sniffles.)
You stand back up.
Ezathiel sighs.
You blend smoothly into your surroundings, making yourself unseen.
You fade into view for all to see.
Aerhys pulls Zersha to him in a tight hug.
You feel fully rested.
You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.
Rileos quietly says to himself, "Well alright then."
Hanryu rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Arcsicsin stands up.
The thorns adorning Kamisama fall out and crumble into reddish ash.
You say, "We asked."
Hanryu stretches his arms.
Tirost slowly asks Karthor, "What... did you see?"
Damoone rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Sceth shudders.
You say, "Elanthia answered."
Rileos stands up.
Aerilia furrows her brow.
(Allye reaches a hand out toward the tower, looking disoriented by what she senses.)
Hanryu nods.
Damoone nods to you.
Lileath casually observes the area.
Arcsicsin fixes you with a frank, even stare.
Ezerak asks, "What happened?"
Medir ponders.
Ezerak casually observes the area.
Sammee rises to a kneeling position.
Sukidesu glances at a broken tower.
Ezerak joins your group.
Deathbeing rests his hand on Damoone's arm with a soft smile.
You notice Leayne attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
Leayne assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something.
Valynn wipes one of her eyes.
You say, "There is much to ponder from that vision."
Valynn rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
Shaylynne rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
You say to Madigan, "They are alive."
Aislynn observes a broken tower with fascination.
Melindrha says, "So much life."
Shaylynne joins your group.
Crobin flicks one ear back as though listening for something.
Illiya says, "We could feel them still in the tower.. but also not."
Karthor asks Tirost, "Way too much to describe in a sentence or two, I'm afraid. Would "everything" be useful?"
Madigan nods to you.
Kamisama joins your group.
Leilanie nods.
Arcsicsin nods to you.
Malorna says, "They are here... but not."
Grenhart wheezily says, "Well kind of."
Leayne gestures.
Leayne's wildling spider emits a loud *snap*.
A liquid, dusky light cascades down Leayne's body like thick honey before thinning out.
Rhainn nods to Malorna.
Aerhys nods to Malorna.
Shaylynne tries to pull Kamisama to his feet, but cannot.
You say to Saragos, "We know not much more than before, but we know that they"
[Northeast Wilds, Grimsage Way]
The once pristine tower of the Warrior Mages is now no more than a memorial. The stresses of the great fire have shattered the crystalline spire. The building stands broken and raw against the sky. One onyx door tilts wildly to the side, its hinges melted to slag, while the other has been reduced to rubble. You also see some dirt, an ethereal vela'tohr thicket, a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes (sitting), a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, a horned phantom thrall, a grey cat (sitting), a smokey grey leopard with hypnotic crimson eyes and flecks of ashes on her fur (sitting), a sand-hued lynx with a tufted black-tipped tail (sitting), a pink-eared white piglet, a svelte alfar warrior, a violet grotto monkey, a landing area cordoned off by Musparan silk stanchion ropes and a tall fir tree.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Shadow Tracker Sliyder, Fury's Touch Rejind, Bookkeeper Parkons, Voidwalker Itaro, Alshabi Kamisama (prone), Knight Penitent Briaen, Danger Wizard Dasheek, Life Weaver Ysilda, Sayase, Fire Witch Merilwen, Deathbeing, Healer Leilanie, Miecha, Lord of the Drink Medir, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Forest Watcher Damoone, Sir Madigan, Warlord Thanator, Nurse Eurynomile, Primal Lady Zalinyar, Peace Keeper Vaddon, Mageling Aerilia, Court Advisor Aaiyaah, Knight of Meraud Tirost, Tempest Knight Saragos, Ice Cold Natarian, Stellar Statistician Urbaj, Brother Harsh, Mathematician Avrenka, Fearless Crobin, Snarky Cythra, Khozh Elizzibiana, Hauns, Forest Sprite Lileath, Pack Sister Kayena, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu, Glitterbug Kalinandra, Mage Slayer Golameth, Esotericist Eyst, Shadow's Touch Melindrha, Valynn, Bastion of Life Karthor, Desert Dancer Zersha, Mooring Thread Aislynn, Roughneck Rileos, Keinruf, Dzive Asini Leayne, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Ezathiel, Cateress Allye, Pyppa, Deepwood Sniper Arcsicsin, Sammee (kneeling), Courtier Aerhys, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna, Wind Listener Sceth, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Desert Fury Grenhart, Lexxa, Sarugar, Physician Jundara, Hunter Hanryu, Intern Rhainn and Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, west.
Room Number: 989
Room Exits: go door
Tirost gives Karthor a rueful grin.
Kamisama stands up.
Valynn sniffles.
Grenhart searches around for a moment.
Zersha softly says to Aerhys, "She's hurting, the very world is in pain."
Natarian asks, "Here? In this room?"
Avrenka thoughtfully says, "Here but not."
Zersha leans on Aerhys.
Karthor slowly empties his lungs.
Aerhys nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.
Harsh begins to dance, his eyes tightly shut and his head thrown back.
Shaylynne enfolds Kamisama in a warm embrace.
Aerhys slowly empties his lungs.
Saragos frowns.
Arcsicsin gestures at a broken tower.
Medir furrows his brow.
Ezathiel softly says, "They are stuck in the space between the spaces."
Cythra rubs Eurynomile gently, massaging her muscles.
Leilanie gets a smudged parchment from inside her faesilk pack.
Eurynomile praises Harsh.
Merilwen smiles at Shaylynne.
Leilanie peruses a smudged parchment.
Hanryu says, "Displaced, here but not."
Harsh dances, seeking the attentions of his deity.
You say, "Life Brothers and Sisters. I have you to thank in this. Well done. We have sought and found Elanthia's wisdom in this."
Aaiyaah asks, "Another plane?"
Hanryu's claws slowly retract as his hands return to normal.
Malorna shakes her head.
Leilanie puts her parchment in her faesilk pack.
Deathbeing goes west.
Harsh dances so flawlessly you find yourself catching your breath, tears in your eyes as the performance all too soon comes to an end.
Harsh looks up and sighs, smiling.
Leayne smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Valynn rests her hand on Aaiyaah's arm with a soft smile.
Arcsicsin asks, "Another time?"
Rhainn nods to Aaiyaah.
Illiya smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Allye just touched a broken tower.
Hanryu says to Aaiyaah, "Probably, or a space between planes."
Arcsicsin says, "But not another time."
The dark stripes upon Hanryu's skin fade away.
Eyst ponders.
You notice as a spectral white leopard with luminous blue eyes sniffs the ground.
Malorna asks, "Anyone else have ringing in ears?"
Harsh glances heavenward a moment and utters a desperate prayer.
Melindrha says, "It felt like if the world was fabric, they're in the space between the warp and the weft."
Rhainn appears to be listening intently for something.
Illiya says to you, "Thank you for bringing us together."
Leilanie taps something inside her faesilk pack.
You say, "Grey Dragons and Northern Watch, to me. Others are welcome to attend as well."
Saragos says to you, "Write it down, before you forget. All of it. And then we can go over every detail later."
Damoone nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.
Aerhys says, "It was so painful.."
Aislynn nods to Melindrha.
Sukidesu says, "They never left this spot, but they're out of sight...out of perception..."
Aislynn slowly empties her lungs.
Valynn nods at Melindrha, obviously agreeing with her views.
You nod to Saragos.
Leilanie puts her parchment in her faesilk pack.
Natarian joins your group.
Leilanie gets a colorfully illuminated parchment from inside her faesilk pack.
We moved.
[Secret Grotto]
Faint moonlight streams through the translucent veil of rushing water that seals off this small cave, but does not provide enough illumination to reveal the surroundings. You also see a svelte alfar warrior and a horned phantom thrall.
Also here: Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Roughneck Rileos, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne, Alshabi Kamisama, Ice Cold Natarian, Danger Wizard Dasheek, Mooring Thread Aislynn, Brother Harsh, Bookkeeper Parkons, Hunter Hanryu, Fury's Touch Rejind, Sarugar, Shadow's Touch Melindrha, Desert Dancer Zersha, Sir Madigan, Mage Slayer Golameth, Warlord Thanator, Court Advisor Aaiyaah, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu, Mathematician Avrenka, Cateress Allye, Courtier Aerhys, Pack Sister Kayena, Glitterbug Kalinandra, Stellar Statistician Urbaj, Nurse Eurynomile, Forest Watcher Damoone, Pyppa, Physician Jundara, Knight of Meraud Tirost, Fire Witch Merilwen, Miecha, Mageling Aerilia, Keinruf, Forest Sprite Lileath, Sayase, Knight Penitent Briaen, Life Weaver Ysilda, Sammee, Esotericist Eyst, Valynn, Tempest Knight Saragos, Wind Listener Sceth, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna, Bastion of Life Karthor and Lexxa.
Obvious exits: south.
Room Number: 11129
Illiya joins your group.
Dasheek stands near Illiya.
Hanryu gets a coal black HIS towel soaking wet dragging it through the water. It will have to dry out for a long time before it is useable again.
Valynn grins at Hanryu.
Hanryu puts his towel in his bearskin cloak.
You ask, "Madigan, Saragos, what did *you* see?"
Malorna says, "Oh. was right after i said they were there, but not there."
Keinruf asks, "It is feelink like magic is scar, and broken bone, and makink infection... is my understandink?"
Madigan says, "Not a thing."
Hanryu jots down some notes.
You arch your eyebrow.
You ask, "You saw nothing?"
Aislynn quietly says, "How can the world be in so much pain, and we don't feel it? Agony for lifetimes... Why haven't we noticed? Empaths, I mean. I'm sure rangers have known forever."
Ezerak nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.
Aislynn frowns.
Madigan says, "Not a thing. Although, I was getting reports as you received visions."
Karthor nods at Aislynn, obviously agreeing with her views.
Rileos rubs his left arm.
Allye trills softly at Aislynn.
Aislynn gives a pair of pale leathery wings with nearly translucent icy blue membranes a hug!
Madigan asks, "Saragos, you see anything?"
Melindrha says, "We are limited by what the guild allows us to know."
Melindrha looks at Aislynn and shrugs.
Karthor says to Aislynn, "Because we never throught to feel it through the Rangers before, I s'pose."
Sarugar quietly says, "Not visions."
You say, "One moment, friend."
Aislynn quietly says to Melindrha, "Piffle to them."
Aislynn makes a grunting noise.
Saragos says to Madigan, "I saw nothing."
Sceth says, "Wonder if us havin full ranger bonus's would of impacted any of that."
Melindrha says, "One day, I should tell you about my digging."
Melindrha says, "Hopefully I can do so before the guild disappears me."
Ezerak says, "I also saw nothing."
You say, "Let me impart what I saw."
Aislynn ponders.
Saragos says to Madigan, "Didn't expect much too. But I'm very interested in getting the details. The more information we have, the better chance we can bring them back."
Pyppa touches Hanryu with an odd but eager glint in her eyes.
Leayne joins your group.
The dark stripes upon Sceth's skin fade away.
Tirost gazes at you.
You say, "Tell me what you make of this, those who did not see."
Crobin joins your group.
Aaiyaah nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.
Aerilia tilts her head inquisitively.
You say, "I became distinctly aware that Elanthia perceives time on a scale unfamiliar to me, as layers of sediment each sing their own song of epochs and days from before the rise of humanity on this world."
Zersha nods to you.
Sublime Mender Kerennya just arrived.
You say, "It showed me a time when the planet was teeming with wildness. Vibrant, uncontrolled, untamed life was once present here, in this very location. You sense the rise and fall of countless civilizations here, in this very soil. Under the careful watch of a cultivating eye pruning and fertilizing the natural life on the planet, you feel the influence of guardians maintaining the balance between wildness and civilization. Existence, self-contained and free of outside influence, remained in balance such that life could thrive."
Kerennya joins your group.
Valynn nods to you.
You say, "I felt a distinct time when these gardeners sustaining the balance could no longer entirely fight off outside influence. As each civilization learned to harness the flowing streams of mana, it crumbled beneath a localized extinction, leaving a bleeding wound where no life could bloom. What was an embrace of wholeness now twists into a litany of trauma, as unnatural blights spread from festering eruptions long forgotten. I felt the overwhelming loss of Life within each wound, as disease propagates alien, twisted life from outside of the plane in each laceration. As portions of Elanthia have died, outsiders have planted their seed and begun cultivating to expand their own presence through new pathways into existence from elsewhere."
Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.
You say, "As new pathways came to take what was here, lesser guardians attempted to assist the caretakers. They attempted to contain the wounds, and to cultivate life, but their impact was severely limited, as it was dependent on a connection to the outside, as if drawing from a well some distance away to put out a raging fire. The wounds continued to fester and bleed. The primary guardians, who were reliant on the balance of life to continue cultivating, focused on what good they could do, leaving the outsiders to attempt to contain the blights."
A pained expression crosses Aislynn's face.
Rileos joins your group.
Allye nods to you.
You say, "Within each of these wounds, Elanthia has never recovered. Only unnatural life, blighted and cursed, can thrive in these conditions. They are no longer part of the balance within Elanthia -- and they take more from Elanthia with every iteration."
Malorna shudders.
Tirost frowns.
Aislynn's tail undulates in an agitated fashion.
Lexxa nods in agreement.
Malorna says, "Need more trees and plants."
Leayne nods to Crobin.
Malorna says, "We didnt try our wariors either."
You say, "The pain now grows, welling to an unsustainable level, and I found yourself feeling the weight of Arhat's crumbling tower above you. My senses focused on this location, and my connection with Elanthia helped guide the memory of the nature surrounding this tower to the specific point in which our compatriots disappeared."
Karthor says, "ZerraZap was there. Not a peep."
Karthor looks at Malorna and shrugs.
Kayena sighs.
A tear runs down Valynn's face.
You say, "Pushing out the influence of everything outside of this focal point, my senses sharpened. I witnessed the flash that rent many into the Null Prison, and the return of all but five. Curiously, I felt the influence of their life in this very moment in time and in this very space. All five beings strangely appear to be here within the vicinity of the Tower -- but entirely out of reach, as if in a space that is not tangible in any meaningful way."
Harsh hugs Valynn, getting a smile in return.
Harsh smiles.
Aislynn nods to you.
You say, "And then the vision faded."
Rileos pats Valynn on the back.
[Secret Grotto]
Faint moonlight streams through the translucent veil of rushing water that seals off this small cave, but does not provide enough illumination to reveal the surroundings. You also see a pink-eared white piglet, a svelte alfar warrior and a horned phantom thrall.
Also here: Sublime Mender Kerennya, Dzive Asini Leayne, Fearless Crobin, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Roughneck Rileos, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne, Alshabi Kamisama, Ice Cold Natarian, Danger Wizard Dasheek, Mooring Thread Aislynn, Brother Harsh, Bookkeeper Parkons, Hunter Hanryu, Sarugar, Shadow's Touch Melindrha, Desert Dancer Zersha, Sir Madigan, Mage Slayer Golameth, Warlord Thanator, Court Advisor Aaiyaah, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu, Mathematician Avrenka, Cateress Allye, Courtier Aerhys, Pack Sister Kayena, Glitterbug Kalinandra, Stellar Statistician Urbaj, Forest Watcher Damoone, Pyppa, Physician Jundara, Knight of Meraud Tirost, Fire Witch Merilwen, Miecha, Mageling Aerilia, Keinruf, Forest Sprite Lileath, Sayase, Knight Penitent Briaen, Life Weaver Ysilda, Sammee, Esotericist Eyst, Valynn, Tempest Knight Saragos, Wind Listener Sceth, Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna, Bastion of Life Karthor and Lexxa.
Obvious exits: south.
Room Number: 11129
Karthor says to Tirost, "What he said. Apparently he finds words faster'n I do."
Rejind joins your group.
A few small bubbles still clinging to the side of Tirost's silver zills escape, soaring quickly towards the surface of the water.
Ezerak frowns.
Valynn smiles at Karthor.
Sukidesu nods emphatically.
Sammee sighs.
Healer Leilanie just arrived.
Sammee glances outside a moment.
Tirost smiles slightly at Karthor.
Parkons exhales softly on his sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.
Avrenka ponders.
Lexxa says, "I seen and felt these things as well."
You grin at Karthor.
Sarugar gives a slight nod.
Damoone nods to Lexxa.
Pyppa just left.
Rileos says, "Likewise."
You nod to Lexxa.
Madigan asks, "Anyone find specific meaning from those visions? Does it lead us into a specific direction?"
Ezerak quietly asks, "I do not hear much that is useful to their rescue, besides that it seems they are...alive?"
Rileos says, "Also my arm hurts."
Aislynn nods.
Hanryu says to Malorna, "I got the feeling the scars aren't just lacking trees. I felt it was more existential and ethereal than that."
Aislynn rests her hand on Rileos's arm with a soft smile.
Valynn wipes her nose.
Illiya exhales involuntarily and shifts her stance, as if now under a heavy burden.
Madigan rubs Valynn gently, massaging her muscles.
Hanryu says, "Like some of the most scarred parts of elanthia are full of trees. Like that forest near leth."
Avrenka slowly says, "Well at least we know they're not in another Plane ... but an alternate space."
Ezerak quietly says, "But I was already certain of that much."
Aerilia says, "That time of wilderness long ago.. before other planes began to influence ours? I wasn't sure such a time ever existed."
You say to Madigan, "I am not sure yet. I would rather not leap upon a trail without knowing the normal make and shape of the land. It bears thinking upon."
Malorna asks, "Could we... have tried healing the tower??"
Golameth says, "Valenal made a remark last night similar to one of those visions."
Rejind nods to Golameth.
Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Golameth.
Rileos peers quizzically at Golameth.
Damoone glances at Golameth.
Valynn gazes at Golameth.
Sammee quietly says, "Civilization and Magic were a mistake."
Sammee makes a grunting noise.
Saragos frowns.
Lord of the Drink Medir just arrived.
Madigan asks, "I would very much like to hear about Valenal. I understand he was killed?"
Madigan asks, "And...that the bugger might be mad?"
Madigan raises an eyebrow.
Medir hugs Aislynn, who wraps her arms around Medir with a warm smile.
Medir smiles.
Natarian says, "Quite mad."
Malorna says, "He was .. odd last night."
Illiya says, "I don't think he's mad.. Oh, crazy, maybe."
Saragos says, "I think... I don't care about anything but getting my wife back. Magic, and Elanthia's wounds are a problem for later. I'm concerned about the end, about our missing, as it may mandate a different approach than the one planned."
Aerhys peers quizzically at Aislynn.
Malorna assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.
Valenal just arrived.
Rotating chunks of blue crystal begin to appear from nowhere, growing, spinning and merging into one another until they eventually assemble into a form vaguely resembling a male humanoid.
Both GMNPC's showed up, lots of circular talking that was no longer Beseech event oriented.