Talk:Smoke images

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How To Learn Smoke Images

How does one go about learning smoke images? -Glause

Well, an Olvi can teach the initial image (smoke help has the IG syntax). Once the base image is learned, you just inhale (smoking object), exhale line (name of image attempting to practice), many, many times over. --Hithrael 02:07, 20 September 2011 (UTC)

Teaching Images?

Supposedly teach images is no longer locked to just halflings, anyone that's mastered it can teach it. Trying to get a GM to say one way or another if that's true.
Also all races can master images, I have a s'kra that has mastered several. So do we want to change that? ALBINODEER (talk) 00:55, 17 June 2023 (CDT) - New info

 Today at 7:41 PM
 Hi folks.  Hybrid bug fix / announcement, but placing it here...
 While looking into the issue with moonskin Rakash having issues with the new smoke images, Lyneya and I stumbled upon several long-standing bugs in the smoke image mechs.  They haven't worked like any of us thought they did since at least 2006 (that's the oldest copy of the code I can find!).
 From what's in the code, non-Halflings weren't meant to master images, and thus shouldn't have been able to teach.  However, the mechs that were meant to be capping them weren't.  In fact, only the moonskin Rakash check was working properly.  This is also why folks were seeing blanks next to their skill level in the list -- you had skill beyond what was intended.  If we fixed it now, then 17+ years of characters could have their smoke images upended.  We didn't want to go down that road.
 Instead, we're formalizing the old buggy behavior as the intended behavior going forward and have cleaned up some of the mechs to reflect that -- SMOKE HELP now shows the teaching syntax to non-Halflings, and new Competent and Master ranks for non-Halflings will show.  Those two tweaks + the moonskin Rakash fix are the only changes to how the mechanics have been working all this time.  Halflings still look to have some bonuses built in -- MUCH better teachers for example!
 Grab your favorite tobacco and start practicing!

ALBINODEER (talk) 22:24, 17 June 2023 (CDT)