Post:Why is thrown so inaccurate? - 06/17/2014 - 09:20

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Re: Why is thrown so inaccurate? · on 06/17/2014 09:20 AM CDT 1507
>>Why should they be inherently less accurate?

THROW is exactly as accurate as melee weapons on average.

HURL is slightly more accurate than melee weapons on average.

LOB is slightly less accurate than melee weapons on average.

I just tested and confirmed this appears to be working.

In melee combat you are usually more balanced, and this will bonus your OF and improve your chance to hit a little. Some melee attacks (CHOP, LUNGE, DRAW) have a small OF bonus. Thrown weapons also tend to be less balanced than melee weapons, and give less of an OF bonus there.

I think combined together this is creating the problems you are experiencing. But in my opinion it is more balanced than it was previously. Annoyed the hell out of me that thrown weapons were the goto weapon for PvP.

Thrown weapons work regardless of range. This gives the attacker an advantage when the enemy is trying to retreat or otherwise maneuver on the battlefield. It lets them tag enemies as they run by the room, or when the enemy tries to run by their room.

Thrown does not require many seconds of AIM time just to break even on the to-hit roll.

Thrown sidesteps an intended game mechanic that I am not allowed to change, via bonding potions.

With HURL you are almost guaranteed to lodge 1 thing while closing to melee. This is like an unlimited DoT for free.

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor \ Thrown Weapons, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.