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SimpleMining (script)

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SimpleMining (script)
Category training,Forging
Front-end Genie
Author Lethan

This script mines out everything in the room before stopping. Easy to set up and ready to go.

Not that it takes EVERY kind of metal in the room, not only the rare one.

NOTE : This script can still blow up dangers... it seems that genie does not always recieve or DR does not always sends the danger warning message...

(Select All)
#First tool is when you start mining. Second is after you discover a metal vein
var firstTool pick
var secondTool shovel
#Container for the ore
var oreContainer bag
var toolContainer knap

##Do not edit those, for internal use only
var toolUsed %firstTool
var switchTool 0
var danger 0

counter set 0
action var danger 1 when (A bitter smell seeps into the air.|The ground rumbles ominously.|The floor shudders briefly, causing pebbles and bits of stone to cascade to the ground.|Unfortunately, you are unable to find any way around the instability in the geology.|continued mining will be somewhat dangerous)
action send 1 put $1 in my %oreContainer when (nugget|shard|fragment|tear) (are visible on the ground|falls to the ground)
action var switchTool 1 when SWITCHTOOL
send prospect danger
waitfor Roundtime
send prospect careful
waitforre (Roundtime|no additional resources)
send stow right
send stow left
send get my %firstTool in my %toolContainer

if %danger = 1 then goto Danger
counter add 1
if %c = 10 then gosub Prospect
if %switchTool = 1 then gosub Switch
send 1 mine
match Loop Roundtime
match FoundMetal faint glimmer of metal beneath!

send 1 put %firstTool in my %toolContainer
send get my %secondTool in my %toolContainer
var toolUsed %secondTool
goto Loop

counter set 0
pause 2
send 1 prospect
match Loop mined here.
match End Roundtime

var switchTool 0
if %toolUsed = %firstTool then
send 1 put %firstTool in my %toolContainer
send get my %secondTool in my %toolContainer
var toolUsed %secondTool
send 1 put %secondTool in my %toolContainer
send get my %firstTool in my %toolContainer
var toolUsed %firstTool

var danger 0
send pros danger
waitfor Roundtime
goto Prospect

echo #################################
echo All mineral mined!
echo #################################