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Talk:Soul system
The Sacred and the Profane - Information about paladin soul and dark paladins, by GM Armifer on 2/15/10 Plan to integrate this possibly into the main article on soul, but for now posting link here so as to not be lost, and for anyone interested in reading. --Celeres 03:25, 27 August 2010 (UTC)
Pray Chadatru timer
I wondered what was the timer between two prayers to Chadatru on his altar, so I did a script, with genie. This script basically did this: try to pray to chadatru, and when succeed, then write in a variable the $gametimer then try to pray again every 10 seconds, and once succeed, write in a new variable the $gametimer I then displayed those variables. I ended with this: 1431604282 1431608184 3902
3902 seconds is 65 minutes, so 65 minutes between the start of a prayer and the start of a new one. Knowing that a prayer lasts 5 minutes, means the timer between two prayers is 60 minutes, so 1 hour...
(Tests done by Olitailauzhiks)