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Brass wood shaper with a golden mongoose charm embedded in the gripfestivalItem:Brass-banded leather carving case with a gold mongoose clasp ,Item:Brass-banded leather carving case with a gold mongoose clasp,Altared Visions
Brilliant orange wood shaper with an amber handlefestivalSkyward Crafting (8) ,Skyward Crafting (7),Skyward Crafting (6),Skyward Crafting (5),Skyward Crafting (4)
Bronze wood shaper studded with hele'la teethfestivalGreat Outdoors (4) ,Great Outdoors (2),Great Outdoors (1)
Bronze wood shaper with a polished flamewood gripfestivalItem:Satin-finished flamewood carving case with an amber cat clasp ,Item:Satin-finished flamewood carving case with an amber cat clasp,Altared Visions
Burnished steel wood shaper inlaid with a bronze lionessfestivalItem:Silvery steelsilk carving case with a sunstone lion clasp ,Item:Silvery steelsilk carving case with a sunstone lion clasp,Altared Visions
Cedar-handled wood shapergiftEstate Holder gifts
Curved steel wood shaper with a wooden handlecommonRaven's Point General Store
Curved wood shaper painted with chevronscommonBreaking and Entering/Work Room loot
Curved wood shaper with an osage gripincidentalDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Incidental loot,Drathrok's Duskruin 430/Incidental loot,Drathrok's Duskruin 426/Incidental loot,Drathrok's Duskruin 422/Incidental loot,Drathrok's Duskruin 421/Incidental loot,Drathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot ,Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Incidental loot
Damascened wood shaper with a rose-patterned bladecommonWeapon:Damascened carving knife with a rose-patterned blade