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Blackened iron forging hammerfestivalMore Tool You
Blackened steel throwing hammer with a sturdy haft of bone-inlaid bloodwoodItem:Dusky-blue basilisk hide satchel decorated with ur hhrki'izh claws along the flap ,Item:Dusky-blue basilisk hide satchel decorated with ur hhrki'izh claws along the flap,Curse of the Ghost Ship/End Loot
Blackened steel throwing hammer with a sturdy haft of bone-inlaid wyndewoodItem:Dusky-black basilisk hide satchel decorated with pard claws along the flap ,Curse of the Ghost Ship/End Loot
Blackened steel throwing hammer with a weighted headHollow Eve Festival 417/Auction
Blackened steel throwing hammer with scorpion-shaped rubies set into the handleToss-O-Rama
Blackened steel war hammer with a wire-wound ironwood haftIprilu's Emporium (obsolete)
Blackened-steel war hammer (1)
Blackened-steel war hammer (2)Dark Defenders (2)
Blacksmith's hammer adorned with uthamar spirals along the handleincidentalDroughtman's Challenge 426/Incidental loot
Blazing indurium meteor hammer tied with a pair of burning goldfyre dragon fistsend lootTaisidon Mystery 450/End Loot ,Taisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade