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ItemSource isRarity is
BackpackZerek's General Store Marachek's General StoreDokker's WorkshopBrigetta's Tanned Goods (obsolete)Bayanzi Gherkrish and SonsAhnglor's General Store
BacktubeZerek's General Store Brigetta's Tanned Goods (obsolete)
Ball painted with shimmering scalesHollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizesincidental
BandanaBrigetta's Tanned Goods (obsolete)
Belt (2)Brigetta's Tanned Goods (obsolete)
Boar bladder pouch
Boar hide prayer mat stitched with steely threadsIdon Abide the Ten (2)Idon Abide the Ten (1)Idon Abide the Ten (4) Idon Abide the Ten (3)festival
Boar skinWild boar Elder razortusk boarAdult razortusk sowAdult razortusk boar