Post:The Gods and Undead and Cursed - 06/26/2013 - 10:25

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Re: The Gods and Undead and Cursed · on 06/26/2013 10:25 AM CDT 2145
It's unknown if the myriad demons are things from different planes, or if there is some home "demon plane" they all come from.

The only collaborating bits of evidence that exists is the entities from the Plane of Probability, which have been successfully classified as something that is neither god nor demon, despite having members that could very well be mistaken as either. Though not without some ambiguity there, either, since the Hunger was miscategorized.

It might get clearer if at some point adventurers find more... manageable sized demons that they can realistically study; right now anything that has been identified as "a demon" have been enormously powerful. Or that might be a characteristic of the demon "species." Who knows?


This message was originally posted in The Clerics \ General Discussions ~ Clerics, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.