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Weapon and Armor Appraisal Info

I think it ought to be moved to Appraise Command. Link if you want. 22:55, 29 March 2008 (CDT)

Shield Section

The shield section seems to be very opinionated and not based on objective fact. I'd suggest rewriting it be my "encyclopedia"-ish. Yamcer 14:10, 10 May 2008 (CDT)


Nicely done... anxious to see more. Have you considered adding discussion in beginners section describing 'how to attack'? I think it was the section on combat ranges, started talking about ADVANCE <target>... but leaves a beginner not knowing what next. Perhaps discussion on ATTACK? --Mendaleev 09:35, 1 July 2008 (CDT)

Limb Damage

Noticed this tonight in Black Apes...

< Moving in with powerful grace, you sweep a massive reinforced haralun broadsword with a long blood channel at a black ape. A black ape attempts to dodge, moving directly into the blow. The broadsword lands an awesome (13/23) strike that tears flesh and cartilage as the right leg is ripped clean below the knee (Better order that peg leg!).

I was under the impression Limb Damage was capped at "massive" 12/23? 96th barbarian dancing cobra, 59 agility, no roars used. I posted about it in the combat folder, we'll see what they say. --Healfdene Rokk 06:36, 12 May 2012 (UTC)

Weapon Maneuver Minimum RT

Can we add a column to the weapon maneuvers (bash, chop, draw, etc.) where we can log the minimum RT. With 3.0 Kodius stated that both maneuvers and weapons (weight, suitability, balance) have minimum RTs. I'd be willing to test and provide data for this column.