Shapeah (script)

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Shapeah (script)
Category crafting,Engineering
Front-end StormFront,Wizard,Genie
Author Pfanston


Any metal tool can be used to make shafts for arrows. Your <container1> must be where you keep the tool and the lumber. Remember one thing in making arrowheads. The basic arrowheads take about 150 skill to make without techs and those will not be masterful. Around 200 skill they will be unless you have techs, or career or hobby. Second each arrowhead will handle 5 arrows. So if you have 20 parts you can make 100 arrows.

Note this script is set up for stormfront, wizard and genie. I have run it in all 3 front ends.

In the script I tend to put items in containers. But you can easily use stow left and stow right if your store help variables are set up I have the stow lefts and rights in here in some cases, but they are commented out for the lines I tend to use. This script will also use all the parts you have in your container1 so if you don't want it all turned into arrowheads don't put it all in the container1.

Other Shaping Scripts

A recent change was made to arrowhead making to account for bolts for crossbows as well

This script shapeah.cmd is a subset of shaping scripts. The others are as follows:



parameters are .shapeah <container1> <part> <tool> <type>

example .shapeah bag claw hammer arrowhead
    or  .shapeah bag tusk knife arrowhead
    or  .shapeah bag tooth shaper bolthead
    or  .shapeah bag horn knife bolthead

This script assumes you have some critter parts to turn into an arrowhead in the container1. Only put as many parts as you want to do at one time in the container1. Right now it does not appear you need the shaping book to make arrowheads. I will not set up anything to stamp arrowheads if they can be stamped.

Step 1 - Get tool to pound with, get part to shape it with, if no tool/parts end.
shape the part.
Step 2 - put tool away, put arrowhead in container. Go back to step 1.
Step 3 - All arrowheads are done. Terminate.

where <part> = what is being made, claw, tusk, sabretooth, etc.
<tool> = hammer, knife, shaper, etc.
<container1> = bag, backpack, rucksack, etc.
<type> = bolthead or arrowhead


# parameters are .shapeah <container1> <part> <type> <tool>
# example .shapeah bag claw hammer arrowhead
#     or  .shapeah bag tusk knife arrowhead
#     or  .shapeah bag tooth shaper arrowhead
#     or  .shapeah bag horn knife arrowhead
# This script assumes you have some critter parts to turn into an arrowhead
# in the container1.  Only put as many parts as you want to do at one time
# in the container.  Right now it does not appear you need the shaping book
# to make arrowheads. I will not set up anything to stamp arrowheads if they
# can be stamped.
# Step 1 - Get tool to pound with, get part to shape it with, if no tool/parts end.
#          shape the part.
# Step 2 - put tool away, put arrowhead in container. Go back to step 1.
# Step 3 - All arrowheads are done.  Terminate.
# where <part> = what is being made, claw, tusk, sabretooth, etc.
#       <tool> = hammer, knife, shaper, etc.
#       <container1> = bag, backpack, rucksack, etc.
#       <type> = bolthead or arrowhead.
# Any metal tool can be used to make shafts for arrows.  Your <container1> 
# must be where you keep the tool and the lumber.  Remember one thing in making 
# arrowheads.  The basic arrowheads take about 150 skill to make without techs
# and those will not be masterful.  Around 200 skill they will be unless you have
# techs, or career or hobby.  Second each arrowhead will handle 5 arrows.  So if 
# you have 20 parts you can make 100 arrows.
# This script has nothing special in it, so it should work in the wizard front end,
# stormfront, and genie.  In the script I tend to put items in containers.  But you 
# can easily use stow left and stow right if your store help variables are set up
# I have the stow lefts and rights in here in some cases, but they are commented out
# for the lines I tend to use.  This script will also use all the parts you have in
# your container1 so if you dont want it all turned into arrowheads dont put it all in the
# container1.

  put glance
  match toolah You glance down at your empty hands
  match stowbothah You glance down to see

  pause 1
  put get my %3 from my %1
  match ahend1 What were you referring to?
  match shapeah You get
  match toolah ...wait

  pause 1
  put get my %2 from my %1
  match ahend2 What were you referring to?
  match shapeah2 You get
  match shapeah ...wait

  pause 1
  put shape part into %4
  match ahend2 You fumble around but can't
  match stowleftah Roundtime
  match shapeah2 ...wait

  pause 1
#  put stow left
  put put my %4 in my %1
  match ahend2 What were you referring to?
  match shapeah You put
  match stowleftah ...wait

  pause .5
  put stow left
  pause .5
  put stow right
  pause .5
goto startah

  pause 1
  echo *** NO %3 TOOL IN %1 ***

  pause 1
# put stow right
  put put my %3 in my %1
waitfor You put
  pause .5