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Post:Tool Quality Fix - 10/30/2011 - 12:45

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Tool Quality Fix · on 10/30/2011 12:45 PM CDT 629
Howdy everyone! I tracked down and fixed a bug preventing techniques from properly bonusing tool quality.

The following should now provide a moderate bonus to the quality of your tools (capped at 99).

- Armorcraft Theory for Armorsmithing
- Weaponcraft Theory for Weaponsmithing
- Proper Forged Tool Care for Blacksmithing

Please let me know if you see anything funky going on with this!

Also, it is intentional that some of the forges have lower-quality tubs, grinding wheels and so on. The quality is never so low that skill and high quality ingredients cannot overcome it. The bonus from the techniques mentioned above will also negate their inferior quality.

Once I get some time, individual crafting halls will have their tool qualities rebalanced a bit. This is where premium or guild-only forges could have superior quality tools compared to mundane forges and so on.

This message was originally posted in Lore \ Bugs - Lore, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.