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 RaritySource is
Cylinder of bone-white waxcommonRundmolen Post Office (Mer'Kresh)
Cylinder of canary waxcommonRundmolen Post Office (Leth Deriel)
Cylinder of celestial-blue waxcommonRundmolen Post Office (Fang Cove)
Cylinder of chocolate-brown waxfestivalThe Book Wyrm (4)
Cylinder of claret-red waxcommonRundmolen Post Office (Fang Cove)
Cylinder of coconut-white waxfestivalThe Book Wyrm (4)
Cylinder of cornflower-blue waxfestivalThe Book Wyrm (4)
Cylinder of crimson waxcommonRundmolen Post Office (Ratha)
Cylinder of dewberry-purple waxfestivalThe Book Wyrm (4)
Cylinder of dun waxcommonRundmolen Post Office (Aesry)