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Post:Valkri's talk with King Raenilar ::LONG:: - 10/09/2011 - 17:21

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Valkri's talk with King Raenilar ::LONG:: · on 10/09/2011 05:21 PM CDT 1559
##For brevities sake I'm just posting the meat of this event. My cleaned log was still 28 pages long. If you really want it, contact me (AIM: Mordibar). Enjoy, Mordibar##

>Vizier Akil met us just outside of Arnshal Keep, from there we made our way to Hvaral and road the sand barge with us to Muspar'i. There was some discussion of the Ilithi visit to Muspar'i the previous day during the ride on the barge...

Akil says, "One of the military commanders from Shard came to Muspar'i." Akil says, "Makinng an announcment of thier party." Akil says, "Koromas was in town." Akil says, "He shot the fool who ran like a woman before Koromas could finish him." Valkri says, "Yes, we had some others come to Theren and Langenfirth, making a spectacle of themselves about this party." Akil says, "In the process King Arhhdan was angered." Akil says, "Muspar'i is neutral." Akil says, "We have apologized for our part in it." Akil says, "The tower has failed to do so." Akil says, "I beleive King Arhhdan intends to send a protest." Akil says, "And a demand for an apology." Valkri says, "I highly doubt His Highness will receive one." Akil says, "Then Ilithi can also be at odds with Muspar'i." Akil shrugs. Akil says, "The end of this story is Koromas found the King and told him the bare bones." Valkri says, "The King's tolerance of your tribe is probably a thorn in their side." Akil says, "Muspar'i is neutral." Akil says, "They tolerate everyone." Akil says, "The amusing thing..." Akil says, "Is that Ilithi considers us barbarian." Akil says, "We did not celebrate when we claimed our blood debt." Valkri says to Akil, "I cannot comment on that event." Akil asks, "Since when?" Akil raises an eyebrow. Valkri says, "Since my goal today is to deliver a message and make it back home." Akil says, "You will make it back home." Valkri says, "Perferable in one piece, and under my own power." Valkri says to Akil, "And beyond that, I made a promise to the Baron." Akil asks, "How does your Baron manage to not march on Ilithi and make them eat thier words?" Valkri says, "He's noble and not a war monger." Akil says, "They deserve to be put in thier place." Akil takes a sip of his water. Valkri says to Akil, "So many people do." Akil nods.

Akil says, "I have heard a rumor." Akil says, "Perhaps you can adress it." Valkri raises an eyebrow in Akil's direction. Akil says, "The Ilithians planned to assasinate the Princess." Valkri says, "It was something I caught wind of a while ago....only after I heard of the Baroness' condition." Akil nods. Akil points out. Court Advisor Valkri's group went over to a barge platform.

Akil asks, "Are they fools enough to earn another blood debt?" Valkri says to Akil, "I can't answer for them."

>From here we moved to the camp and into the tent where everyone had a seat on the benches.

[Outcast Encampment, Gold Silk Tent] A copper brazier sits on either side of a massive chair draped with a tawny gold lion skin. Behind the chair, a tapestry depicting moonlit dunes beneath thousands of sparkling stars stretches across the rear wall. In the center of the room lies a small round table covered with colorful maps and charts, and the remaining walls are lined with low benches. You also see a tent flap. Also here: Magess Eiysa, Lomelinde, Court Advisor Valkri, Gallant Marsais, Worrclan, Court Historian Erieck, Vice-Commander Hammerfist, Moraxis, Lieutenant Danaerys, Senior Commander Gwenddolyn, Lieutenant Scaevola, Siobhannic, Priestess Sesi, Knight Kenamer, Battle Chanter Craetos, Commander Rikilieta, Dragon Shielder Riban, Ambassador Zynara, Vizier Akil and Warrior King Raenilar who is sitting. Obvious exits: none. Riban sits down on the low bench. Lomelinde bows to Raenilar. With a graceful movement of her hands, Zynara lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Raenilar. Raenilar raises an eyebrow.

<everyone has a seat on the benches>

Raenilar fixes Marsais with a serene, lofty stare. Raenilar says, "I am told it's not possible to tell if my immortal really honors me or not." Marsais bows to Raenilar. Raenilar says, "You but only had to ask." You glance at Marsais, a male Human. Marsais says, "Your prowess as a warrior is legendary, King. Forgive me, please, but I could not resist the oppurtunity to gaze upon a legend with my own mortal eyes." Raenilar says, "Tribesmen." Raenilar says, "The benches are not for you." Lomelinde stands up. Raenilar smiles. Raenilar points to a spot by his chair Akil stands near a massive chair. Craetos stands up. Lomelinde stands near a massive chair. Craetos stands near a massive chair. Raenilar nods. Valkri glances at Lomelinde. Raenilar says, "Valkri." Valkri stands up. Valkri curtsies. Valkri says, "Your Highness." Raenilar says, "I have been away.." Raenilar says, "And I come back to someone from Ilithi celebrating the return of an outcast to the desert." Valkri gazes upward. Raenilar says, "Koromas sent him an ivitation to our kind of party." Raenilar says, "But I would hear the details now." Valkri lets out a long, contemplative breath. Valkri asks, "Your highness, when last we met you said you appreciated my honesty. Is that still true?" Raenilar says, "I value honesty in everyone, in fact I demand it." Valkri nods. Valkri says, "Very well then, I have been tasked as your ambassador, to deliver a message to you from His Grace which you might find upsetting." Valkri says, "And since there is probably no best way of telling it to you...I will state it plainly." Valkri says, "It appears, your sister shares in your family's gift of prophecy...." Raenilar shifts his weight. Valkri says, "However, unlike you she has been unable to find meaning and peace in her visions....and thus they have driven her mad." Valkri says, "His Grace..." Valkri says, "Has spared no expense, and exhausted every option of trying to bring her relieft." Valkri shakes her head. Valkri says, "But unfortunately, everything tried has failed." Raenilar's eyes flash red for a moment. Valkri inhales a great swallow of air. Raenilar asks, "What has been tried?" Zynara frets. Valkri says, "I cannot be certain, but seers, holymen, least." Raenilar nods. Valkri says, "And...." Valkri says, "Her condition has made her unfit to rule by His Grace's side." Valkri glances at Lomelinde. Akil blinks. Valkri quietly says, "And it is with much sorrow, that His Grace will be dissolving his bond with her." Raenilar grips the arms of his chair until they creak under the pressure. Valkri says, "His Grace's intent is to have her brought back to your people where she can be welcomed as a prophet." Valkri slowly empties her lungs. Raenilar leans back. Valkri says, "That is the message I deliver, your highness." Raenilar's eyes glow bright red. Raenilar suddenly flings himself on to his back from a sitting position! How very strange. Raenilar kicks his legs wildly into the air, lashing out at the ceiling! Valkri says, "And the reason for the celebration you heard....of." Marsais blinks. Raenilar stands up.

Valkri blinks. Moraxis blinks. Zynara blinks. You blink. Raenilar gets a damascened dueling iltesh with a curved guard in the form of a lion rampant from inside his black scabbard. You glance at Valkri, a female Elothean. Valkri frowns. You glance at Raenilar, a male Elf. Valkri quietly says to you, "It's alright." Erieck whispers, "Don't move...I fear its her duty now..." Raenilar yells, "Out."

>Everyone quickly exits the tent. Akil takes us into another tent and we are told to wait there. There is alot of discussion at this point in the group as to what will happen. Koromas comes in to remind us not to leave the tent, making a show of his bow. Eventually he comes back in to ask a few questions...

Viceroy Koromas came out of a tent flap. Koromas unloads his short bow. Koromas slings a copperwood short bow over his shoulder. Valkri glances at Koromas. Gwenddolyn pats Valkri on the back. Koromas puts his arrow in his thigh quiver. You stand near Valkri. Koromas says, "Tell me..." Koromas asks, "What visions does the princess see?" Valkri says, "I couldn't say." Koromas asks, "Then how do we know it is true?" Valkri blinks. Marsais whispers, "Didn't someone say they were disturbing?" Valkri says, "Because His Grace said so." You whisper to Valkri, "didn't the baron mention night sweats and terrors?" Koromas asks, "What else did his Grace say?" Valkri says, "His Grace only told us of night sweats and terrors." Marsais nods. From outside the tent you hear muttering and shouts. Valkri frowns. Zynara glances at a tent flap. Eiysa bites her lower lip and clumsily snaps her fingers. Koromas glances at a tent flap. Koromas says, "You know honor is at stake here." Hammerfist glances at a tent flap. Valkri says, "His Grace's honor is unquestionable." Gwenddolyn nods at Valkri, obviously agreeing with her views. Koromas asks, "You all agree with that statement?" Hammerfist nods. You nod in agreement. Erieck nods. Rikilieta nods. Siobhannic nods. Zynara nods. You say, "I do." Eiysa nods in agreement. Kenamer nods in agreement. Sesi nods in agreement. Danaerys nods. Moraxis nods. Valkri folds her arms across her chest. Valkri fixes Koromas with a calm, clear stare. Koromas says, "Stay here I will attempt to calm them." Viceroy Koromas went into a tent flap.

>Koromas comes back a short time later and tells Valkri to come with him, which sets our group into some very nervous chatter. They return a short time later, Valkri is unable to give us any real news though other then there was alot of discussion going on around her. Akil arrives and gathers us once again to take us to the King.

Vizier Akil came out of a tent flap. Akil says, "Join me."

<lots of joining>

Akil says, "You will have noticed the King was ..." Akil ponders. Zynara looks thoughtfully at Akil. Akil says, "Speechless and taken out of himself." Valkri glances at Akil. Akil says, "He needed time to consult with his immortal." Akil says, "He will speak with you now." Akil says, "If you are wise." Akil says, "You would do well not speak of his actions in an ill manner." Akil smiles. Vizier Akil's group went into a tent flap.

[Outcast Encampment, Campfire] Vizier Akil's group went into a gold silk tent.

[Outcast Encampment, Gold Silk Tent]

Craetos stands near a massive chair. Lomelinde stands near a massive chair. Koromas stands near a tent flap. Lomelinde bows to Raenilar. Raenilar says, "Tribesmen." Craetos bows to Raenilar. Raenilar says, "Advisor." Valkri stands up. Valkri nods graciously at Raenilar, giving him a polite smile. Raenilar says, "When I was younger." Raenilar says, "Before I took Shard." Raenilar says, "I was struck by visions." Raenilar says, "Only through the intervention of an immortal was I able to transcend them and carry out my calling." Raenilar says, "There is no cure." Rikilieta gazes sadly at Raenilar. Raenilar says, "Either you ride the visions or they ride you." Raenilar says, "I had hoped they would bypass my sister." Raenilar says, "Sadly that is not to be." Raenilar says, "So be it." Raenilar says, "We will accept her back to her clan." Valkri nods to Raenilar. Raenilar says, "And here she will be honored and revered." Raenilar says, "And perhaps one day have a vision of my sword at the throat of the mountain witch." Worrclan makes a cheerful grunting noise. Gwenddolyn nods. Valkri says, "That will give His Grace some comfort, knowing she will be well taken care of." Raenilar says, "Aside from that." Raenilar says, "And dealing with our treaty and alliance." Raenilar ponders. Raenilar says, "I will honor it." Marsais adroitly schools you in the time-honored art of Targeted Magic. Valkri nods to Raenilar. Lomelinde nods. Raenilar says, "Your Baron has been honorable to me so I will be honorable to him." Raenilar smiles. Raenilar says, "And there is an added bonus." Valkri raises an eyebrow in Raenilar's direction. Raenilar says, "It will make Ilithi angry." Zynara raises an eyebrow. Rikilieta appears to be trying hard not to grin. Raenilar chuckles. Valkri sighs. You try hard not to grin. Gwenddolyn nods. Moraxis tilts her ears forward playfully. Raenilar says, "Now." Danaerys chortles softly at some secret joke. Kenamer grins. (Valkri shakes her head slightly) Raenilar says, "As my sisters life is in danger from them." Raenilar says, "I will send men for her." Valkri nods to Raenilar. Raenilar says, "Perhaps Koromas and another." Raenilar says, "I will send Akil with word of when I am ready to do so." Raenilar says, "Tell your Baron I consider him a brother in honor." Valkri nods to Raenilar. Raenilar says, "It is best if you leave soon the clans are roused." Raenilar says, "I must speak with them." Valkri says, "Your Highness, a few minor things to clarify please." Raenilar nods. Valkri asks, "Her Graces handmaidens...if they so wish, might they be allowed to stay in Therengia with their duty completed?" Raenilar says, "Yes my sister will have accolytes once she returns here." Valkri nods. Raenilar says, "They will care for her." Raenilar asks, "I assume there is no chance she is with child?" Valkri shakes her head. Raenilar nods. Valkri says, "His Grace would not bring her here if she was." Raenilar nods. Raenilar asks, "What else do you wish to clarify?" Valkri asks, "Will the paperwork of the alliance need to be rewritten?" Raenilar ponders. Raenilar glances at Akil. Akil says, "I will see to it." Valkri nods. Raenilar says, "Paper is nothing it can be burned." Raenilar says, "Your Baron has my word." Valkri says, "Your Highness has been very..." Valkri looks thoughtfully at Raenilar. Raenilar asks, "Forbearing?" Valkri says, "Yes." Valkri says, "You are almost paradoxical." Raenilar says, "I am many things." Raenilar asks, "Then we are done?" Valkri says, "Hard to read being one of them." Valkri glances at Marsais. Raenilar asks, "You came here looking for death?" Marsais whispers, "Why did she glance at me?" You whisper to Marsais, "cause of what you did earlier" Valkri says, "Looking for death? No." Commending your thirst for knowledge, Marsais enlightens you on how to use the Targeted Magic skill. Raenilar asks, "Expecting it?" Valkri says, "Death looks for me often enough I don't have to ever go looking for him." Valkri says, "I expected more....outrage." Raenilar says, "Ahh." Raenilar says, "Well the visions are a consenquence of our blood." Raenilar says, "This is not the fault of your baron." Valkri says, "Of course not." Raenilar says, "Even here we would not marry one who is lost to the visions." Marsais shifts his weight. Raenilar says, "It is best you go now before people think I intend to keep you." (Valkri bites her lip) Marsais bows to Raenilar. Marsais says to Raenilar, "We will take our leave, your highness. I hope your sister can find some peace among her people." Raenilar says, "Step outside and you will escorted." Raenilar nods to Marsais.

>Akil escorts us back to Muspar'i...

[Outside Muspar'i] Akil stops you from following him. Valkri nods to Akil. Lomelinde bows to Akil. Marsais asks Akil, "I was wondering, Vizier. Your King has mentioned his Immortal numerous times. Is it impolite to ask who he has found favor with?" Zynara nods politely to Akil. Gwenddolyn says, "Thankye." Gwenddolyn nods to Akil. Valkri says to Marsais, "It is." Akil says, "Advisor." Valkri says, "Vizier, thank you for your assistance." Akil says, "Once your baron knows our answer." Valkri raises an eyebrow in Akil's direction. Akil says, "I would like it known that his Highness was both merciful and gracious." Valkri says, "It will be noted." Akil nods. Valkri nods to Akil. Akil bows. Vizier Akil went across a rocky trail.

Marsais says, "Meet on the ramp and I'll gate us all out." Court Advisor Valkri's group wandered up a metal ramp.

[Outside Muspar'i, Barge Platform]

Marsais says, "Gate to Theren in five." Marsais gestures. A brief wave of disorientation washes outward as reality itself tears wide open, forming an unstable Moongate around Marsais! Marsais is drawn through the unstable Moongate just before it collapses.

Valkri grins at Moraxis. Valkri says to Moraxis, "It was close there for a moment when the Baron's honor was questioned." A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly. Court Advisor Valkri's group went through a blue Moongate.

[Therenborough, Quadrangle] <safely home>

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Therengia Events, by PSHA on the forums.