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Skate command

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You can do the following verbs while wearing your ice skates on the frozen pond. Note, skating (via the SKATE command) may be done either alone or with a partner.

Non-SKATE Verbs

Command Messaging Room Messaging
DANCE Yeah, why not kick up your heels a bit... DOH! ICE! (It might be a better idea to SKATE instead.) Person flails (his/her) arms around, and struggles ungracefully to not land on (his/her) rump on the ice.

Skating Alone, No Options (Just SKATE)

Command Messaging Room Messaging
SKATE You turn and skate backwards before turning and racing forward with a sudden burst of speed! Person skates backwards slowly, then turns and races forward in a sudden burst of speed.
SKATE You give yourself a push with a foot, and set off on a long gliding arc. The wind stings your face, but this is fun! Person moves across the ice in a long gliding arc.
SKATE With a gentle thrust forward, you skate in a smooth line, carefully avoiding any rough spots in the ice. Person skates evenly and skillfully across the ice.
SKATE You dash across the ice, thrilling to the wind in your face and the speed you maintain. Person dashes across the ice, the wind tearing at her clothes.
SKATE You do a slow cross-over pattern with your feet as you float over the ice easily. Person skates lightly, crossing one foot over the other as (he/she) rounds a curve.

Skating Alone

Command Messaging Room Messaging
ADVANCE You tromp your skates as you advance across the ice, making light furrows in its surface. Person tromps (his/her) skates as (he/she) advances across the ice, making light furrows in its surface.
BOB You crouch low and then stand again as you sail over the ice. Person crouches low, then stands as (he/she) sails over the ice.
BOP You do a little bouncing dance step, then glide off nonchalantly. Person does a quick little dance step, then glides off nonchalantly.
BOUNCE You skate along low to the ice, your knees bent. Person skates along low to the ice, knees bent.
BOW You slow your skating and stop with a flourish and a bow. Person stops skating with a flourish and a bow.
CHARGE You tear off across the ice with a burst of speed! Person tears off across the ice with a burst of speed!
CIRCLE You skate in a wide circle, lazily gliding over the ice. Person skates in an easy circle, lazily gliding over the ice.
CURTSY You glide to a stop, one knee sliding along the ice. Person glides to a stop, one knee sliding along the ice.
FALL You stumble and go flying across the ice on your belly, oww! (makes you prone) Person stumbles and goes flying across the ice on (his/her) belly, oww! (ends prone)
FLY You extend your arms and soar over the ice -- you feel like you are flying! Person holds (his/her) arms out at the side as if (he/she) were flying over the ice!
GRAPPLE You grab your knees and do a quick sit spin before standing up again. Person curls up into a quick sit spin before standing up again.
HUG You wrap your arms closely around yourself as you skate across the ice. Person wraps (his/her) arms closely around (him/her)self as (he/she) skates across the ice.
JUMP You attempt to do a double spin jump but end up sprawled on the ice instead. Person's body jerks as she flails and falls miserably on the ice.
JUMP You attempt to do a double spin jump, but manage to only complete one rotation. Person manages a single spin jump!
JUMP You attempt to do a double spin jump, but actually accomplish a quite nice single spin. You land nicely however, with confidence and flair! Person does a single spin jump, nice save there! (He/She) lands with confidence and flair.
JUMP You attempt to do a double spin jump, you almost make it! Well, one and a half spins isn't bad. Person leaps from the ice in a spin that carries (him/her) around one and a half times!
JUMP You do a double spin jump, landing with a slight wobble, but recover very nicely! Person leaps from the ice in a double spinning jump -- there's a very slight wobble there at the end, but who cares!
JUMP You skate slowly, building speed, then leap from the ice effortlessly to a double spin jump, land solidly, do another rapid spin on the ice and finish with a slight bow of your head! Person skates around slowly, building speed. Suddenly (he/she) effortlessly leaps from the ice to a double spinning jump, lands easily to another turn, and finishes with a slight bow of (his/her) head.
KICK You skate along on one foot, giving yourself a little push with the other foot from time to time. Person skates along on one foot, pushing forward with the other from time to time.
KISS You pucker your lips and let out a cold stream of breath as you skate across the ice. Person puckers (his/her) lips and lets out a cold stream of breath as (he/she) skates across the ice.
NUDGE You lift one leg into the air, gliding across the ice on one foot. Person lifts one leg into the air, gliding across the ice on one foot.
PACE You skate back and forth rather restlessly. Person skates back and forth rather restlessly.
POKE You skate around in a tight circle while lightly poking at the ice with the toe of your ice skate. Person skates around in a tight circle while lightly poking at the ice with the toe of (his/her) ice skate.
PULL You pull your arms closely in toward your body, twirling in a tight spin that leaves you a bit dizzy! Person pulls (his/her) arms closely in towards (his/her) body, twirling in a tight spin!
PUSH You cross your arms over your chest and push hard with your ice skates, quickly gaining speed. Person crosses (his/her) arms over (his/her) chest and pushes hard with (his/her) ice skates, quickly gaining speed.
RETREAT You do an easy spin on two feet, turning around twice. That's pretty good! Person does a double spin -- not very fast but it looks great!
SHOVE You windmill your arms to shove yourself forward on the ice, nearly falling! Person windmills (his/her) arms to shove (him/her)self forward on the ice, nearly falling!
SHUFFLE You slide your skates around on the ice, feet going in opposite directions. Person slides (his/her) skates around on the ice, feet going in opposite directions.
SKIP You bound across the ice, your skates barely skimming the ice. Person bounds across the ice, skates barely skimming the ice.
SQUIRM Gives one of the five messages for SKATE Gives one of the five messages for SKATE. (Bugged as of 12/21/24)
TEASE You clown around on the ice, best be careful there! Person is clowning around out on the ice, show off!
TURN You turn and skate backwards, with long smooth glides! Person skates backwards with long, smooth gliding steps.
WEAVE You skate across the ice, zigzagging easily. Person zigzags over the ice in an easy rhythm.
WINK You wink away several snowflakes from your eyes as you rapidly skate about. Person winks away several snowflakes from (his/her) eyes as (he/she) rapidly skates about.
WOBBLE You wobble along on your skates, feeling rather unsteady. Person looks rather unsteady skating along cautiously.

Skating With a Partner

SKATE <Person> (First Attempt) : You invite <Person> to skate with you.

Others see : You are offered the next spin around the ice by <Person> who reaches over, gently clasps your hand and smiles.

SKATE <Person> (Second Attempt) : You glide lightly across the ice with <Person>

Once the other person has agreed to skate with you, the syntax is SKATE <Person> <option>, e.g., skate Joe bob

Command First Person Second Person
ADVANCE You skate up closer to Person2 Person1 skates up close to you.
BOB You crouch low in front of Person2, then lift ((him/her) into the air several times as you sail over the ice together! Person1 crouches low in front of you, then lifts you into the air several times as you sail over the ice together!
BOP You give Person2 a little toss and catch (him/her) as (he/she) leaps to land facing you. Person1 tosses you gently in the air, and catches you as you land, gliding on across the ice.
BOUNCE You skate low to the ground behind Person2, then give (him/her) a heft into the air to send (him/her) bouncing across the ice! Person1 skates low to the ground behind you, then gives you a heft into the air to send you bouncing across the ice! Whee!
BOW You bow to Person2 with an ever so slight flourish. Person1 bows to you with a flourish.
CHARGE You tear across the ice with a burst of speed, ending up right in front of Person2! Person1 tears across the ice with a burst of speed, ending up right in front of you!
CIRCLE You link hands with Person2 to form a bridge, then duck underneath to skate with (his/her) arms around you. Person1 links hands with you, forms a bridge, then ducks underneath and skates along with your hands on (his/her) hips.
CURTSY You curtsy to Person2, trailing your right foot along the ice. Person1 curtsies to you, trailing (his/her) right foot along the ice.
FALL You fall gently into Person2's arms as you skate with (him/her). Person1 falls gently into your arms as you skate with (him/her).
FLY You grasp hands with Person2 and fan your arms out like wings as you both soar across the ice -- you feel like you are flying in tandem! No messaging for Person2
GRAPPLE You skate up to Person2 and clasp hands. Person1 skates up to you and grasps your hands.
HUG You put your arm around Person2 as you skate in tandem. Person1 puts (his/her) arm around you as you skate in tandem.
JUMP You attempt a spinning jump to impress Person2! At least you land solidly. Person1 leaps into the air with a spin in an obvious attempt to impress you.
KICK You skate alongside Person2, then kick one foot back and lean your body forward, gliding smoothly across the ice on one skate tandem with Person2. Person1 skates alongside you, then kicks one foot back and leans (his/her) body forward, gliding smoothly across the ice on one skate tandem with you.
KISS You lean over and give Person2 a kiss as you glide across the ice. Person1 steals a kiss as (he/she)ka glides with you across the ice.
NUDGE You swing Person2 out away from you and, holding (his/her) hand high, you twirl ((him/her) gracefully across the ice. Person1 swings you out and, holding your hand high, (he/she) gracefully twirls you across the ice.
PACE You skate back and forth rather restlessly in front of Person2. Person1 skates back and forth rather restlessly in front of you.
POKE You skate away from Person2 then pull (him/her) back close into your arms. Person1 skates away from you a little ways then pulls you back close into (his/her) arms.
PULL You pull Person2 toward you and lean against (him/her) as you sweep across the ice as one. Person1 leans against you as you sweep over the ice as one.
PUSH You lift Person2 up high into the air and twirl over the ice with (him/her)! Person1 lifts you up high into the air and twirls over the ice with you!
RETREAT You skate backwards away from Person2. Person1 skates backwards away from you.
SHOVE You give Person2 a gentle shove, but (he/she) tumbles to the ice, arms flailing. You suddenly lose your balance as well! (both end prone) Person1 gives you a playful shove but you lose your balance and tumble to the ice in a heap. Person2 suddenly slips as well, oops! (both end prone)
SHUFFLE You grab onto Person2's arm and use (him/her) as a leaning post to unsteadily shuffle across the ice. Person1 grabs onto your arm and uses you as a leaning post to unsteadily shuffle across the ice.
SKIP You bound across the ice with Person2, your skates barely skimming the ice. Person1 bounds across the ice with you, your skates barely skimming the ice.
SQUIRM same as messaging for SKATE PERSON Same as messaging for SKATE PERSON (Bugged as of 12/21/24)
TEASE You skate up close to Person2 and give (him/her) a friendly tap. Person1 skates up close to you and gives you a friendly tap.
TURN You skate around Person2, keeping your eye on (him/her). Person1 skates around you in a circle, watching you closely.
WEAVE You skate up to Person2, catch hold of (his/her) waist and skate along behind (him/her). Person1 skates up behind you and catches hold of your waist, trailing along behind you.
WINK You skate in a circle around Person2, then catch (his/her) hand and continue skating easily over the ice together. Person1 skates around you in a circle, then catches your hand again to continue skating side by side.
WOBBLE You wobble unsteadily, nearly bumping into Person2! Person1 wobbles unsteadily and nearly bumps into you!

   JUMP : You leap into the air and land on one foot, gliding along the ice. 
   Others see: <Person> leaps into the air, landing on one foot to glide across the ice. 
   JUMP <Person> : You attempt a spinning jump to impress <Person>! At least you land solidly.
   JUMP <Self> : Multiple Messages 
   You do a double spin jump, landing with a slight wobble, but recover very nicely! 
   You attempt to do a double spin jump, you almost make it! Well, one and a half spins isn't bad. 
   You attempt to do a double spin jump, but actually accomplish a quite nice single spin. You land nicely however, with confidence and flair! 
   You attempt to do a double spin jump, but manage to only complete one rotation. 
   You skate slowly, building speed, then leap from the ice effortlessly to a double spin jump, land solidly, do another rapid spin on the ice and finish with a slight bow of your head! 


   SHUFFLE : You attempt some fancy footwork there, looking good!
   SKATE : You skate in a tight circle, with a slight flourish at the end. 
   Others see : <Person> skates in a tight circle, ending with a flourish. 

   SQUIRM : You sashay across the ice, wiggling your hips.