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ItemSource isRarity is
Ghoulish frozen-bone armguard grimly covered in a skin of icy blue enaadaAesthene's Close 449/Raffleauction
Icy blue enaada shield embedded in a vortex of frost-white crystal shardsAesthene's Close 449/Raffleauction
Katamba-black enaada shieldHollow Eve Festival 447/Auctionauction
Nacre-bone capped bagpipes with dual shadowbark chantersHollow Eve Festival 447/Auctionauction
Ordinary parcel wrapped with pale grey enaadaDroughtman's Challenge 441/End loot Droughtman's Challenge 437/End lootend loot
Pair of enaada boots clasped by asharsh'daiSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Raffle Item:Sindon carryall pinned with a luminescent starshine ghostauction
Pale grey enaada and asharsh'dai umbrella with a carved cloudbark handleSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Raffle Item:Sindon carryall pinned with a luminescent starshine ghost
Pitch-black enaada cowlSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Raffle Item:Sindon carryall pinned with a luminescent starshine ghostauction
Raggedy enaada hex bag secured with nacre-bone togglesHollow Eve Festival 447/Auctionauction
Stormsilk pants with crisscrossing enaada pipingSu Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Raffle Item:Sindon carryall pinned with a luminescent starshine ghostauction