In His Own Words
"It is still very hard for me to talk about her, though it's been so many years since the incident happened. There's some unwritten rule somewhere that a man is supposed to protect his sister. Of course, I wasn't much of a man back then, but still...I blame what happened on myself. Oh I know, it's not logical to do so, but sometimes logic has nothing to do with it.
I suppose that's why I find science so appealing. It's about control, it's about decision-making, and about discovery. I have the ability to change the human condition with the right application, and I can see how very tempting it might be to turn the good into the bad. It is a temptation that must be resisted.
I thank the gods every day for my colleague, K'Xonei, and her own determined curiosity. She keeps my mind focused. least for the short term.
Now...where did I put that oatmeal-celery cookie recipe?"