Post:Why You DON'T PvP Survey - 06/22/2011 - 23:49

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Re: Why You DON'T PvP Survey · on 06/22/2011 11:49 PM CDT 3451
<<It's not worth it for a PVP Open to conflict with a PVP Guarded/Closed because the Guarded/Closed is the only one in the conflict who decides if/when to escalate that conflict to PVP. >>

Wait. No.

A Guarded/Closed person cannot taunt, incite, bully, harass, or in any other manner "egg on" a conflict with an Open person (or anyone else, for that matter) and then turn around and say, "You can't touch me, I'm Guarded/Closed and I don't want to fight. Haha!"

That's absolutely and positively 100% not true.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player \ General Discussions, by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums.