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ItemSource isRarity is
Cloudbark slurbow with a sungold boltplateGuildfest 445/Auctionauction
Cluster of sunset-hued autumnal leaves crafted from sungoldItem:Sensational sunfire sateen gown swathed in autumnal sungold leavesfestival
Coiled sungold armband with faceted lion's heart topaz finialsDroughtman's Challenge 450/End lootend loot
Crystal orlog showcasing shining star-kissed kertig clockworkItem:Shadowbark tinkerer's box with a star-kissed kertig-lined keyhole Hollow Eve Festival 443/Auctionauction
Dainty sungold engagement ring cradling a white sapphireGiven By The Sun
Dark lirisan Elothean competition longbow fit with polished sungold endtipsHouse of the Revenant Fang 433/Raffleauction
Dawnfire steel covered sketchbook with sungold-edged pagesHollow Eve Festival 447/Auctionauction
Dazzling firestorm damask gown trailing a train of sunkissed chiffonLimited Treasures (5)
Delicate sungold calling card dispenser boasting a huge ulhari prismHollow Eve Festival 425/Auction
Delicate sungold cameo brooch framed in loveglassraffle