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Hodandu 7 Ka'len 434
My old friend,
I hope this missive finds you and your family well. If memory serves, your youngest will be approaching her wedding date soon. Please give her my regards and well wishes. A trader of my acquaintance who is familiar with your area will be delivering small gifts for your daughter, her groom and your family. I hope you all enjoy them.
Now, to the point of my writing – the boy. You truly were guided in your selection my friend. He has proven to be both willing and able to fulfill the task laid upon him. I admit that my reservations about his potential temperament due to age were unfounded. Young though he may be there is a drive and focus to him I rarely see in students even thrice his age. Again, I congratulate you on your wisdom in selecting the young man. Since his arrival he has done as you instructed with zeal, but also with tempered and due caution. He has taken to all his lessons well and shows a great aptitude for arcane studies of all types. Second to his interest in magic, is his enthusiasm for both the more worldly subjects and martial studies. I dare say they closely follow, or in some rare cases outshine, his dedication to learning magic skills.
The boy has also shown a dedication to self-sufficiency in his eagerness to learn the arts of various tradesmen. I can imagine the frown forming on your face already my friend, but there is no need for upset. He does not spend undue amounts of time honing these crafts and has in fact seen some minor benefits in other areas for the time invested. I fully support his decision in this so I will ask that you trust in mine.
We have begun to discuss more esoteric and theological topics during our lessons. His advancement within the ranks of the Clerics has made this a natural course. I admit that he is a joy to teach in this area as his faith is as strong as tyrium, yet he still possesses an open mind. His growing understanding of topics too esoteric for even myself has lent him an intriguing point of view. I look forward to the day you and the boy can have your own discussions on these topics – and so does he.
Currently, I judge most of his skills to be the caliber of a proficient dilettante. That said, there are several outlier skills or subject which he has shown vast aptitude for and is already nearly an expert in. Likewise, he is showing himself to be at least a promising practitioner of nearly any other skill you can think of. You will also be proud to note that his weapons instructors have declared him a master of several types of weapons.
Once I judge him to be an aficionado of those skills we have agreed are critical for the boy, then I will allow him to begin to narrow his focus slightly. Given his dedication, I have no doubt his grasp of the subjects he focuses on after that will improve swiftly. In due time we will begin to temper these more exciting studies with subjects more mundane such as societal studies. It is important, after all, for the boy to understand the world he lives in and how it functions.
Though I have never had the pleasure of meeting your brother I like to think he will be pleased to know how well his son is doing. The boy speaks often, and fondly, of his family and misses them. Please pass them his well wishes and assurances that he has not forgotten them or his home.
Until my next missive I wish you and your family continued good health and fortunes.
Yours in the Dragon’s Shadow,
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Forum: DragonRealms Platinum / In Character Posts / Your character's history
Subject: A letter to a far off place