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Talk:Adan'f shadow mage
With 50 agi/50 ref at 225 skinning and khri spar up can finally arrange 4 times and actually get a skin-User:Phim
Tezirah's Veil
I did not see them cast a single Tezirah's Veil during an hour long hunt, and RECALL MAGE with 307 scholarship only lists DO and MB as the spells they cast. I've gone ahead and removed the spell entry from the main page.--ABSOLON (talk) 03:19, 26 September 2014 (CDT)
The shadow mage is cursed, and you are certain that it has an incredible spirit that is healthy.
You are certain that the shadow mage is slightly fatigued.
The shadow mage has a couple relatively minor wounds.
You are certain that it is rather weaker than you are. (55)
You are certain that it is rather less agile than you are. (57)
You are certain that it is not quite as disciplined as you are. (45)
You are certain that it is rather less quick to react than you are. (57)
You are certain that it is rather less conditioned than you are. (41)
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a small cloud-white shield and a finely-honed Prydaen Predator's spear with a twisted shaft, you are certain that the shadow mage is definitely less skilled.
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with a finely-honed Prydaen Predator's spear with a twisted shaft, you are certain that the shadow mage is well beneath your abilities.
If you attacked with a finely-honed Prydaen Predator's spear with a twisted shaft, you are certain that the enemy would train rather well. (246/388 Melee Mastery)
If you threw the spear at the enemy you are certain that it would train rather well. (239/Null Missile Mastery)
If you defended by parrying attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train somewhat poorly. (327)
If you defended by evading attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train somewhat poorly. (307)
If you defended by blocking attacks, you are certain that the enemy would train somewhat poorly. (302)
If you attempted to beguile the enemy with tactics, you are certain that it would train somewhat poorly. (356)
If you targeted and cast a spell at the enemy, you are certain that it would train somewhat poorly. (368)
If you attempted to debilitate the enemy, you are certain that it would train somewhat poorly. (399)