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ItemSource isRarity is
Auburn armure balandrana with crescent moon claspsKnight at the Club (1)
Azure armure cloak clasped by a coral dolphin charmtreasure maptreasure map
Black armure cloak clasped by an onyx wolf charmtreasure maptreasure map
Blue armure cloak clasped by a silver raven charmtreasure maptreasure map
Braided armure anklet dangling spherical-shaped vengeance ruby charmsDroughtman's Challenge 444/End loot Droughtman's Challenge 441/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 437/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 433/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 430/End lootDroughtman's Challenge 426/End lootend loot
Bright red armure trousers buckled with a miniature steel anchorClothing Shop (2)
Brilliant scarlet armure cloak clasped with an asini dragonPop Clothes the Weaselfestival
Ceremonial vest of darkened armure with a lighter patchDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 438/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 435/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblageend loot
Dapper armure top hat banded with bejeweled shadesatinItem:Slant-buttoned forest-green armure waistcoat with a banded shadesatin collar Limited Treasures (3)
Dark armure grooming pouch clasped with a scorpion diamondFancybeards (3) Fancybeards (2)Fancybeards (1)festival