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Teleologic Corruption

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Teleologic corruption is the result of Moon Mages using Teleologic Sorcery spells and represents a weakening of the latent connection to the Plane of Probability that Moon Mages normally have. The trade-off is that Teleologic spells provide effects that would otherwise not be possible through a more forceful, direct, albeit inherently violent connection to the Plane of Probability.

Corruption has the primary effect of dampening the ability of the mage to make predictions. At the lowest level of corruption the hit to prediction strength and duration is minor, but the highest levels of teleologic corruption negate the vast majority of a fully filled prediction pool causing predictions to be very short and weak. This, however, does not affect experience earned. It is currently unknown if it affects alignment, polarity, and bonding chances.

It also has the effect of increasing the difficulty of casting and weakening the effects of spells that make direct use of your latent prophetic link. The specific spells are Braun's Conjecture, Destiny Cipher, and Read the Ripples. At the highest level of corruption these spells will never reach higher than their minimum effects.

Reaching the highest levels of corruption only takes about 10 to 15 minutes of spamming teleologic spells, but it takes multiple weeks for the corruption to fade.

Corruption levels

There are two ways to check Teleologic corruption. The first is to use PERCEIVE TELEOLOGIC SORCERY and the second is to predict on a person.

> perceive teleologic sorcery
You reach out with your senses and see flickering streams of cold, white Lunar mana available to serve as the foundation for Teleologic Sorcery. 
Your prophetic connection has been profoundly augmented by your Sorcery. 
Roundtime: 2 sec.
> predict future
You look inside yourself in an attempt to see beyond the now.
After a few moments, the mists of time begin to part.
A fragment of the prophecy eludes your Sorcerous connection.
You see snow falling upon a high, stony mountain.
You see a hooded figure being led to a gallows.
A man stands in darkness in a defensive posture.
A shiver runs through your spine.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

The currently known lowest to highest message ranges are as follows:

Level Perceive Prediction
Your prophetic connection feels strong and healthy, though you can sense the touch of Sorcery lurking within. Even this gentle psychic examination of it leaves you feeling somewhat queasy. While only a trace of prophecy eludes you, you worry that your connection will never be entirely free of Sorcery.
Your prophetic connection feels strong and healthy, though you can sense the touch of Sorcery lurking within. A fragment of the prophecy eludes your Sorcerous connection.
Your prophetic connection has begun to warp beneath the strain of your Sorcery. Your Sorcerous connection fractures the prophecy leaving the smaller portion tantalizingly beyond your reach.
50% Your prophetic connection has been significantly altered by your Sorcery. The prophecy flits away from your Sorcerous connection denying you much of the insight.
Your prophetic connection has been profoundly augmented by your Sorcery. You cast forth your Sorcery-ravaged connection but the majority of the prophecy seeps away from it
100% You have cast aside your old, flawed, connection to prophecy, and reforged it anew through Sorcery. Power thrums in your mind as your ever-present companion. The prophecy flees from the tattered remnants of your Sorcerous connection leaving you with but a fragment.


Teleologic Corruption gradually fades over time, and can now fade completely away instead of persisting at the lowest level. This can take multiple weeks of real life time depending on your level of corruption. Anecdotal evidence shows this to be about 1 to 2 weeks per level, although this hasn't been tested extensively. Corruption continues to fade to at least some degree while offline.


  • Two perspectives on teleologic sorcery and its effects can be seen through the difference in messaging between sensing your corruption levels via PERCEIVE TELEO and through prediction. The former is from the point of view of someone who seeks the power that comes with teleologic sorcery, while the latter is the point of view of someone who eschews it.

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