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Well here is what I have found out about this place.

[Pilgrimage Trail, The Vela'Tohr Feltery] Undyed wool rugs, woven in shades of russet and dull black, cover the floors. The walls are cloaked with felted draperies of light brown adorned with bands of black kidskin embroidered with pale grey in a neat geometric pattern. In the center of the shop, a cedar table covered with merchandise sits between two racks. Shelves flank a stout door leading to the outside. You also see a wicker laundry basket. Obvious exits: north.

>look on cedar table

On the cedar table you see a dull black felt satchel with a wide kidskin strap, a leather weapon harness with polished brass buckles and fittings, a belted kidskin baldric tooled with sinuous maiden's tress vines, a thigh bag crafted from cream and grey wool tweed, a dove-grey felt pack with padded kidskin straps and a wooden bucket.

>look in buck

In the wooden bucket you see a bar of goat's milk soap scented with lavender, a bar of goat's milk soap scented with rose, a bar of goat's milk soap scented with sandalwood and a bar of goat's milk soap. >get soap from buck

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a bar of goat's milk soap scented with lavender is 76 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get second soap from buck

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a bar of goat's milk soap scented with rose is 76 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get third soap from buck

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a bar of goat's milk soap scented with sandalwood is 76 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get fourth soap from buck

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a bar of goat's milk soap is 45 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like."

>get satch

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a dull black felt satchel with a wide kidskin strap is 2164 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get harn from cedar table

>get harn from cedar table

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a leather weapon harness with polished brass buckles and fittings is 4059 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get bald

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a belted kidskin baldric tooled with sinuous maiden's tress vines is 5412 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get bag from cedar table

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a thigh bag crafted from cream and grey wool tweed is 54 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get pack from cedar table

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a dove-grey felt pack with padded kidskin straps is 1804 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like."

>get buck from cedar table

That can't be picked up.

>look on first rack

On the belt rack you see a braided leather war belt studded with bone arrowheads, a plain war belt crafted from dark brown leather, a dark grey suede war belt with an interlocking clasp of ivory fangs and a black leather war belt riveted with blued-steel studs. >get belt from first rack

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a braided leather war belt studded with bone arrowheads is 5412 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get second belt from first rack

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a plain war belt crafted from dark brown leather is 5412 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get third belt from first rack

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a dark grey suede war belt with an interlocking clasp of ivory fangs is 6314 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get fourth belt from first rack

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a black leather war belt riveted with blued-steel studs is 6314 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like."

>look on second rack

On the cloak rack you see a sweeping mantle of charcoal grey cashmere, a heavy cloak of beige wool, a pale suede longcoat decorated with fringe and an enveloping shaman's robe of dark brown felt trimmed with adder fangs. >get mant from second rack

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a sweeping mantle of charcoal grey cashmere is 27060 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get cloak from second rack

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a heavy cloak of beige wool is 24354 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get long from second rack

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a pale suede longcoat decorated with fringe is 5412 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get robe from second rack

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on an enveloping shaman's robe of dark brown felt trimmed with adder fangs is 6314 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like."

>look on shel

On the shelves you see a pair of black kidskin gloves lined with grey cashmere, a dark grey cashmere scarf knit in an herringbone pattern, a dark grey cashmere cap knit in an herringbone pattern, a pair of cream wool mittens with cable-knit cuffs, a cable-knit scarf of cream angora wool with long fringe and a cable-knit cap of cream angora wool. >get glove from shel

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a pair of black kidskin gloves lined with grey cashmere is 4510 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get scarf from shel

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a dark grey cashmere scarf knit in an herringbone pattern is 5412 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get cap from shel

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a dark grey cashmere cap knit in an herringbone pattern is 4510 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get mitt from shel

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a pair of cream wool mittens with cable-knit cuffs is 631 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get second scarf from shel

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a cable-knit scarf of cream angora wool with long fringe is 811 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get second cap from shel

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on a cable-knit cap of cream angora wool is 721 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like."

>look in bask

In the laundry basket you see some thick black wool socks, some grey cashmere socks with thin stripes of white and some cream angora socks with lacy knitted cuffs. >get socks from bask

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on some thick black wool socks is 90 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get second socks from bask

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on some grey cashmere socks with thin stripes of white is 288 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like." >get third socks from bask

A sales clerk rushes over to help you. The sales clerk smiles and says, "The price on some cream angora socks with lacy knitted cuffs is 288 Dokoras. You can BUY the item if you like."


[Pilgrimage Trail, The Vela'Tohr Feltery] Woven mats of sweet grass cover the floor of the spacious hall. Looms take up the central portion of the space, comfortable padded benches pulled up at each one. Along the walls, cedar shelves are filled with orderly rows of baskets overflowing with balls of yarn in hues of grey, cream and sable. Sacks of carded wool, ready to be spun, sit between a pair of spinning wheels positioned next to the large windows facing north. Obvious exits: south.

>look on shel

On the cedar shelves you see a long willow basket. >look on second shel

I could not find what you were referring to. >look in bask on shel

In the willow basket you see some balls of undyed yarn.

>get yarn from bask

That can't be picked up.