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Despite the original 3.0 release notes, this spell apparently goes up to 40 per pulse, not 21. Be afraid. --Zamara 17:41, 15 March 2013 (UTC)

Casting Notes

* Was able to cast at minimum prep with 184 Life Magic, 146 Utility, and Utility Mastery.

  • UPDATE: I was finally able to cast with 205 Life Magic, 170 Utility, and Utility Mastery, Raw Channeling, and Efficient Channeling. It still failed to cast multiple times before I finally got a success. Also, if you can get a cleric to cast Sanctify Pattern (SAP) on you, you'll be able to cast this with much less difficulty/ranks.
  • 3.1: I was able to reliably cast at min prep with 175 PM, 166 Utility and Utility Mastery. Not sure if mentals play a role but I was at 26 disc and 25 int/wis. RAISER (talk) 15:35, 29 December 2017 (CST)
    • As a note I should mention if I have even the slightest head or skin wound I can't cast the spell at these ranks.
  • This spell cannot be cast by a circle 30 empath with the following magic skills: life magic: 133, attune: 118, aug: 103, debil: 67, utility: 99, ward: 104. DISCERN states You don't think you are able to cast this spell and attempts to cast are met with Currently lacking the skill to complete the pattern, your spell fails completely.
  • This spell can not be cast by a circle 40 empath with the following magic skills: life magic: 181, attune: 134, aug: 145, debil: 21, utility: 165, ward: 196 without the help of a cleric casting SAP at minimum. Also using feats of Utility Mastery, Improvised Rituals, (Injured Casting - guild granted), Raw Channeling and Efficient Channeling. Disciple 28, Intel 30, Wisdom 32. 19:32 EST, 14 Jan 2021 DBAKER3 (talk)
    • DISCERN states You don't think you are able to cast this spell , attempts to cast are met with Currently lacking the skill to complete the pattern, your spell fails completely.
  • I successfully cast this at circle 34 using a BOOST SKILL on my Utility. My stats are as follows: 144 PM, 139 Utility. I have Utility Mastery, Injured Casting, Deep Attunement, Raw Channeling, Efficient Channeling and Efficient Harnessing - 24 Jan 2023 MEGSLEIGH