Post:The TDP Post - 12/18/2010 - 19:16:58

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Re: The TDP Post · on 12/18/2010 7:16:58 PM 8292
>>I don't know, I just feel more boxed in by the way this looks without the freedom of doing "whatever".

I think I understand your concern, but I want to see if we can use slightly more accurate terms for it, because, as someone else said:

>>...but everyone trains the same skills for TDPs now.

Freedom, insofar as we're discussing shaping your character's skill progression as you see fit, is not being touched at all. You are no more nor less capable of training whatever skill you want due to the TDP change -- there are other limits to the freedom of your character growth (such as "Barbarians can't learn Sorcery"), but this is not one of them.

You are correct to feel that you're losing something, though: you are losing the major incentive to generalize. Necrobob will no longer objectively be a better character for grinding up 200 ranks of Vocals as opposed to Necrodan who did not. Past your TDP thresholds, and entirely within your teritaries, you gain skills simply for whatever utility the skill provides.

I think it's a good change, since it puts "off archetype" training more squarely in the domain of personal interest rather than mechanical benefit. You can be a singing Ranger if you want, but you won't be penalized for not being a singing Ranger. A Barbarian can pursue crafts if he wishes, or a Moon Mage can pursue smashing people's faces in, and while it's true these off-guild pursuits do not immediately become superior statistics it should be pointed out that this is not the same thing as "having no use." Does anyone really think there'll be fewer Moon Mages training for combat for the lack of TDPs?

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic (4) \ The Experience System (11), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.