Shapeshaft (script)

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Shapeshaft (script)
Category crafting,Engineering
Front-end StormFront,Wizard,Genie
Author Pfanston


This script assumes you have some lumber to turn into shafts in the container that you keep your tools in. Only have as much in one stack of lumber as you want to turn into shafts. Right now it does not appear you need the shaping book to make shafts. I will not set up anything to stamp shafts if they can be stamped.

Note this script is set up for stormfront, wizard and genie. I have run it in all 3 front ends.

In the script I tend to put items in containers. But you can easily use stow left and stow right if your store help variables are set up I have the stow lefts and rights in here but they are commented out for the lines I tend to use. This script will also use all the lumber you have in your container1 so if you don't want it all turned into shafts don't put it all in the container1.

Other Shaping Scripts

This script shapeshaft.cmd is a subset of shaping scripts. The others are as follows:



A recent change was made to the making of shafts to account for bolt/arrow shafts:

parameters are .shapeshaft <container1> <type>

where type is bolt or arrow

example .shapeshaft bag arrow

Step 1 - Get shaper fron container, get lumber from container, shape lumber into shaft.
Step 2 - put shaper away, All shafts are done.

To run type .shapeshaft bag arrow

      or   .shapeshaft bag bolt

The only tool required to make shafts for arrows is a shaper. Your <container1> must be where you keep the tool and the lumber. Remember one thing in making shafts. Your shafts will be perfect if the lumber you use has a workability number that when you make the shafts they end up masterfully created. Second each shaft will handle 5 arrows. So if you use 20 count of lumber you will make enough shafts to handle the making of 100 arrows. I dont recommend having your lumber larger than 20 count for this. Even that may too heavy for younger folks. Do what you can put in the container and hold it. If you cant hold it. Mark my lumber at x pieces, get your scissors out, and cut lumber with my scissors. That will reduce the amount of Lumber used.


# example .shapeshaft bag arrow
or .shapeshaft bag bolt
# # This script assumes you have some lumber to turn into shafts in the container # that you keep your tools in. Only have as much in one stack of lumber as you want # to turn into shafts. Right now it does not appear you need the shaping book to make # shafts. I will not set up anything to stamp shafts if they can be stamped. # # Step 1 - Get shaper fron container, get lumber from container, # shape lumber into shaft. # Step 2 - put shaper away, All shafts are done. # # To run type .shapeshaft bag type # # where type is bolt or arrow # # The only tool required to make shafts for arrows is a shaper. Your <container1> # must be where you keep the tool and the lumber. Remember one thing in making # shafts. Your shafts will be perfect if the lumber you use has a workability number # that when you make the shafts they end up masterfully created. Second each shaft # will handle 5 arrows. So if you use 20 count of lumber you will make enough shafts # to handle the making of 100 arrows. I dont recommend having your lumber larger than # 20 count for this. Even that may too heavy for younger folks. Do what you can put # in the container and hold. If you cant hold it. Mark my lumber at x pieces, get # your scissors out, and cut lumber with my scissors. That will reduce the amount of # lumber used. # # This script has nothing special in it, so it should work in the wizard front end, # stormfront, and genie. In the script I tend to put items in containers. But you # can easily use stow left and stow right if your store help variables are set up # I have the stow lefts and rights in here but they are commented out for the lines # I tend to use. This script will also use all the lumber you have in your container1 # so if you dont want it all turned into shafts dont put it all in the container1. # Start: put glance match tool You glance down at your empty hands match stowboth You glance down to see matchwait tool: pause 1 put get my shaper from my %1 match shaftend1 What were you referring to? match shapeshaft You get match tool ...wait matchwait shapeshaft: pause 1 put get my lumb from my %1 match shaftend2 What were you referring to? match shapeshaft2 You get match shapeshaft ...wait matchwait shapeshaft2: pause 1 put shape my lumber into %2 shaft match stowleft Roundtime match shapeshaft2 ...wait matchwait stowleft: pause 1 # put stow left put put my shafts in my %1 match shaftend2 What were you referring to? match shapeshaft You put match stowleft ...wait matchwait stowboth: pause .5 put stow left pause .5 put stow right pause .5 goto start shaftend1: pause 1 echo *** NO SHAPER TOOL IN %1 *** exit shaftend2: pause 1 # put stow right put put my shaper in my %1 waitfor You put pause .5 echo *** OUT OF LUMBER *** exit