Post:Why You DON'T PvP Survey (Heavy/Guarded) - 06/26/2011 - 22:54
Re: Why You DON'T PvP Survey (Heavy/Guarded) · on 06/26/2011 10:54 PM CDT | 3697 |
<<This is a terrible analogy, simply because you're insinuating that the GMs should be involved in every conflict that occurs if someone doesn't agree with what happens. DR is nothing like basketball at all. We're not two sports teams trying to 'win'. There just needs to be less GM interaction and more players settling conflicts on their own, to TRY at least and be a little more mature and less childish. I'm not suggesting Gms should be removed completely and I don't think anyone else either, merely that they are limited in when they pull individuals up for consults.>>
Actually, it's pretty much a perfect analogy. Plenty of sports players claimed other "favored players" like Michael Jordan or Peyton Manning get away with fouls and other violations just because they are "favored". Plenty of sports players know exactly where to stand and when to foul so the refs/officials can't see it. Plenty of sports players will take a dive trying to get another player in trouble. Plenty of sports players will blatantly break the rules, commit a foul, go out of bounds, etc. and still blatantly lie to the face of a ref/official if it isn't in their best interest to be truthful. Plenty of sports players say the amount of money their presence brings the league and owners should make up for their rudeness, their poor sportsmanship, and their bad attitudes. But despite all that, the solution isn't to have fewer officials covering the game, nor is it to just let them "settle it on their own". Commissioner Solomon | |
This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player \ General Discussions, by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums. |