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Post:Update to Gwethsmashing policy - 05/17/2018 - 10:17

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Update to Gwethsmashing policy · on 05/17/2018 10:17 1576
Gwethsmashers are intended to be a legitimate avenue for players to "self police" the gweth by temporarily halting another's ability to use gweths and gweth-like devices.

Some acceptable reasons for smashing another's gweths:
- OOC language
- Using 'emotes'
- Unsolicited direct messages
- Ongoing in-character and consent-based conflict between the smasher and the smashee
- Vulgarity or masked vulgarity
- Repetitive messages

Please note that in the above cases, a good faith effort should be made to notify the offender that they are doing something inappropriate. SENDing a private OOC nudge informing them that their behavior is problematic and should stop is a good place to start. We encourage players to treat gwethsmashing as a last resort.

Some unacceptable reasons for smashing another's gweths:
- You felt like it.
- They're in a conflict with your friend or spouse.
- They gwethed with an accent.
- You don't want them to obtain help via the gweth system.
- You don't like their name.

Gwethsmashing renders the user of the device OPEN for PVP for a period of four hours and will be ruled a NO-GM situation with the exception of misuse or someone harassing the gweth smashee. Unless this is the case, assisting/reporting on it is only going to get you a NO-GM ruling.

If a single individual is harassing you with a gwethsmasher, then it is handled under our normal policy for harassment. If you feel this is the case, you should not respond further to the character that smashed you. ASSIST (not report) and ask a GM to review the situation. If multiple people are gwethsmashing you for unrelated reasons, it may be time to reassess the contents of your messages or the tone in which you send them.

Misuse of a gwethsmasher could result in losing the ability to smash gweths for a period of 30 days. Repeated misuse could result in losing the ability permanently.

~ L

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players/Game Master and Official Announcements, by SIMU-LYNEYA on the forums.