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The Grey Dragons/Logs/20240501 Dragons 101 Heralds
It has been 449 years, 4 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 1st month of Akroeg the Ram in the year of the Bronze Wyvern.
It is currently winter and it is late evening.
You're positive it's 14 roisaen before the Anlas of Anduwen.
Presented by: The Grey Dragons
You see Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Kirmiko of Zoluren, a Human.
Illiya has a heart-shaped face, slightly pointed ears, a pair of copper buckled strawberry-hued punka leather goggles over silver-flecked silver-limned sparkling violet eyes, a small nose and dimples. Her glittery rainbow-streaked pastel strawberry-pink hair is long and straight, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a radiant nine-leafed sungold tiara bearing an exquisite red diamond strawberry. She has fair skin contoured with glittering swipes of translucent crystal dust and a pair of pearlescent valkyrie wings with sungold feathers arching away from a slender figure.
She is tiny for a Human.
A baby fruit bat covered in ginger-spotted black fur floats lazily around her left forearm, glowing with a lustrous sheen against her skin.
She appears to be young.
Softly glowing chains of truegold are looped elegantly over Illiya's head, suspending a glittering lotus carved out of winter emerald just above her eyes.
She has a tattoo of a bleeding heart on her arm.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a tiny barrel of Greenbottle's reserve in her right hand.
She is wearing a radiant nine-leafed sungold tiara bearing an exquisite red diamond strawberry, a lavish white spun glitter gown dotted with glistening merlot ruby strawberries, an elaborately wound bone white chestwrap oozing with blood, a glittery cupcake-shaped targe sprinkled with raspberry-pink spikes, a delicate sungold ring embedded with sparkling merlot ruby strawberries, a flashy ring pop set with a pink candy crystal jewel and a pair of dainty white winged combat boots adorned with tiny lollipop charms.
You see Arbiter's Emissary Balistrade Targonian of Elanthia, a Human.
Balistrade has a square-jawed face, silver-flecked stormy grey eyes and a straight nose. His dark brown hair is short and straight, and is worn loose. He has smooth skin and an athletic build.
He is tall for a Human.
Some starlit galaxies created from eerie spectrolite and dazzling ulhari prisms float lazily around your head, glowing with a lustrous sheen against his skin.
He is in his prime.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a dark wide-brimmed hat, an enveloping mantle secured by layered animite plates, a pale grey armure shirt with a crisply starched collar, a rugged oilcloth satchel with a trio of asarenjan galleons, a compact writing kit of hardened leather, a pair of charcoal pants with reinforced seams and some calf-high black suede boots with silver clasps.
You see Kiiryn Greenbottle of Elanthia, a Halfling.
A little ephemeron of a coralite-armored guardian cuttlefish is sitting on his shoulder.
Kiiryn has a square face, observant midnight-blue eyes and a classical nose. His auburn hair is short and thick, and is worn teased. He has tanned skin and an athletic build.
He is short for a Halfling.
He appears to be young.
He has a tattoo of a vibrant kingfisher diving into the rapids of a turbulent river. The bird's striking blue and grey feathers are on full display as it plunges into the water with outstretched wings causing the beginnings of a small splash on your forearm.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a tiny barrel of Greenbottle's reserve in his right hand.
He is wearing a majestic grey silk greatcloak embroidered with the Greenbottle family crest, a twinkling eddy of swirling lights trapped in an icesteel orrery, a tidy open-collar watersilk shirt, a small leather courier bag, some charcoal wool pants with wide cuffs, a rich golden amboyna burlwood keg with gleaming brass studs, a duelist's sword belt with a light throwing axe and a leaf-bladed telothian parazonium hanging from it and a heavy Imperial weave cloth lootsack.
[Town Hall, Public Meeting Room]
The largest room in the Town Hall, this is used for public meetings. Both official meetings and ones held at the behest of townsfolk will be had here. Sometimes visiting scholars will lecture for the edification of the populace as well. Dark oak panelled walls and polished floor are surprisingly clean and in good repair. Padded benches for the public's use are arrayed about a small stage and podium. You also see a dark green moire silk cloth with several things on it, a dainty pet rat, an adorable snow-white husky puppy with enormous crystal blue eyes, a pink-eared white piglet with a dusty rose canvas bodice on it, a mottled slate grey kitten, a russet lynx that is sitting and some heavy double doors.
Also here: Hodierna's Bulwark Jopler, Planesweaver Navesi, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Savage Snacker Selame, Stalwart Seydin who is sitting, Kiiryn, Elemental Cataclysm Hamuk who is sitting, Ranger Danger Paven, Arbiter's Emissary Balistrade who is sitting, Community Voice Jaelia who is emanating a benevolent holy aura, Valynn who is sitting, Philomath Miskton, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Lore Keeper Lupdels, Lady of Elamiri Ayrell, Sublime Mender Leayne, Phantom Judge Crobin, Belzor and Desert Dancer Zersha who is sitting.
Obvious exits: none.
Illiya says, "Hey everyone, we already have a crowd here so we'll get started on time."
Zersha grins at Illiya, her dimples flashing into view.
Illiya exclaims, "Greetings, esteemed guests and fellow dragon aficionados!"
Illiya says, "The Grey Dragons are honored to welcome you all to the grand finale of our Dragons 101 Lunch and Learn series."
Illiya says, "For those new to our events, the Grey Dragons are dedicated to maintaining the Balance. Like dragons themselves, we aim to live in harmony with nature. Balistrade will tell you a bit more about our group."
Balistrade grins.
Illiya smiles at Balistrade, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
With a flick of his wrist, Balistrade bows towards Illiya, his eyes never leaving her, a captivating smile on his face as he regards her with poise and unrivaled dignity.
Balistrade exclaims, "Why thank you, ma'am!"
Zersha grins at Balistrade, her dimples flashing into view.
Balistrade exclaims, "Hello, friends!"
Balistrade ponders.
Balistrade says, "Balance can sometimes be a complicated topic."
Jaelia beams at Balistrade!
Balistrade says, "One of the ways that the Grey Dragons have decided to pursue Balance is by ensuring each adventurer can be at their utmost ability, as often as possible."
Zersha cocks her head at Balistrade.
Balistrade asks, "Now, who knows what I mean by that?"
Illiya gazes thoughtfully at Balistrade.
Lupdels gazes at Balistrade.
Valynn gazes thoughtfully at Balistrade.
Zersha shakes her head at Balistrade.
Balistrade asks, "No guesses?"
Balistrade grins.
Leayne shrugs.
Balistrade shrugs.
Dasheek asks, "Training and magic?"
Balistrade says, "As everyone knows, death is not kind to the memory...especially when Scrolls are on the line."
Balistrade says, "To that end, the Grey Dragons have a carefully curated Scroll Repository."
Balistrade says, "The current accounting shows 16,287 scrolls in the proverbial vault. And while we certainly make use of the Repository, the primary use case is resupplying everyone else."
Zersha blinks at Balistrade.
Balistrade says, "And here's the kicker. In almost every instance, we do this free of charge. Not because we have to, but because we choose to. We choose to help promote Balance by enabling everyone to be at their best."
Zersha softly says, "I was going to ask if you took donations but it sounds like it's not required."
Balistrade says, "So when next you find yourself short on scrolls due to an untimely death, seek us out. We will always be happy to assist."
Valynn mumbles a word of general praise.
Balistrade smiles captivatingly at Zersha.
Balistrade says to Zersha, "Indeed, not required."
Zersha grins at Balistrade, her dimples flashing into view.
Balistrade says, "Just one more fact about the Grey Dragons commonly overlooked."
Balistrade exclaims, "But at that, I'll turn things back over to Illiya!"
With a flick of his wrist and a captivating smile on his face, Balistrade bows with poise and unrivaled dignity.
Illiya exclaims, "Thank you Balistrade!"
Balistrade takes a seat.
Illiya says, "So, we started this series with Ayrell's awe-inspiring journey into the legend of the World Dragon and its devoted Dragon Priest followers."
Illiya says, "Then, Navesi took us on a thrilling deep dive into the fiery heart of Xosiurion, the Gorbesh god of dragons."
Illiya says, "Most recently, Lupdels shed light on the fascinating world of life and elemental dragons."
Illiya says, "Today we embark on the final leg of our journey."
Illiya exclaims, "So grab your lunch, get comfy, and settle in for this final foray into the captivating world of dragons!"
Illiya exclaims, "Our speaker today is a rising star in the field of dragon studies: Kiiryn Greenbottle!"
Illiya lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Kiiryn smiles.
Ayrell looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Zersha looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Valynn applauds.
Miskton applauds.
Belzor looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Illiya says, "Hailing from the sun-drenched vineyards of Therengia, Kiiryn was the youngest son of a family renowned for their exquisite Olvi wines, the Greenbottle Reserve."
Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Crobin lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Illiya says, "In fact, we have provided a selection of this esteemed vintage for your tasting pleasure. Please help yourself, as we believe it to be a delightful complement to Kiiryn's presentation."
Illiya pats a dark green moire silk cloth.
Raising his Greenbottle's reserve to Kiiryn, Miskton gives him a toast.
Illiya says, "However, Kiiryn's adventurous spirit yearned for pursuits beyond the tranquility of the vineyard."
Raising his Greenbottle's reserve to Kiiryn, Dasheek gives him a toast.
Illiya says, "Yet, it was a childhood encounter with a dragon-bone shiv that truly ignited a lifelong passion for these magnificent creatures."
Illiya says, "This fascination, coupled with a dedicated love of learning, has allowed Kiiryn to amass a formidable knowledge of draconic lore."
Zersha tilts her head, clearly curious about something.
Illiya says, "Today, he's eager to share his insights into the enigmatic Heralds."
Jaelia beams at Kiiryn!
Illiya exclaims, "So raise a glass (of Greenbottle Reserve, perhaps?) and join me in giving a warm welcome to Kiiryn!"
Valynn grins.
Hamuk leans forward and rests his chin in his hand and directs a thoughtful expression at Kiiryn.
Jaelia applauds.
Kiiryn takes a long pull from his tiny barrel. His eyes half-close in contentment as they do so, his shoulders relaxing as he gives a barely-audible sigh of bliss.
Raising her Greenbottle's reserve to Kiiryn, Jaelia gives him a toast.
Dasheek lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Hamuk looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Raising her Greenbottle's reserve to Kiiryn, Illiya gives him a toast.
Zersha looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Kiiryn says, "Hello all, and thank you Illiya for that generous introduction. I'm not sure I would consider my knowledge formidable but I know a bit, and I enjoy learning what I don't. My presentation will take about 10 minutes after which I'll field some questions as best I can."
Selame lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Lupdels lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Kiiryn says, "Today we close our introduction series on dragons with a discussion on perhaps some of the most famous individual dragons in the Realms. The Dragon Paragons Glacis, Eerayn and Sildua."
Kiiryn says, "Now "Dragon Paragon" is a term that I coined myself and needs a bit of explanation. Glacis, Eerayn and Sildua were originally Heralds - and not the kind of herald person that runs around towns yelling things."
Illiya grins at Kiiryn, her dimples flashing into view.
Jaelia smirks.
Kiiryn says, "These were Heralds with a capital H. Heralds are beings of such immense power that when they speak Gods listen. In recent memory, three Heralds determined that we lowly mortal races had abused Meraud's Gift and. They. Took. It. Away."
Kiiryn says, "Consider that for a moment, three of these immense entities of power concluded something and then were able to remove the ability to cast spells from everyone. Everywhere. In an instant."
Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Kiiryn.
Kiiryn says, "In the accounting of "The Day Magic Died," three Heralds made themselves known while a fourth entity that referred to these Heralds as "Sisters" explained to the World that Magic had been taken from mortals."
Kiiryn nods to Zersha.
Kiiryn says, "Perhaps this entity was Meraud himself or more likely it was another Herald acting in conjunction with the previous three. Either way the implications of the power wielded by these Heralds are staggering."
Kiiryn takes a sip of his reserve.
Kiiryn says, "Now, why am I rattling on about near-godlike beings when we came to talk about dragons? Well, the short answer is three Heralds decided that they wanted to *be* dragons."
Kiiryn says, "And not just in form and name, but in choosing to become dragons they were no longer Heralds. In doing, so they instantly became three of the four most powerful dragons on the planet."
Kiiryn says, "Bonus points if you can come up with the fourth most powerful dragon on your own."
Kiiryn winks.
Kiiryn says, "At this time I'd like to take a moment and interject a personal request. In my lifetime I have never met a Dragon Paragon, if I were to cross paths with one I have no idea how I would parse the encounter. To be perfectly honest fairly sure it would be unpleasent at best. Where the creatures move mountains shake."
Kiiryn shudders.
Kiiryn says, "What we talk about next is a bit of the background on what we know about these three individuals and if any or all of them are listening I truly hope they aren't offended by my telling of their encounters or interpretations of their actions. Sometimes history offends those who lived it."
Kiiryn says, "Before we dive into conjecture we can start with solid fact and go over what Dragon Paragons look like and where they are known to reside."
Kiiryn says, "Sildua is the easiest to describe because he chose to look the most like a "smaller" version of the World Dragon - which is also the answer to our previous bonus question - Black scales, razor sharp teeth with eyes as clear as water. Sildua has been glimpsed flying of Crossing and is known to have a lair behind the Erlinilaya falls outside of Shard as well as in the hills of Knife Clan."
Kiiryn says, ""Smaller" has to be taking in context for all three Dragon Paragons are immense compared to any human. Lanival marked their size at four Water Clan longhouses end to end and several stories in height."
Kiiryn says, "Eerayn is known for her large golden eyes and rainbow-colored scales. On rare occasion you can spot her at daybreak in the sky above Qi. Conventional theory suggest she lairs on a continent across the Great Ocean."
Kiiryn says, "Lastly we have Glacis. Historical physical descriptions of Glacis are sadly lacking, but most rumor places his scales as an icy blue-white. He famously lairs in the Dragonspine Mountains outside in Ilithi, but while the general location is well known, few have ever found his lair. It's highly likely that he uses strong magic to hide it and only allows those he chooses to find him."
Kiiryn says, "In addition to their draconic appearance it is wildly known that all three can appear humanoid as well."
Kiiryn says, "So what prompted these three to take a "mortal" form? The answer to that is very straight forward."
Kiiryn says, "Teiro in his battles with Lanival so many years ago began to unleash a spell of incredibly destructive power. Heralds, in general, seem to police the mortal races use of magic in a broad sense. Someone more versed in magical theory can weigh in on how and why but history makes it quite clear. Some spells are deemed too dangerous to cast."
Kiiryn says, "Just like when three of them deemed it necessary to remove magic from all mortals, three Heralds decided to give up a portion of their power and become dragons. Thus moving themselves closer to the mortal races. Using these draconic forms they took it upon themselves to erase this spell from the world by killing or removing the knowledge of it from all spellcasters that could cast it."
Kiiryn says, "I've talked about Glacis and his historical impact before but what I want to touch on today is a bit more interpretive. It focuses more on the question "What have they done since taking mortal form?" - To start when they first came forward all three Dragon Paragons acted in concert, but even at the beginning it was obvious to all present that Sildua did not like Glacis. Though they acted in unison they clearly were of different minds as to why."
Kiiryn says, "When all three approached Lanival they made it clear they would only support his cause for as long as the vile magic was in the minds of his enemy. For three immense dragons purging that spell from the lands was a relatively easy task but once that job was done the war still wasn't over."
Kiiryn says, "Eerayn and Sildua both withdrew as they said they would but Glacis stayed with Lanival until the war ended. Needless to say a gigantic dragon charging into your enemies was more than a minor help."
Kiiryn takes a long pull from his tiny barrel. His eyes half-close in contentment as they do so, his shoulders relaxing as he gives a barely-audible sigh of bliss.
Kiiryn says, "This marks the first divergence from their Heraldic ideal of "protecting magic" - Glacis helped Lanival defeat Teiro and, some believe, that he gave Lanival the very idea of carving the land into five provinces. His reasons for doing this is solely his own. Looking back at the histories it seems like he was just helping out a friend in need. A remarkably normal sentiment perhap but history offers us nothing in the way of explination."
Kiiryn says, "Glacis mostly disappears from public view after Lanival's Sleep. Many have looked for him, including a famous expedition by the Warrior Mage guildleader Augrym. No one has found him or his lair since Lanival's time though."
Kiiryn says, "Eerayn's interactions with us are easily the most discret of all. Rumors suggests she shares a healthy correspondence with several Provincial leaders but outside of occasional, and unconfirmed sights of her flying over Qi she has not revealed herself publicly since the Resistance War."
Kiiryn says, "Sildua on the other hand is the the least discrete of all. While sighting him directly is rare, he has been known to taunt mortals on the gwethdesuan network, along with some wild and destructive mood swings."
Kiiryn asks, "It's been said that Sildua is as likely to save a city from invasion as he is to level it himself. Once he even hired out two mercenary companies to fight a prolonged war against each other for a reason only known to himself. Perhaps he was predisposed to violence as a Herald or maybe his choice in form somehow influenced his mortal personality?"
Kiiryn shrugs.
Kiiryn takes a sip of his reserve.
Kiiryn says, "From here we depart for history to conclude our talk with a theory and my own speculations. Those with knowledge of these three may have reconigzed that I've purposely retitled them. Usually they are referred to as the "Guardian Dragons." Not a bad name, Heralds seem to guard magic. These Heralds chose to be dragons. Obviously though this difference is at the heart of our discussion. If they had not chosen to become dragons, we wouldn't be talking about them at Dragons 101."
Kiiryn smiles.
Illiya grins at Kiiryn, her dimples flashing into view.
Kiiryn says, "When they first appeared as Dragons they were no longer Heralds, but they were still guarding magic. I have intentionally chosen a different name because at present time because I believe they are no longer Guardians."
Kiiryn says, "Where once they were united by a common goal now they only seem to serve their own interests, and they are not always altruistic. The are also clearly the most formidable and powerful active dragons on the planet. Dragon Paragons speaks to their past while emphasizing that these three dragons truely have no mortal equals and we have no clear idea what their motivations are anymore."
Kiiryn says, "Perhaps they will reveal themselves to us again at some point, but smart adventures would be wary."
Kiiryn says, "At this point if anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions, please, feel free to speak up."
Illiya lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Illiya says to Kiiryn, "Thank you Kiiryn! That was a lot of really interesting information."
Raising his Greenbottle's reserve to Kiiryn, Dasheek gives him a toast.
Kiiryn smiles at Illiya.
Lupdels lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Zersha looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Miskton praises Kiiryn.
Ayrell smiles at Kiiryn.
Raising his Greenbottle's reserve to Kiiryn, Miskton gives him a toast.
Illiya asks, "Does anyone have any questions for our speaker?"
Balistrade beams at Kiiryn!
Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Selame praises Kiiryn.
Valynn praises Kiiryn.
Kiiryn says, "If folks enjoyed the wine too you can purchase it at the Pierless Inn in Riverhaven where I definately do not get a kickback from each barrel sold."
Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Illiya chuckles at Kiiryn.
Valynn appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Miskton grins.
Zersha raises her hand.
Illiya nods to Zersha.
Kiiryn nods to Zersha.
Zersha says to Kiiryn, "You mentioned that even the Gods listened to the Heralds, were they more powerful or equal in power? If you know of course."
Zersha smiles at Kiiryn, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Kiiryn says, "It's generally accepted that the Gods are still above a Herald in terms of raw power."
Zersha nods to Kiiryn.
Kiiryn says, "But everything esists within their own ruleset."
Kiiryn says, "And the Heralds seem to interact with us in different ways than the Gods."
Jaelia looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Zersha nods to Kiiryn.
Balistrade nods to Kiiryn.
Lupdels ponders.
Illiya asks Kiiryn, "Interact in different ways, how?"
Kiiryn says, "Personally I would be more wary of meeting a Herald than a God."
Crobin angles his ears forward in curiosity.
Kiiryn says, "Gods can be violent, but are also somewhat predictable. They tell us basically exactly what they want."
Kiiryn says, "We know just what to do to earn their favor."
Belzor peers quizzically at Kiiryn.
Kiiryn says, "With a Herald, their motivations are completely unclear to us."
Jopler asks, "So could the World Dragon have been a Herald at one point?"
Kiiryn says, "I'm not even sure anyone alive can tell us exactly *what* sparked their decision to withdraw magic from everyone. But something we did set them off."
Kiiryn says, "No, I think the World Dragon is something else entirely."
Zersha nibbles her lip thoughtfully.
Belzor ponders.
Ayrell nods at Kiiryn, obviously agreeing with his views.
Kiiryn says, "Having done battle with every God at once, it operates on another level entirely in my opinion."
Zersha grins at Kiiryn, her dimples flashing into view.
Kiiryn says, "And, in a way, it didn't lose that battle, they just tricked it to sleep."
Belzor ponders.
Lupdels nods.
Jaelia nods at Kiiryn, obviously agreeing with his views.
Illiya asks, "Any more questions for Kiiryn?"
Hamuk asks, "If one wanted to do a little more independent study on the subject, is there a book we could seek out available in any of the publicly accessible libraries?"
Kiiryn says, "I would start with Human Histories."
Kiiryn says, "By...."
Kiiryn says, "I forget."
Kiiryn chuckles.
Tirost laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Hamuk says, "Strange name, that."
Zersha giggles at Hamuk.
Hamuk grins at Kiiryn.
Lupdels asks, "How bad was the magic of Teiro if it warrented intervention, given what we see today from some?"
Hamuk looks at Kiiryn and jots down some notes.
Kiiryn says, "It's a little dry, but it contains the most direct encounters with Glacis, Sildua and Eerayn." >
Valynn jots down some notes.
Balistrade says, "Kiiryn, thank you on behalf of the Grey Dragons for speaking tonight. That was, likely each of the other speakers, amazing."
Navesi raises her hand.
Illiya smiles at Balistrade, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Jaelia exclaims, "Thank you so much, Kiiryn, you covered everything and more so wonderfully stated and explained!"
Kiiryn says to Lupdels, "Personally I have no idea, I couldn't find any reference to what the spell Teiro's men were casting was. Which is likely intentional."
Lupdels nods.
Balistrade grins at Illiya.
Balistrade says to Illiya, "Not stealing your thunder, ma'am."
Balistrade grins.
Valynn jots down some notes.
Kiiryn says, "My pleasure folks."
Kiiryn smiles.
Illiya says to Balistrade, "Oh I thought you had to go."
Illiya grins at Balistrade, her dimples flashing into view.
Selame perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Kiiryn.
Illiya asks, "I think Navesi had a question too?"
Kiiryn nods to Navesi.
Navesi asks, "I'm curious how we know that the three stopped being Heralds when they became dragons?"
Kiiryn says, "By thier own admission Navesi. Some of Glacis's speach to Lanival was recorded since it happened in a war camp during the Resistance War. Glacis makes a point of saying that now that the three of them are dragons they no longer see the world as the Heralds do."
Navesi nods to Kiiryn.
Navesi asks, "Do we believe them?"
Kiiryn says, "So much so in fact that they didn't know why their previous brethern hadn't dealt with Teiro and his spell already."
Kiiryn looks at Navesi and shrugs.
Kiiryn says, "From my reading, Glacis never seemed to be decietful."
Navesi nods to Kiiryn.
Kiiryn says, "But, as I said, I've never had the chance to meet him myself."
Navesi asks, "Did they say why they wanted to become dragons?"
Kiiryn says, "Not directly, but a vaguery to become closer to the mortal races they protected."
Kiiryn says, "It's possible they don't even remember why themselves anymore though."
Navesi nods to Kiiryn.
Navesi says, "Thank you."
Illiya asks, "Any last questions for Kiiryn?"
Jopler asks, "Have they garnered followers like the World Dragon has?"
Jopler says, "Dragon Priests and the like."
Kiiryn says, "Not that I'm aware of, they're too tangible for true worship in my opinion."
Kiiryn says, "Like Sildua will hire mercanaries when he's feeling cheeky."
Kiiryn says, "It's not something that inspires religious devotion."
Illiya grins at Kiiryn, her dimples flashing into view.
Lupdels ponders.
Illiya says, "As that seems to be all the questions I think we will call the lecture to a close."
Illiya says, "A round of applause for Kiiryn, and a heartfelt thanks again, as Balistrade said, to our previous presenters Ayrell, Navesi, and Lupdels! Their dedication and meticulous preparation brought dragons to life for all of us."
Selame looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Crobin lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Paven applauds.
Raising his Greenbottle's reserve to Kiiryn, Jopler gives him a toast.
Tirost applauds.
Zersha looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Belzor applauds.
Hamuk looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Zersha looks at Ayrell and applauds!
Navesi looks at Kiiryn and applauds!
Raising her Greenbottle's reserve to Kiiryn, Illiya gives him a toast.
Leayne applauds.
Zersha looks at Navesi and applauds!
Illiya exclaims, "And of course, a huge thank you to all of you, the dragon enthusiasts who joined us on this incredible journey!"
Raising his Greenbottle's reserve to Kiiryn, Dasheek gives him a toast.
Jaelia says, "Sildua was so incredibly obnoxious on the gweth the one time I heard them - I wanted nothing to do further with them outside of potential philosophical musing and considerations in relationship to the Immortals, No idea why anyone would find them worthy of worship."
Balistrade lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Zersha looks at Lupdels and applauds!
Miskton applauds.
Kiiryn babbles incoherently.
Kiiryn smiles.
Ayrell applauds.
Illiya says, "This series began to fill a desire for more basic knowledge about dragons. Taking a step back from our Dragon Research Symposium, our goal was to create a sort of 'treasure map' to unlock the secrets and lore of these mythical creatures."
Balistrade grins at Kiiryn.
Jaelia lets out a hearty cheer for Kiiryn!
Illiya says, "Though we conceived it as a foundational course, Dragons 101 has blossomed into something truly special, fostering vibrant discussions about important topics."
Hamuk looks at Ayrell and applauds!
Zersha smiles at Illiya, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Illiya says, "We hope that even after the conclusion of these presentations, that you will continue to seek greater knowledge and understanding of these creatures that to us, the Grey Dragons, exemplify the very essence of life in Elanthia."
Belzor says, "Well done to all the presenters. I am still researching everything. Gopher holes and all that."
Hamuk looks at Navesi and applauds!
Kiiryn just tried to pull a majestic grey silk greatcloak embroidered with the Greenbottle family crest.
Illiya says, "It's been a journey of discovery for all of us, and we have been honored to be your guides."
Hamuk looks at Lupdels and applauds!
Ayrell smiles at Hamuk.
Kiiryn bows.
Lupdels smiles.
Tirost smiles at Illiya.
Illiya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Illiya exclaims, "This may be the final chapter of Dragons 101, but the Grey Dragons will be back soon with more dragon-related events. Stay tuned, and see you at the next exciting chapter!"