Shrike's bounty

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Shrike's bounty at a Glance
Material Type Flora, Flowers
Colors Unknown
Rarity Quest-Only
Cultural Relevance
  • Hollow Eve material
Required for Alterations Yes

This is a thorny plant that vaguely resembles an extremely overgrown, yet somewhat sickly, rose bush. Its sparse leaves and woody stems are a deep, purple-black with spidery green veining which radiates outward from the long, thin thorns. These numerous needle-like protrusions have earned it the name shrike's bounty, and indeed, it is said to be held sacred in some circles who worship the dark Immortal Dergati due to the frequency with which it appears to attract Her symbolic bird. Though rarely appearing, shrike's bounty bushes do produce flowers. Night blooming and velvety-soft, the large blossoms range in hues of red from deep incarnadine to brilliant scarlet, and all bear an eye-like mark nestled within the center of their petals.

This item was introduced during the 410 Hollow Eve festival (2013).

Alteration Rules

This material is required for alterations.

Raw Material Sources


ItemSource isRarity is
Crooked e'erdream Dergati emblem hung from a briar tangle of shrike's bountySputkin's Splendors (5)Sputkin's Splendors (6)festival
Thornweave crafting satchel set with a perfectly preserved shrike's bounty blossomWhich Craft (1)

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