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ItemSource isRarity is
Cerise sailcloth shirt with andalusite-studded buttonsTaisidon Safari 417/Raffles Item:Simple sailcloth backpack dangling a trio of carved andalusite gryphon emblems
Cerulean sailcloth beret stitched with a bright white whaletreasure maptreasure map
Chalk-white sailcloth backpack with leather strapsTougher Than Weather (2) Tougher Than Weather (1)festival
Cloth hammock with thick bone spreader barsBones (2)
Cobalt sailcloth cloak with a harp painted on the backTaisidon Safari 420 Game Prizes
Dingy grey sailcloth bag stenciled in black and redCapture the Bag (1)Capture the Bag (3) Capture the Bag (2)festival
Faded sailcloth cloak clasped with a battered brass claspJhanine Dering Cloaks (6)festival
Faded sailcloth haversack with a braided sharkskin strap accented by feathersHollow Eve Festival 417/Raffles Auction 8/30/2008auction
Faded tan sailcloth crafting apronKnight in Shining Scholar (2) Knight in Shining Scholar (1)festival
Fancy pair of sailcloth pantsCurse of the Ghost Ship/Incidental Loot