Post:Survivalist feat requirement - 06/24/2020 - 18:41

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Survivalist feat requirement · on 06/24/2020 18:41 1509
>Does anyone know what the requirement for the Survivalist magical feat is? The wiki lists it as just Symbiotic Research but there seems to be a missing skill requirement too, since I already know that feat and Ozursus doesn't list Survivalist as something I'm eligible for and won't let me learn it.

The Survivalist feat requires 300 ranks in Augmentation and 200 ranks in Outdoorsmanship. You must also have learned the Symbiotic Research feat.

GM Cordulia

This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic/General Magic Feedback - CORE ISSUES -(CAST, PREPARE, HARNESS, PERCEIVE), by DR-CORDULIA on the forums.