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Dark steel katavdar embossed with a black-on-black niello dragonQ'tahhl's Place (2) Item:Dark steel tailband embossed with a black-on-black niello dragonItem:Dark steel tailband embossed with a black-on-black niello dragonfestival
Dark steel tailband embossed with a black-on-black niello dragonWeapon:Dark steel katavdar embossed with a black-on-black niello dragon Q'tahhl's Place (2)Weapon:Dark steel katavdar embossed with a black-on-black niello dragonfestival
Decorative silver pocket-chain suspending a squared niello fobKnightly Attire (1) Hollow Eve Festival 417/Raffles
Delicate niello pilgrim's badgeHollow Eve Festival 421/Raffles
Diminutive niello shield decorated with a full tankardIf You Beard It (2)festival
Divining mirror orbited by clockwork celestial bodies carved from nielloFuture is Now (5)festival
Double-necked cross-strung harp of white mistglass inlaid with scenes from the life of LanivalHollow Eve Festival 432/Auctionauction
Formal-cut black thornweave jacket with niello buttonsKilt From Scratchfestival
Formal-cut black velvet jacket with niello buttonsCuriosity Kilt The Catfestival
Ghostly white mistglass phial interlaced with nielloItem:Jacinthe dragonfire brocade makeup reticule suspended on silversteel chains Hollow Eve Festival 425/Auction