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Post:The Big Post of Magic Techniques - 1/29/2011 - 20:41:38
Re: The Big Post of Magic Techniques · on 1/29/2011 8:41:38 PM | 12703 |
>>As I think about it more, it would be neat if the Throne City guy let NMUs buy spell slots and then they could buy the technique to memorize scrolls outside their realm, and memorize one spell (or buy a total of four spell slots to get the technique to allow a second scroll spell and they could memorize two spells).
It'll be clearer with the M3 stuff, but the M2 explanation is still as good as ever: NMUs lack Attunement. Without the quality of being able to sense and manipulate mana at a psychic level, all memorizing the complex geometric patterns of magic will do for a Thief is put him in good steed for Jenga. >>It does bring up the question of how spell slots are acquired from an in character perspective. Your guild leader can grant you slots, and a random guy in Throne City can grant you slots... Why? How? Spell slots are a game abstraction for the amount of time, mental energy and brain space you have available to commit an increasingly expansive amount of magical lore permanently to immediate recall. | |
This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic (4) \ Magic - Suggestions, Discussions and Thoughts (16), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums. |