Post:Why You DON'T PvP Survey - 07/02/2011 - 14:37
Re: Why You DON'T PvP Survey · on 07/02/2011 02:37 PM CDT | 2768 |
>>Q: Since PvP has a place in DR, are you comfortable with the potential of being ambushed/attacked/etc, without any context, pretext or even necessarily RP reasoning, by players who could be grossly higher than you, even though the number of players who would do this to someone set to Open is a very small amount of said PvP playerbase and should not be seen as an example of how people who enjoy PvP in DR as a whole behave?
I think it's important not to leave the roleplaying aspect out of things, here. Just because something happens to your character that you, the player, feel was motivated OOC'ly or perhaps had no IC motivation, does not mean that you cannot roleplay the situation. Just because you feel a kill had no IC basis doesn't mean that you have to respond to that in an OOC way. Unless the guy who ganked you starts yelling about Wal-Mart or Canadian foreign policy, it sounds like you're pretty free to continue to interpret what happened as an IC event. I guess I feel that preserving the RP setting should be a consideration. Especially in a case where there simply seems to be -a lack of- an IC reason, it seems to me that the real OOC act would be choosing to interpret the attack OOC'ly and involving staff. That is not to make any statement about the current consent policies or anything like that -- but sometimes I do wish that people would give RP a chance and see where that takes them. We always give folks the option to choose to let it go and RP it out at the end of a consult before we start investigating a policy violation, and since this is an RP game first and foremost, I do wish sometimes that people would choose to RP instead of choosing to bring things OOC. | |
This message was originally posted in The Social Side of DragonRealms \ Conflicts - Strictly Out of Character, by DR-MELETE on the forums. |