Post:Tuesday Tidings 182 - something sooty (?) this way comes... - 08/15/2023 -12:25

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Tuesday Tidings #182 - something sooty (?) this way comes... · on 08/15/2023 12:25 2027
Today's Tuesday Tidings (#182!) is not-crafting but a new hunting area near Sicle Grove!

There's a newly found footpath near the ruined town that leads to a valley with some.. new creatures.

There are two sections - the main section is the new creatures at creature levels 67-69. There is also a premium section with the same creatures at creature levels 70 to 74.

These things have a spell attack and are immune to the most obvious type of attack for their type.

Mucho thanks to Paklin for QCs!

SGM Ulerith Creature Goddess and general dogsboddy

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players / Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ULERITH on the forums.